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lascarctl: lascar command-line tool

lascarctl is a command-line tool used to implement repetitive actions that are needed when doing side-channel analysis.

spo@zen:~$ lascarctl --help
Usage: lascarctl [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


  lascar scripting commands.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  acquisition  Acquire side-channel data.
  info         Get information on an Hdf5Container
  processing   Process (modify) a container, and output to a new one.
  run          Run a lascar session on a container.
  ttest        Compute Welch-ttest on containers.

For now, only a few commands are available and will be described in this document.

Please note that for the moment, lascarctl commands works with Hdf5Container

lascarctl acquisition command

With this command, you can easily setup your acquisitions.

For the purpose of the command explanation, let's say we have an oscilloscope connected to a smartcard reader on which we launch some crypto for side-channel evaluation.

With the lascarctl acquisition command, you can set up your aquisition toolchain. For that, you'll need to implement a leakage getter and a value getter

Nevermind what type of source it is, a getter is a python class such that:

  • the class implements a get() method,
  • the get() method does not need argument (except the self),
  • the get() method returns a np.array

Now, for our example, imagine the python module

class MyOscilloscope:
    def __init__(self, foo):
        self.scope = foo
    def get(self):
        return self.scope.get_trace(channel=1)
class MySmartReader: 
    def __init__(self, bar):
        self.smartcard = bar
    def get(self):
        plaintext = np.random.randint(0,256,16)
        return plaintext

where you implement the correct getters class/methods to communicate with both the smartcard and the oscilloscope.

Then the command:

lascarctl acquisition --value_getter MySmartReader --leakage_getter MyOscilloscope --number_of_traces 1000 --output filename.h5

will process to an acquisition of 1000 traces throught the oscilloscope/smartreader into a hdf5 file.

lascarctl info command

The lascarctl info provides information on an Hdf5Container. For instance:

spo@zen:~$ lascarctl info foo.h5 
Container with 10 traces. leakages: [(26,), float64], values: [(), [('plaintext', 'u1', (16,)), ('key', 'u1', (16,))]]. 

The displayed info is:

  • number of traces: 10
  • leakage shape/dtype: each leakage has 26 float64
  • value shape/dtype: each value is a singleton of a special numpy datatype. Each value is composed of 16 bytes under plaintext field, and of 16 bytes under key field

lascarctl processing command

The lascarctl processing command is used to modify the traces from a Hdf5Container, and to store them into a new Hdf5Container.

This command is used when you want to reshape, chunk and most of all resynchronize your side-channel traces.

spo@zen:~$ lascarctl processing --help
Usage: lascarctl processing [OPTIONS] [NAME_IN]...

  Process (modify) a container, and output to a new one. (ie apply a
  function on leakages and/or values of the container)

  - names_in : names of the container you want to process

  -o, --name_out TEXT             indicate the name for the output file (hdf5
                                  for now).
  -l, --leakage_processing TEXT...
                                  indicate leakage_processing module_name and
  -v, --value_processing TEXT...  indicate value_processing module_name and
  -b, --batch_size INTEGER        set the batch_size for lascar session
  -p, --plot                      boolean to plot traces while acquisition
  -n, --number_of_traces INTEGER  indicate the number of traces you wish to

The user must indicate a filename for the input Hdf5Container. If he/she wants to modify the leakages and/or the values, the user can implement a python function inside a module and use this an an argument of --leakage_processing and/or --value_processing.

For instance, imagine that we want to take the traces from an existing Hdf5Container (say foo.h5), and modify them such that we will square all the leakages.

We first write a file such this one:

def square(leakage):
  return leakage**2

Then we can use the command:

lascarctl processing foo.h5 -l square -o bar.h5

At the end, we get a new Hdf5Container bar.h5 such that all the leakages from bar.h5 are the square of the leakages from foo.h5

Of course this is a very simple example. But imagine a much more sophisticated synchronization function. It could be use in the very same manner to apply a synchronization to a large set of traces.

A few words about the -p --plot option. It can be used to plot the processed leakages. You can then use it to check that your processing is consistant (for debug/test purpose)

For intance:

lascarctl processing foo.h5 -p -n 3

will plot the first 3 leakages from foo.h5.

But more interesting:

lascarctl processing foo.h5 -l square -p -n 3

will takes the 3 first leakages from foo.h5, apply the square function defined, and plot the resulting leakages on the screen, without saving anything.

lascarctl run command

The run command is used when you want to launch a lascar Session with engines/output_method that you indicate through the command line.

Usage: lascarctl run [OPTIONS] [NAME_IN]... MODULE

  Run a lascar session on a container.

  Must specify: 
  - name_in : the name of the container file (hdf5 for now) -
  - module : path to a python module containing engines/output_method

  -e, --engines TEXT              specify engines name within module
  -o, --output_method TEXT        specify output_method name within module
  -b, --batch_size INTEGER        set the batch_size for lascar session
  -n, --number_of_traces INTEGER  indicate the number of traces you wish to
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

For instance, if I want to compute two simple SNRs on side-channel traces stored inside a foo.h5 Hdf5Container. I have to create a python module, say, that defines:

  • engines: what will be the engines to be computed by the Session
  • output_method: how the Session will output the results of the engines
from lascar import *

engines = [  #define all your engines here:
    SnrEngine("snr byte 8", lambda value:value["plaintext"][8], range(256)),
    SnrEngine("snr byte 12", lambda value:value["plaintext"][12], range(256))

output_method = MatPlotLibOutputMethod(*engines) # define your output_method here

Now the command

lascarctl run foo.h5

will perform the defined SNRs on the traces from foo.h5, and use matplotlib to display the results.

lascarctl ttest command

The ttest command is used to compute Welsh's t-test using pre-sorted sets (plural) of side-channel traces.

spo@zen:~$ lascarctl ttest --help
Usage: lascarctl ttest [OPTIONS] [NAMES_IN]...

  Compute Welch-ttest on containers.

  Each set of trace represent a different class for the ttest. (no
  partitioning done)

  For each pair of set of trace, a ttest is computed.

  -b, --batch_size INTEGER  set the batch_size for lascar session
  -o, --name_out TEXT the ttests to name_out
  -p, --plot                plot the computed ttests with matplotlib
  --help                    Show this message and exit.

When using Welsh's t-test on side-channel traces, we define a criterion dividing the traces between 2 batches. For instance:

  • fixed_plaintext versus random_plaintext
  • fixed_plaintext versus fixed2_plaintext
  • ...

Now, if during your acquisition you have several set of traces, such that, for instance:

  • fixed_plaintext.h5 is a Hdf5Container with traces such that the plaintext is fixed
  • random_plaintext.h5 is a Hdf5Container with traces such that the plaintext is random
  • fixed2_plaintext.h5 is a Hdf5Container with traces such that the plaintext is fixed to a different value than fixed_plaintext.h5

Then you can use the lascarctl ttest command to compute the Welsh's ttest of all the couples described berfore:

  • fixed_plaintext versus random_plaintext
  • fixed2_plaintext versus random_plaintext
  • fixed_plaintext versus fixed2_plaintext

The command:

lascarctl ttest fixed_plaintext.h5 random_plaintext.h5 fixed2_plaintext.h5 -o 

will compute the 3 ttests, and output them into a npy file. The --plot option will also use matplotlib to display the 3 ttest curves.