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Releases: Kometa-Team/Kometa


24 Aug 05:08
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New Features

Closes #365 Adds collection_level which can be set to season or episode to create collections of that type from plex_search or trakt_list builders
Closes #366 Doesn't map Other Video libraries
Adds revert_overlay which when added to an overlay collection and set to true, it will revert all overlays back to their original posters
Adds mal_studio

Bug Fixes

Fixes #363 Fixes indent issue
Fixes #367 Fix Trakt trending
Fixes anilist_search
Fixes plex_search and smart_filter to work for every attribute in the UI


16 Aug 05:46
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Requirments Update (requirements will need to be reinstalled)

Updated PlexAPI requirement to 4.7.0
Updated arrapi requirement to 1.1.2
Updated tmdbv3api requirement to 1.7.6
removed requirement

New Features

Added From @Critical-Impact #331 - AniDB Authentication for mature content in the AniDB Builders and the new anidb_tag Collection Builder.
Added From @axsuul #351 - Adds first_episode_aired Collection Filter
Adds last_episode_aired Collection Filter
Closes #306 - Adds a Session to PMM so it won't open as many connections.
Closes #308 - Adds Custom sorting to collections. Use collection_order: custom with a max of one builder per collection.
Closes #348 - PMM only runs missing when it's needed.
Part of #341 - Adds validate_builders as a collection detail which will cause the collection to continue if a builder fails.
Closes #317 - Adds stevenlu_popular as a collection builder that uses Steven Lu's Popular Movies List to get a Movie List.
Closes #336 - Adds missing_only_released to settings at all levels which when set to true will filter missing items from a collection that have yet to be released.
Closes #328 - Adds create_asset_folders which when set to true while using assets_for_all PMM will create the Movie/Shows Folder for assets to be placed in.
Closes #316 - Adds mass_trakt_rating_update to update every movie/show's user rating in the library to match your custom rating on Trakt if there is one.
Closes #347 - Adds mal_genre and mal_producer Collection Builders.
Closes #360 - Adds folder as an option for metadata_path which will run every YAML file in the folder as a metadata file.
Closes #318 - Adds anilist_search detailed on the Anilist Builders Page.
Adds direct IMDb mapping for the cache
Adds show_filtered, show_missing, save_missing, and item_assets as Collection Level Details.
Adds --no-missing parameter to have PMM run without any of the missing movie/show functions.
Adds tvdb as an option for mass_genre_update.

Bug Fixes

Fixes #166 Trakt Usernames with spaces or special characters should now work
Fixes #335 Fixed Display of Season and Episode Numbers.
Fixes Letterboxd lists.
Fixes Overlay and change its management from the PMM cache to labels in Plex. (This updates automatically)
Fixes item_radarr_tag and item_sonarr_tag so they will add the tag to missing items that already exist in Radarr/Sonarr.
Various other small fixes


12 Jul 18:17
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Fixed No Attribute Error when using build_collection: false
Fixed bug in tag removal that caused PMM to remove all tags


08 Jul 18:53
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Fixes #323 duplicated collections
Filters now work with overlays and other item edits
collection_mode now works for smart collections


06 Jul 21:01
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Fixes Multiple Overlay bugs
Fixes 500 Error Bug
Fixes resolution for shows


05 Jul 01:05
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Requirments Update (requirements will need to be reinstalled)

Updated PlexAPI requirement to 4.6.1
Added pillow requirement
Added arrapi requirement

New Features

Shows Loading output now
Closes #260 Added the ability to change the visible options of a collection with visible_library, visible_home, and visible_shared
Closes #263 Plex Assets only update when changed now
Closes #286 Added .regex modifier to String and Date Collection Filter.
Closes #287 Added poster overlay detailed here
Closes #290 Added item_radarr_tag, item_radarr_tag.sync, item_radarr_tag.remove, item_sonarr_tag, item_sonarr_tag.sync and item_sonarr_tag.remove which can be used to edit the tags of the movies/series in the collection in radarr/sonarr
Closes #296 Display message when assets folder isn't found
Closes #307 to update item assets in a collection you now must use item_assets: true in the collection config
Closes #313 Added split_duplicates as a Library Attribute which will split apart all duplicates at the beginning of every run
Added a new history Collection Filter.
Added ICheckMovies Builders icheckmovies_list and icheckmovies_list_details

Bug Fixes

Fixes #293
Fixed IMDb Conversion Error
Various other small fixes


30 May 21:09
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New Features

Item edits can be done while using build_collection: false
Adds more options to Smart Filter and Plex Search. smart_filter and plex_search now have all the same attributes and plex_search now uses and and all to match Plex's Advance Filters
Adds more options to Collection Filters.

Bug Fixes

Fixes #278: mass_update fix
Fixes #280: blank smart searches fail instead of corrupting your plex DB
Various other small fixes


26 May 06:07
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New Features

Adds logging sections and Collection Run Time
Adds the ability to run the script at multiple times in one day
Closes #274 - Adds --no-countdown flag to not display the countdown while the script waits to run

Bug Fixes

Fixes .remove for tags
Fixes #267 - speed up IMDb
Fixes #268 - Added smart collection validation
Fixes various small errors


20 May 03:41
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Added pathvalidate requirement (requirements will need to be reinstalled)

New Features

Adds better logging
Adds --collections-only and --libraries-only flags to only run parts of PMM
Adds .remove to any details that could use .sync to only remove tags
Closes #235 - use radarr_add_all or sonarr_add_all as a Library Attribute to add all items in your plex library
Closes #245 - Adds build_collection which when set to false
Closes #247 - hdr added to smart_filter
Closes #248 - Smart Collections now can edit the items inside them

Bug Fixes

Fixes #258 - faster loading of item guids
Fixes various small errors


17 May 20:16
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Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue where smart_label collections wouldn't change sort type
Fixed an issue where sync_mode: sync wasn't removing items no longer in the collection