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Improving a benchmark


I’ve recently begun work on a PhD at the university of Copenhagen, working on a parallel programming language called Futhark. The goal is to help address some memory allocation issues in the language, specifically by employing static analysis at compile time to avoid things like unnecessary buffer allocations. I’m still learning about the language and how to think about the generated GPU code, and to that end I have been spending some time trying to improve a benchmark program written in Futhark.

The Benchmark

The benchmark is called lud, it computes an LU decomposition of a given matrix in parallel, and it is from the parallel programming benchmark suite called Rodinia. Troels Henriksen and Cosmin Oancea have written the initial translations of the lud benchmark, which are available here. Specifically, I’m measuring myself against the lud-clean.fut implementation.

Let’s first examine how the initial Futhark implementation is doing compared to the original OpenCL implementation from Rodinia, both using block sizes of 16.

All benchmarks are performed on a Intel Xeon E5-2650 v2 2.60GHz computer with a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU. I am using version 3.1 of the Rodinia benchmark[fn:1] and Futhark at commit 73b44b1 (from 2020-01-14). In order to run the Rodinia benchmark, first compile the benchmark using make and then run the program to get 11 samples, discarding the first.

./lud -i ../../../data/lud/2048.dat

To run the Futhark benchmark, first auto tune lud-clean.fut, and then run the benchmark using futhark bench:

FUTHARK_INCREMENTAL_FLATTENING=1 futhark autotune --backend=opencl lud-clean.fut
FUTHARK_INCREMENTAL_FLATTENING=1 futhark bench --backend=opencl lud-clean.fut

Note that I have enabled incremental flattening, as we’ll depend on that for some of our later optimizations. To read more about incremental flattening in Futhark, read Data-Parallel Flattening by Expansion by Elsman et al.

Matrix sizeRodiniaFutharkDifference
64x6474.4 μs (RSD: 0.15)692.0 μs (RSD: 0.10)+830.1%
256x256285.2 μs (RSD: 0.07)2816.0 μs (RSD: 0.13)+887.3%
515x512566.6 μs (RSD: 0.09)5427.1 μs (RSD: 0.12)+857.8%
2048x20482189.1 μs (RSD: 0.01)99729.1 μs (RSD: 0.04)+4455.7%

As we can see, the Futhark implementation performs significantly worse.


The bulk of the work in the current Futhark implementation of lud is done by the four helper functions lud_diagonal, lud_perimeter_upper, lud_perimeter_lower and lud_internal. In Rodinia lud_perimeter_upper and lud_perimeter_lower are handled by the same function, lud_perimeter, but in the Futhark benchmark they’ve been split up into two separate functions. Let us first try to understand the implementation of lud_perimeter_upper and see how it compares with the implementation in Rodinia.

Inspecting the implementation

let lud_perimeter_lower [m][b] (diag: [b][b]f32) (a0s: [m][b][b]f32): *[m][b][b]f32 =
    let a1s = map (\ (x: [b][b]f32): [b][b]f32  -> transpose(x)) a0s in
    let a2s =
        map  (\a1: [b][b]f32  ->
              map  (\row0: [b]f32  ->   -- Upper
                    loop row=replicate b 0.0f32 for j < b do
                    let sum = (loop sum=0.0f32 for k < j do sum + diag[j,k] * row[k])
                    let row[j] = row0[j] - sum
                    in  row
                   ) a1
             ) a1s
    in map (\x: [b][b]f32 -> transpose(x)) a2s

lud_perimeter_upper takes a b×b matrix called diag which is used to multiply with and an array of b×b matrices or blocks called a0s. First, we transpose each block in a0S and then we do a parallel map over each block and another one over each row in the block. For each cell in the row we compute the dot product of the previously updated values in the row and a row in diag and subtract it from the original value. In Futhark notation, the value of each updated cell A[i,j] is dotprod row[:j] diag[j, :j], where row[:j] has already been updated. Although we are mapping over each row in the matrices, because the original matrix has been transposed, it is helpful to think of the parallelism as happening on a per-column basis. Each parallel map then has an inner loop that computes the actual sum.

If we inspect the hand-written kernel from the Rodinia implementation of lud, we can see that the two functions from lud-clean.fut have been merged into one, and we can see that Rodinia uses BLOCK_SIZE*2 threads, where the threads with tx < BLOCK_SIZE handle the upper perimeter and the others handle the lower perimeter. The loop itself however, looks quite similar to what we’d expect from lud-clean.fut. However, if we look a bit further up in the OpenCL implementation, we see that it is using local memory, and spends quite a bit of time moving the matrices to and from those local stores. Thinking about it, that makes a lot of sense, since we’ll have BLOCK_SIZE reads from each entry peri_row[j, tx], and reading from global memory is much more expensive than reading from local memory. The same goes for writing to peri_row[i, tx]. It’s reasonable to suspect that a lot of our performance loss is due to using global memory instead of local memory. Let’s see if we can confirm our suspicions.

To verify that lud_perimeter_upper uses global memory but is otherwise mostly identical to the implementation from Rodinia, we first extract the function into its own file, just to make the generated code easier to understand. We’ll need to change the function name to main or change the function into an entry, but then we can simply compile the code using

FUTHARK_INCREMENTAL_FLATTENING=1 futhark opencl lud_perimeter_upper.fut

and then dump the OpenCL kernel using

./lud_perimeter_upper --dump-opencl

The main bit of code that we’re interested in looks like this:

for (int32_t j_5811 = 0; j_5811 < b_5471; j_5811++) {
  float sum_5812;
  float sum_5813 = 0.0F;

  for (int32_t k_5814 = 0; k_5814 < j_5811; k_5814++) {
    float x_5815 = ((__global float *) diag_mem_5827)[j_5811 *
                                                      b_5472 +
    float y_5816 = ((__global float *) mem_5831)[phys_tid_5617 +
                                                 k_5814 *
                                                 (num_groups_5804 *
    float y_5817 = x_5815 * y_5816;
    float res_5818 = sum_5813 + y_5817;
    float sum_tmp_5862 = res_5818;

    sum_5813 = sum_tmp_5862;
  sum_5812 = sum_5813;

  float x_5819 = ((__global float *) a0s_mem_5828)[gtid_5615 *
                                                   (b_5475 *
                                                    b_5474) +
                                                   j_5811 *
                                                   b_5475 +
  float lw_val_5820 = x_5819 - sum_5812;

  ((__global float *) mem_5831)[phys_tid_5617 + j_5811 *
                                (num_groups_5804 *
                                 segmap_group_sizze_5803)] =

We can see that the loop is essentially the same as the hand-written one: each thread computes the values for its column in a loop. However, we also see that this version is using global memory, and of course there’s also the two transmutes before and after the main loop. Futhark doesn’t know that copying the entire matrix to local memory would speed things up. Inserting a single let a1 = copy a1 in between the two ~map~s would not help, as Futhark would recognize it as an unnecessary copy and optimize it away. We need to trick Futhark into copying the matrix into local memory.

Improving the implementation

We want to use local memory to process the matrices lud_perimeter_lower gets as input, in other words, we want to exploit intra-group parallelism. Each group should work on a matrix in the array of matrices. Each thread in a group should copy a part of the necessary matrix to local memory, and then when the whole matrix has been copied, the threads should start actually computing the dot products.

Our initial implementation looks like this:

let main [m][b] (diag: [b][b]f32) (mats: *[m][b][b]f32): *[m][b][b]f32 =
  map (\mat: [b][b]f32 ->
         let mat = copy mat
         in loop mat for im1 < b-1 do
           let i = im1 + 1
           let row_sums = loop row_sums = replicate b 0 for j < i do
                            map2 (\sum el -> sum + diag[i,j] * el) row_sums mat[j]
           let row = map2 (-) mat[i] row_sums
           let mat[i] = row
           in mat
      ) mats

We’ll note some key differences from the previous function:

  1. There is no transpose at the beginning and end of the function.
  2. After mapping over the matrices in mats, we copy mat to try and force it into local memory (and to be able to update directly in it).
  3. Instead of mapping over each row (or rather, transposed column) in the function, we loop over the rows and let each thread compute the sum of the cells above each cell in that row multiplied with the appropriate diagonal value. In essence, we’ve interchanged the loop and the inner-most map.

In all, the resulting function is semantically equivalent to the previous one, but we’re hoping that this new function is able to take advantage of intra-group parallelism. So, what does the generated kernel look like?

for (int32_t im1_5761 = 0; im1_5761 < upper_bound_5640; im1_5761++) {
    int32_t i_5762 = 1 + im1_5761;

    ((__local float *) double_buffer_mem_6291)[local_tid_6341] = ((__global
                                                                       float *) mem_6187)[local_tid_6341];
    for (int32_t j_5765 = 0; j_5765 < i_5762; j_5765++) {
       float x_5767 = ((__global float *) diag_mem_6183)[i_5762 * b_5613 +
       int32_t gtid_5680 = local_tid_6341;
       int32_t phys_tid_5681;

       phys_tid_5681 = local_tid_6341;
       if (slt32(gtid_5680, b_5612)) {
           float x_5769 = ((__local
                            float *) double_buffer_mem_6291)[gtid_5680];
           float x_5770 = ((__local float *) mem_6197)[j_5765 * b_5612 +
           float y_5771 = x_5767 * x_5770;
           float res_5772 = x_5769 + y_5771;

           ((__local float *) mem_6206)[gtid_5680] = res_5772;
       ((__local float *) double_buffer_mem_6291)[local_tid_6341] =
           ((__local float *) mem_6206)[local_tid_6341];

   int32_t gtid_5686 = local_tid_6341;
   int32_t phys_tid_5687;

   phys_tid_5687 = local_tid_6341;
   if (slt32(gtid_5686, b_5612)) {
       float x_5775 = ((__local float *) mem_6197)[i_5762 * b_5612 +
       float x_5776 = ((__local
                        float *) double_buffer_mem_6291)[gtid_5686];
       float res_5777 = x_5775 - x_5776;

       if ((sle32(0, i_5762) && slt32(i_5762, b_5612)) && (sle32(0,
                                                                 gtid_5686) &&
                                                                 b_5612))) {
           ((__local float *) mem_6197)[i_5762 * b_5612 + gtid_5686] =

That’s a big chunk of code, but essentially what is happing is what we want: the matrix has been copied into local memory and the computations inside the nested for loop all touch only local memory. There are still some global memory accesses left, for diag and for mem_6187, which I’m guessing is row_sums. How does the performance compare to our old implementation?

Input size of matsoldlocal_mat
128x16x1630.8 μs (RSD: 0.05)53.0 μs (RSD: 0.08)
128x8x823.1 μs (RSD: 0.14)36.3 μs (RSD: 0.09)
32x16x1628.6 μs (RSD: 0.04)50.1 μs (RSD: 0.07)

As we can see, the code is unfortunately not any faster than the old one. Our initial guess is that this is due to diag and mem_6187 still being global. Unfortunately, simply copying diag with a let diag = copy diag will get optimized away, and the resulting kernel will look the same as before.


lud_perimeter_lower looks a lot like lud_perimeter_upper, so we weren’t able to get any speed improvements there, but we were able to get some speedup in the lud_diagonal function. Here’s the old version:

let main [b] (a: [b][b]f32): *[b][b]f32 =
    let a_cols = copy(transpose(a)) in
    let b2 = 2*b in
    let a_rc = map (\ (i: i32): [b2]f32  ->
                        map (\ (j: i32): f32  ->
                                if j < b
                                then unsafe a[i,j  ]
                                else unsafe a_cols[i,j-b]
                           ) (iota(b2) )
                  ) (iota(b) )
    let a_rc = loop a_rc for i < b do
        let row_col =
            map (\ (j: i32): f32  ->
                    if j < b
                        if j < i then 0.0f32 else
                        let sum = loop sum=0.0f32 for k < i do
                            sum + a_rc[k,i+b]*a_rc[k,j]
                        in  a_rc[i,j]-sum
                        let j = j - b in
                        if j < (i+1) then 0.0f32 else
                        let aii = loop aii=a_rc[i,i] for k < i do
                            aii - (a_rc[k,i+b]*a_rc[k,i])
                        let sum = loop sum=0.0f32 for k < i do
                            sum + a_rc[k,j+b]*a_rc[k,i]
                        in  (a_rc[i,j+b]-sum) / aii
               ) (iota(b2) )
        let a_rc[i] = row_col in
    in map (\ (i: i32): [b]f32  ->
            map (\ (j: i32): f32  ->
                    if (i <= j) then a_rc[i,j] else a_rc[j,i+b]
               ) (iota(b) )
          ) (iota(b) )

and here is the updated (and much simpler version):

let dotprod [n] (a: [n]f32) (b: [n]f32): f32 =
  map2 (*) a b
       |> reduce (+) 0

let lud_diagonal [b] (a: *[b][b]f32): *[b][b]f32 =
  map2 (\x mat ->
          let mat = copy mat
          in loop mat for i < b-1 do
             let col = map (\j -> if j > i then
                                    unsafe (mat[j,i] - (dotprod mat[j,:i] mat[:i,i])) / mat[i,i]
                           (iota b)
             let mat[:,i] = col

             let row = map (\j -> if j > i then
                                    mat[i+1, j] - (dotprod mat[:i+1, j] mat[i+1, :i+1])
                                    mat[i+1, j])
                           (iota b)
             let mat[i+1] = row
             in mat
       ) (iota (opaque 1)) [a]
       |> head

You’ll notice that we have to use the outer map trick to force Futhark to use incremental flattening and to force it to copy mat to local memory. We have also introduced a new helper function dotprod, which allows us to be a bit more clear about what we’re doing (taking the dot product) without sacrificing any performance.

Input size of matsoldnewDifference
16x16292.6 μs (RSD: 0.12)142.4 μs (RSD: 0.10)-51.33%
64x64517.9 μs (RSD: 0.11)215.8 μs (RSD: 0.03)-58.38%
256x2562167.6 μs (RSD: 0.14)1260.8 μs (RSD: 0.03)-41.83%
512x5124181.1 μs (RSD: 0.12)2692.2 μs (RSD: 0.04)-35.61%
2048x204820156.6 μs (RSD: 0.12)19300.5 μs (RSD: 0.09)-4.24%

As we can see, there is a great speedup in the smaller input sizes, but it would seem like we run out of local memory when trying to handle the big inputs.

I have submitted the changed lud-diagonal as a PR to futhark-benchmarks here. Unfortunately, it seems like lud is still an order of magnitude slower than the Rodinia implementation. This seems a bit extreme, so at some point I’d like to investigate this benchmark a bit further.


[fn:1] I’ve written a simple patch to make the timing behavior more consistent with Futhark’s.