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Overview of HyperRAM controller

I've split the HyperRAM controller implementation into six parts, but it is only the entity hyperram from the wrapper file (hyperram.vhd) that you need to use when working with the controller.

The six parts are:

  • The state machine (hyperram_ctrl.vhd), running in a single clock domain, same as HyperRAM device, i.e. 100 MHz.
  • The transmit path (hyperram_tx.vhd), using one additional clock at 100 MHz that is phase shifted 90 degrees.
  • The receive path (hyperram_rx.vhd), using one additional clock at 200 MHz for controlling the input delay.
  • A custom-made shallow (two-element) asynchronous FIFO (hyperram_fifo.vhd) that is used as part of the receive path.
  • The initial configuration of the HyperRAM (hyperram_config.vhd), used to set up e.g. the latency mode.
  • An optional fix for an errata (hyperram_errata.vhd) that is relevant for ISSI revision D dies.

The above six entities are described in more detail in the following:


This is the HyperRAM "configurator". It performs two functions:

  • Wait until the HyperRAM device is operational after reset.
  • Perform a write to configuration register 0 to set the latency mode to "variable".

I've chosen to implement it as an Avalon MM "sandwich" to be connected directly between the client and the main state machine. This makes it very easy to pull out this module if your design requires that.


This is an optional errata fix. It's sole purpose is to work around a bug in the ISSI revision D dies.

The bug causes all single-word writes to fail (not committed to memory). The fix is to convert these to double-word writes, where the second word has byte-enable set to false.

This module is also implemented as an Avalon MM "sandwich" to be connected directly between the client and the main state machine. This makes it very easy to pull out this module if your design requires that. Currently, it's presence is controlled by the top-level generic G_ERRATA_ISSI_D_FIX, which is default true.


This is the main state machine of the HyperRAM controller. The purpose is to implement the HyperBus protocol, i.e. to decode the Avalon MM requests and generate the control signals for the HyperRAM device.

The user interface to the HyperRAM controller is a 16-bit Avalon Memory Map interface with support for burst operations. This is a very common bus interface, and quite easy to use.


This handles the transmit data, i.e. the path from the HyperRAM controller to the device. It uses one additional clock at 100 MHz that is phase shifted 90 degrees.

The phase shifted clock is used to delay the HyperRAM clock signal CK relative to the transitions on the output DQ signal. This ensures correct values of the timing parameters t_IS and t_IH during WRITE operation, see later section on Timing Parameters.


This handles the receive data, i.e. the path from the HyperRAM device to the controller. It uses one additional clock at 200 MHz for controlling the input delay. Data (DQ) from the HyperRAM device arrives synchronuous with the RWDS signal. In other words, the RWDS signal functions as a source synchronous clock, except it is not free-running.

The RWDS signal has a second purpose as well, in that it indicates the latency of the current transaction. The RWDS signal is therefore also fed to the main HyperRAM controller as a data signal.

The receive path delays the RWDS signal by 90 degrees using an IDELAY primitive, and then uses this as a clock signal to sample the DQ input, see the following timing diagram:

timing diagram

The receive path is shown in the following block diagram.

block diagram

The output of the IDDR block is synchronous with the RWDS signal, so we feed the output into an asynchronous FIFO, see the following.

However, since the RWDS signal is not free-running, we are "missing" a clock pulse needed by the FIFO. This is overcome by reading one extra word from memory (sending one more clock pulse on the CK pin), and then skipping the first word out of the FIFO.


This is a shallow (two-element) asynchronous FIFO. The input and output data rates are assumed to be the same (100 MHz), so the only purpose is to generate an output that is synchronous to the main clock of the controller.

Writing to the FIFO stores the data alternately in two difference sets of input registers. This guarantees that each input register is stable for at least two clock cycles. The current write pointer is encoded as a two-bit gray code. The gray code ensures that each bit in the write pointer is stable for at least two clock cycles as well.

The write pointer and input registers are then transferred to the main clock domain, with the extra caveat that the write pointer has an extra synchronization register (three instead of two).

Finally, the FIFO outputs data one word at a time, whenever the write pointer is different from the read pointer.

Timing Parameters

The timing parameters are given in the table below (taken from Table 10.3 of the documentation):

Parameter                                | Symbol | Min  | Max  | Unit
Chip Select High Between Transactions    | t_CSHI | 10.0 |  -   | ns
HyperRAM Read-Write Recovery Time        | t_RWR  | 40   |  -   | ns
Chip Select Setup to next CK Rising Edge | t_CSS  |  3   |  -   | ns
Data Strobe Valid                        | t_DSV  |  -   | 12   | ns
Input Setup                              | t_IS   |  1.0 |  -   | ns
Input Hold                               | t_IH   |  1.0 |  -   | ns
HyperRAM Read Initial Access Time        | t_ACC  | 40   |  -   | ns
Clock to DQs Low Z                       | t_DQLZ |  0   |  -   | ns
HyperRAM CK transition to DQ Valid       | t_CKD  |  1   |  7   | ns
HyperRAM CK transition to DQ Invalid     | t_CKDI |  0.5 |  5.2 | ns
Data Valid                               | t_DV   |  2.7 |  -   | ns
CK transition to RWDS valid              | t_CKDS |  1   |  7   | ns
RWDS transition to DQ Valid              | t_DSS  | -0.8 |  0.8 | ns
RWDS transition to DQ Invalid            | t_DSH  | -0.8 |  0.8 | ns
Chip Select Hold After CK Falling Edge   | t_CSH  | 0    |  -   | ns
Chip Select Inactive to RWDS High-Z      | t_DSZ  | -    |  7   | ns
Chip Select Inactive to DQ High-Z        | t_OZ   | -    |  7   | ns
HyperRAM Chip Select Maximum Low Time    | t_CSM  | -    |  4.0 | us
Refresh Time                             | t_RFH  | 40   |  -   | ns

The symbol names refer to the following figure (taken from the Cypress HyperRAM datasheet): timing diagram