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The following are instructions to set up a production server for MarkUs.

The following steps are for installation on a machine running Ubuntu 20.04 and all examples given below assume that you are installing in such an environment. Some changes may be required if installing on other operating systems.

Create User

For security reasons, MarkUs should be run as a dedicated user. Either designate an existing user to run MarkUs or create one. In this demo we will assume that MarkUs is being run as a user named markus created by running:

useradd -m markus

Set up MarkUs Rails application

The following commands should be run as the user designated or created in the Create User section

Choose where you want the MarkUs source code to be downloaded and cd to that directory. This directory should be writeable by the markus user (the one created in the create user section).

Clone the MarkUs source code and change to the release branch

git clone
cd Markus
git checkout release

System Requirements

Install system dependencies:

Note that on ubuntu 20.04 the default nodejs version is less than the required node version for MarkUs (version 18). In order to install the correct version of nodejs, first run the script:

curl -o
sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends ./markus_1.0_all.deb

The following ubuntu packages are optional:

  • If you would like to enable optical character recognition for scanned exams and/or jupyter notebook rendering:
    • python3
    • python3-venv (required if you'd like to install python packages in a virtual environment)
    • python3-dev

Install bundler as a system gem:

gem install bundler -v 2.3.17

Update the default configuration options for imagemagick so that it will allow reading pdf files:

sed -ri 's/(rights=")none("\s+pattern="PDF")/\1read\2/' /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml

Install Ruby dependencies using bundler

./bin/bundle install --deployment --without development test offline

Install javascript dependencies using npm

npm ci

Install python dependencies (optional)

Skip this step if you do not want to enable optical character recognition for scanned exams or jupyter notebook rendering.

We recommend installing python packages for MarkUs in a virtual environment since that will keep the python dependencies distinct from other python packages that you might have installed on your system.

If you are using a virtual environment, make sure to point MarkUs to the location of the python executable in that environment by setting the python: configuration option in settings.local.yml

python: /path/to/the/venv/bin/python3

If this is not set, then the python3 executable that can be found in the PATH will be used (if it exists).

Install python dependencies for optical character recognition for scanned exams

pip install -r requirements-scanner.txt

If these dependencies are installed, it will enable automatic matching of student papers using optical character recognition.

Install python dependencies for jupyter notebook rendering

pip install -r requirements-jupyter.txt

If these dependencies are installed, MarkUs will render jupyter notebook files as html (converted using nbconvert), otherwise it will render them as plain text.

Configure MarkUs settings

For information on how to configure the MarkUs settings visit the Configuration page. Remember that any paths that you specify in the settings files should be readable/writable by the markus user.

Encrypt credentials

MarkUs is a Rails application and therefore requires a secret key to run in production mode (this key encrypts the application secrets, if any are used). Before continuing, run the following command (with the editor of your choice... vim is just an example):

EDITOR=vim ./bin/rails credentials:edit

to generate a secret key and encrypt any credentials. For more details, see the Rails Guide

Configure Database settings

MarkUs needs to know how to access the database. Database settings should be stored in config/database.yml. For detailed instructions on how to configure this file see the Rails Guides.

For example, let's say your postgres instance was running on localhost, on port 5432, and you can connect as user mypostgresuser with the password verysecret. Also, you want MarkUs to use a database named markusdb. In this case, you would write the following to the config/database.yml file:

  adapter: postgresql
  host: localhost
  port: 5432
  username: mypostgresuser
  password: verysecret
  database: markusdb

Note that everything is nested under production: because MarkUs will run in production mode.

Initialize the database

Now that the database settings have been set, create and migrate the database with the following commands:

RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle exec rails db:create
RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle exec rails db:migrate

Precompile static assets

MarkUs will run a lot faster in production if assets are precompiled. To precompile all static assets run the following command:

RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle exec rails assets:precompile

Configuring the web server

MarkUs will run a puma web server on localhost but to make it accessible on the internet you will need to run your own web server (such as apache or nginx).

Here are a few things to consider when setting up the configuration files for your web server (all examples are for Apache configuration, you will have to look up the nginx equivalent if necessary):

  • If you have enabled the rails.force_ssl configuration option you should make sure that you have a working ssl certificate for your domain. Certbot has instruction on how to set this up.

  • If you have enabled remote authentication make sure that:

    • the user name value is forwarded in the request header as the "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_USER" key
    • authentication is optional: since MarkUs supports both local and remote authentication, we don't want to force a user to use the remote authentication option if they can also log in with the local option.

    For example, you might have the following snippet in your apache config file when using shibboleth for remote authentication, making all routes under '/' optionally protected by shibboleth authentication and forwarding the "user" variable from the shibboleth authetication to the header:

    <Location "/">
      Require shibboleth
      AuthType shibboleth
      RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-User %{user}e

    Then in the configuration file set the url for shibboleth logins:


Git access

MarkUs stores student submissions in bare repositories on disk, if your MarkUs instance is using git repositories and you would like your users to be able to clone/pull/push to those git repositories from the command line (or local git client), you need to set up access to the git repos over SSH or HTTPS.

Git over SSH

To access git repositories over ssh, first make sure that your server can work as an ssh server by installing the openssh-server package (or similar) and making sure that port 22 is accessible over the internet.

Then, ensure that key storage is enabled so that users can upload their public keys to MarkUs by setting the following [configuration setting]((./

enable_key_storage: true

Then, you should set up the markus user (that you created previously) so that users can ssh to your server as that user but only so that they can access git repositories. Make sure you follow the next steps very carefully. You do not want to accidentally allow users to ssh to your server and be able to perform arbitrary commands!

  1. change the ownership of the lib/repo/ file to the user that runs the sshd process (usually this is root) and make it executable:

    chown root:root lib/repo/
    chmod u=rwx lib/repo/
  2. make sure the lib/repo/ script is executable (should be owned by the markus user already) and in the markus user's PATH:

    chmod u=rwx lib/repo/
    ln -s /app/lib/repo/ /usr/local/bin/ # for example, assuming /usr/local/bin is in the markus users's PATH
  3. create a .ssh/ directory for the markus user:

    mkdir /home/markus/.ssh # or wherever the user's home directory is located
  4. set some environment variables that will be used by the script by writing the following to the /home/markus/.ssh/rc file:

    export MARKUS_LOG_FILE=/path/to/some/logfile.log
    export MARKUS_REPO_LOC_PATTERN='/some/path/to/repos/'
    export GIT_SHELL=/usr/bin/git-shell
    • where /path/to/some/logfile.log is an absolute path to a text file where you want the log output to be written (this is optional)
    • where /some/path/to/repos/ is an absolute path to the location of the git repositories specified in the file_storage.repos configuration setting.
    • where /usr/bin/git-shell is a path to the git-shell executable installed by git. See the git documentation for more details

    If multiple MarkUs instances are running on your machine using relative url roots, then you can specify multiple repository locations for each instance. The MARKUS_REPO_LOC_PATTERN variable can contain an (instance) substring which will be replaced by the relative url root of the requested repository. For example, if you have two MarkUs instances running with relative url roots being csc108/ and csc209/ and repositories for each at:

    • /some/directory/markus/csc108/data/prod/repos/
    • /some/directory/markus/csc209/data/prod/repos/

    Then setting MARKUS_REPO_LOC_PATTERN=/some/directory/markus/(instance)/data/prod/repos will mean that requests for repositories at either instance will be discovered properly.

  5. update the sshd settings so that when users ssh as the markus user they will only be allowed to run git commands (and only on repositories that they have access to as determined by the .access file or the check_repo_permissions function (see Git over HTTPS for details). Append the following to the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file:

    Match User markus
      PermitRootLogin no
      AuthorizedKeysFile none
      AuthorizedKeysCommand /path/to/markus/root/lib/repo/
      AuthorizedKeysCommandUser markus
    • where /path/to/markus/root/ is the path to the root of the MarkUs source code so that /path/to/markus/root/lib/repo/ points to the script. You may have to change the file to be owned by the user that is running the sshd process (usually root). Feel free to also move the file elsewhere on disk if that is more convenient.
  6. start (or restart) the sshd process so that the new configuration settings get picked up

  7. Make sure that the repository.ssh_url configuration option is set up so that users will see the correct url to access their git repositories. For example, if your server is accessible over ssh as, you should set the following configuration:

      ssh_url: 'ssh://'

    so that users can clone repositories from urls like ssh://

  8. Make sure that the script can check repository permissions. This can be done in one of two ways:

    • Using the .access file: this method is deprecated but can still be used by setting the MARKUS_USE_ACCESS_FILE environment variable to a truthy value in the /home/markus/.ssh/rc file.

    • Using the check_repo_permissions function: this method is preferred. It requires that the markus user be able to access the database used by your markus instance. In order to do this, create a .pg_service.conf file in the markus user's home directory that contains access credentials. For example:


      The will look up the correct service to use to connect to the database in the following manner:

      • if your MarkUs instance uses a relative url root then the service name should be the same as the relative url root.

        For example, if your Markus instance is running at the url then the service name in the .pg_service.conf should be [something].

        Note that this means that the urls that clients will use to access the repositories will also include this relative url root (ie. the ssh_url configuration setting should be set to something like: 'ssh://')

      • if your MarkUs instance does not use a relative url root, the service name should be [markus]. If you would like to change this service name then you need to set the DEFAULT_SERVICE environment variable to the new name in the /home/markus/.ssh/rc file.

Git over HTTPS

To access git repositories over https use the git-http-backend program.

We also recommend restricting access to git repositories by creating your own external authorization script to ensure that only authorized users can access the git repositories.

An example Apache configuration might look like:

<Location /git/ >
  Require valid-user
  AuthType Basic
  AuthBasicProvider external
  AuthExternal authorizegit
  AuthName "MarkUs Git Repository"
  SetEnv GIT_PROJECT_ROOT /some/path/to/repos
ScriptAlias /git/ /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend/

(where you have previously set up an external authorization script called authorizegit in your Apache configuration)

Your authorization script should first authenticate the user and then it can check whether the user is authorized to view a given git repository using either the check_repo_permissions.rb script or the .access file (deprecated):

User authorization using the check_repo_permissions function

When setting up authorization protocols for this access, your authorization script should check who has permission to access which git repos by calling the check_repo_permissions postgresql function. This function takes 3 arguments:

  • the user name of the user requesting access to the instance
  • the course name
  • the repository name

For example:

echo "SELECT check_repo_permissions(:'user_name', :'course_name', :'repo_name')" | psql -qtA -v user_name=student123 -v course_name=csc108 -v repo_name=somerepo
User authorization using the .access file (DEPRECATED)

When setting up autorization protocols for this access, your authorization script should check who has permission to which git repos by inspecting the .access file in the repository storage directory (see the configuration settings).

Each row of this file is a comma delimited and contains a relative path from the repository storage directory to a specific repository on disk followed by a list of user names of people who have access to this repository. For example, if file_storage.repos is /some/path/to/repos/ and the .access file contains:


Then user1 should have permission to access repos at /some/path/to/repos/blah/group1.git and /some/path/to/repos/blah/group2.git, user2 should only have access to the first one. And user3 should have access to all repos in the /some/path/to/repos/bleh/ directory.

additional configuration settings

Finally, make sure that the repository.url configuration option is set up so that users will see the correct url to access their git repositories. For example, if your server's domain is and you're using the example apache configuration above, you should set the following configuration:

  url: ''

So that users will be prompted to clone their repositories from urls like:

Running MarkUs

Running MarkUs requires 3 processes which can be started with the following commands (run as the markus user):

  • to start the Rails server (runs the main MarkUs process):

    RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle exec rails server -e production
  • to start resque (runs background jobs):

    RAILS_ENV=production QUEUES=* ./bin/bundle exec rails environment resque:work
  • to start resque scheduler (schedules background jobs for later execution):

    RAILS_ENV=production QUEUES=* ./bin/bundle exec rails environment resque:scheduler

Running MarkUs with a relative url root

If your server's domain is but you want to make MarkUs available at a relative root like for example then add this as an environment variable when starting each of the processes (above). For example, to start the Rails server you would run instead:

RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT=/markus RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/bundle exec rails server -e production

Make sure that your web server configuration is updated to reflect this url as well as any configuration options that reference the url.

Adding Users

Users can be added and updated using the API but only as the admin user. To get the admin user's api key, run the following rake task:

RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/rails db:admin

Creating courses

Courses can be added and updated using the API but only as the admin user. To get the admin user's api key, run the following rake task:

RAILS_ENV=production ./bin/rails db:admin

Enabling autotesting

The autotester can be installed seperately from MarkUs on a different server (or the same one if you'd prefer). Here are the autotester Installation instructions.

Once the autotester has been set up, you must register each course that uses autotesting by providing the URL of the autotester through the API using the api/courses/<course_id>/update_autotest_url route.

Note that MarkUs requires autotester version v2.3+