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Fast Multihead Attention

This implementation has two main features :

  • A C++ implementation to avoid the CPU overheads of Pytorch found with smaller batch sizes.
  • The removal of all copies and transposes found in standard implementations of Multihead Attention.
Python Version C++ Version
Layer Norm and Residual Add Variant X X
Includes Linear Biases X
Reduces CPU Overheads X
Fuses masking with Softmax X
Removes Transposes and Copies X X
Includes Self and Encoder/Decoder Variants X X

How to Instantiate

SelfMultiheadAttn( hidden dim, heads, dropout=prob, bias=bool, include_norm_add=bool, impl='fast' ) EncdecMultiheadAttn( hidden dim, heads, dropout=prob, bias=bool, include_norm_add=bool, impl='fast' )

impl has two options:

  • fast uses C++ Version
  • default uses Python Version

Instructions to build on Linux

$ git clone
$ cd apex
$ pip install -v --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" --global-option="--fast_multihead_attn" ./

Try Performance Tests Yourself!

Perf test script is found here!

cd contrib/examples/multihead_attn

Fast Multihead Attention

python --ref

Fast Multihead Attention with C++ Implementation


Compare with torch.nn.MultiheadAttn

python --native

Test your own range!

python --seq-length 64 --num-seqs-start 10 --num-seqs-stop 120 --num-seqs-inc 5

Performance Comparisons

  • Performance was measured with 64 token sequence lengths on an NVIDIA TitanV card.
  • Time is measured across multiple layers to simulate an in model scenario.

Multihead Attention Forward Multihead Attention Backward