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Lambdas and Lets - pdb part 2

So, this project has been on hold for a long time now, but I always wanted to come back and do more on it. Curiously, it turns out that a honeymoon is an excellent time for coding on your pet-projects, especially if you hurt your foot so all you can really do for the last three days is lie in your hotel-bed. A week

Over those couple of days, I managed to get a bunch of stuff done on the pdb project:

  • Improve the REPL experience by using [rustyline]( instead of my own home-made prompt.
  • Move to a socket-based client-server architecture, which allows several concurrent clients.
  • Add support for parsing, typing and interpreting let-bindings, lambdas and function application, including proper HM-style type inference.

The socket-based architecture is still very rudimentary and prone to a lot of errors (it only handles one line at a time, for instance), but it was nice to get my toes wet. However, the big deal this time around is obviously the lambdas and let-bindings. Therefore, I’ll use this post to describe how I implemented everything in Rust. While type inference was a big part of this endeavour, I won’t spend too much time on it, as I’ve already covered HM-style inference in this old post. I did get some new inspiration from these lecture notes, but in the end, things turned out pretty much like in toyml.

Parsing function application

Extending the pdb grammar to include support for let-bindings, and lambdas wasn’t too had. I settled on a pretty verbose syntax for now, but my thought is that I can always go back and change it if needs be.

The syntax looks like this:

let f = lambda x -> lambda y -> x let n = 42 in f n 0 end

Adding the necessary productions to the pest-grammar for lambdas and let-bindings was easy enough:

letbind = { ( "let" ~ identifier ~ "=" ~ expr )+ ~ "in" ~ expr ~ "end" }

lambda = { "lambda" ~ identifier ~ "->" ~ expr }

However, function application turned out to be a bit harder. Basically, we want to allow an arbitrary number of expressions to follow each other, as in f x y z, where each of those can be any kind of expression. In particular, how does the parser for letbind know that end is a keyword ending the expression body, and not just an identifier?

The solution, turned out to be to add a list of keywords to the grammar, and explicitly prohibit the identifier production to produce any of those keywords:

keyword = { "let" | "insert" | "select" | "from" | "into" | "create" | "end" | "lambda" | "in" }

identifier = @{ !keyword ~ ('a'..'z' ~ ASCII_ALPHANUMERIC*) }

Then, replacing expr like so gets us the desired grammar[fn:1]:

term = { letbind | unit | tuple | record | int | bool | string | lambda | identifier | "(" ~ expr ~ ")" }

exprs = { term+ }

To turn the resulting parse tree into a usable grammar, I also needed to add a new parse_exprs function:

pub fn parse_exprs(mut exprs: Pairs<Rule>) -> Result<Expr, Error<Rule>> {
    let mut res = parse_term(;

    for term in exprs {
        res = Expr::Apply(


The interesting bit here is the handling of multiple successive expressions (or terms, in my weird terminology). We know that there’s always at least one expression (because of the grammar), so we parse that. Any successive terms turn the result into a nested Apply, and this guarantees us the correct precedence for function application, where x y z is interpreted as (x y) z instead of x (y z). I also had to extend the grammar for types to be able to handle a type like x -> y, but that was staightforward.

Speaking of the AST, here is how I extended Ty and Expr, respectively:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum Ty {
    Record(Vec<(Ident, Ty)>),
    Fun(Box<Ty>, Box<Ty>),
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub enum Expr {
    Record(Vec<(Ident, Expr)>),
    Let(Vec<(Ident, Expr)>, Box<Expr>),
    Apply(Box<Expr>, Box<Expr>),
    Lambda(Ident, Box<Expr>),

Pretty self-explanatory, although I will note the discrepancy between allowing multiple bindings in one let and only allowing one function argument at a time. That may be subject to future changes.

Interpreting lambdas and function calls

After parsing, the expression is typed using HM-style type interference and if the expression is correctly typed, we can evaluate it, which is where things get a bit hairy.

To give some context, when evaluating an expression, my interpreter turns it into an Object, which is a terminal value that can be stored in memory (and eventually on disk). For instance, an Expr::Int(i) is turned into an Object::Int(i). Obviously, a let-binding cannot be stored on disk as is, so it of course needs to futher evaluated. All of this is not too complicated, but what should happen when trying to evaluate a lambda-expression? The usual answer for interpreters is to create a closure of some sort, containing a copy of the current environment, but this is not quite as straightforward in Rust as in other languages. A first attempt at creating the corresponding Object constructor ends up looking like this:

Closure(Fn(Object) -> Result<Object>),

But quickly, we will run into the problem that a Fn trait is not sized, so we need to box it somehow, but a boxed closure is not clone-able in Rust, and it is easy to see why: How will the compiler know when all references to the boxed closure are gone? The solution that I ended up with, was to introduce a reference-counted indirection, in the form of Rc:

Closure(Rc<dyn Fn(Object) -> Result<Object>>),

Then, creating the closure object is straightforward, as is applying it:

Expr::Apply(e1, e2) => {
    let obj = eval(env, *e2)?;
    match eval(env, *e1)? {
        Object::Closure(f) => f(obj),
        other => unreachable!("{}", other),
Expr::Lambda(ident, e) => {
    let env = env.clone();
    Ok(Object::Closure(Rc::new(move |obj| {
        eval(&env.insert(&ident, obj), *e.clone())

What about the environment?

I should probably talk about the environment as well. To begin with, I implemented it using a simple HashMap, but the way it is used is really more like a linked list: I’m only ever adding stuff to it, and I make a lot of independent clones that need to be shared between different closures. I therefore implemented my own linked list, also using Rc:

pub enum Environment {
    Node(String, Object, Rc<Environment>),

impl Environment {
    pub fn new() -> Environment {

    pub fn lookup(&self, ident: &str) -> Result<&Object> {
        match self {
            Environment::Node(s, obj, inner) => {
                if s == ident {
                } else {
            Environment::Empty => Err(anyhow!("Identifier {} not found", ident)),

    pub fn insert(&self, ident: &str, obj: Object) -> Environment {
        Environment::Node(ident.to_string(), obj, Rc::new(self.clone()))

And now?

So with all this, I can finally define and use functions in my expressions. It’s not really very pretty at the moment (insert let x = 42 in x end into user) but it works.

A next easy project is to enable creating persistent declarations, such that functions can be reused. It would also be nice to add some builtin functions and operators for stuff like basic arithmetic. And finally, at some point, I have to think about adding abstract data types. Before I do so, however, I probably need to think about how that’s going to work in a database setting. For instance, should recursive datatypes be allowed, and if so, how should the be stored in memory/on disk?

That’s it for today however. Hopefully I’ll get more work done on this project before too long.


[fn:1] I realize the use of term here may be a bit confusing to people with more parser-experience than me, since it’s usually used to introduce precedence parsing for handling binary arithmetic operators. I’ll probably rename everything more sensibly when I want to handle that at some point.