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Example Application

This chapter includes a functioning Verilog example of a working (simulated!) computer using the KCP53000 processor core. The purpose of this example is not to illustrate a complete design; rather, it aims to show one method you can use to integrate the KCP53000 into your own designs.

By the end of this chapter, you will have a computer:

  • with a bank of ROM 256 bytes in size, arranged as 64 words by 32 bits,
  • with a memory bridge that supports byte, half-word, word, and double-word transfers, and,
  • with a custom I/O register implemented as a custom CSR.

This computer is aware that it's running inside a Verilog simulation, and thus provides a means to terminate the simulation via its custom I/O register.


The computer needs to provide the following output facilities. We arbitrarily decide on CSR address 255 ($0FF) for the output register.


63:nn 11 10:3 2 1 0

Displaying Text

Software can write characters to the Verilog console by sending 8-bit characters in CHAR. To do this, START must be 1, and STOP must be 0. For example, to display the letter A to the console:

addi t0, x0, $141           ; ASCII code for A, with start bit prefixed
slli t0, t0, 3              ; Shift into position
csrrw x0, t0, output        ; Send/display the character.

Our example computer is aware it's running in Verilog, and so we don't bother implementing a proper UART. However, for completeness, we will emulate an instantaneous baud rate, so that reads from the OUTPUT CSR will report a fully transmitted byte: START and CHAR will read as 0, while STOP is 1.

Terminating the Simulation

When the program completes, we would like the simulation to finish with a success or failure indication. This facilitates using this logic in automated testing environments, such as Travis CI.

Software can accomplish this by setting the EXIT bit in OUTPUT. Note that this terminates the simulation completely; no instructions thereafter will execute.

The FAIL bit makes sense only when exiting. If set, it means that some test has failed, and Verilog will produce a failure message. This message can be sought using "grep" and, if found, cause a CI/CD pipeline to fail. If clear, no such output is generated, and thus a successful outcome is assumed.

csrrwi x0, 3, output        ; Something went wrong; fail immediately.
csrrwi x0, 2, output        ; Everything went swimmingly; success!

Note that writing the OUTPUT register this way sets START to 0; thus, no spurious nul-character will be produced.

To minimize example complexity, both EXIT and FAIL will read back as 0.


The following diagram illustrates how the computer is constructed. This particular computer is free of RAM, since registers provide sufficient storage for our needs. The CPU's I and D ports are connected to a common Furcula bus (the X-bus) via an arbiter. The arbiter's job is to prioritize which port has control over the X-bus in the event that both want to transfer data at the same time. The Wishbone bridge adapts Furcula to a Wishbone B3-compatible bus, allowing compatibility with devices on that bus.

Example Computer Diagram

Note that this example is, in part, more complicated than it needs to be. There is no need for a Wishbone bus bridge, as we don't use Wishbone's features in this example. Similarly, the arbiter isn't strictly necessary, since the KCP53000 will never concurrently generate an access on the I and D ports. However, we include it here in anticipation of a future generation of the processor architecture which can.

Sample Software

We need a demonstration program to run on this computer, to illustrate that it works. We'll use the traditional "Hello world" program. It's requirements are trivial: print a greeting, then terminate simulation with a successful result.

; The following program was built and converted into Verilog hex-dump
; format with the following commands.  Your assembler may use slightly
; different syntax or command-line options.
; Note that the call to xxd and awk must sit on one line or it won't work.
; a from example.asm to example.bin
; xxd -g 8 -c 8 example.bin |                                    \
;   awk -e '{print substr($2,15,2)substr($2,13,2)substr($2,11,2) \
;   substr($2,9,2)substr($2,7,2)substr($2,5,2)substr($2,3,2)     \
;   substr($2,1,2);}' >example.hex

                adv     $F00, $CC
                jal     1, main         ; Call our main program, setting
                                        ; X1 to point at our string.

                byte    "Hello world!",13,10,0
                align   4

main:           jal     2, writeStr     ; Write the string the console.
                csrrwi  0, 2, $0FF      ; End the simulation successfully.

writeStr:       lb      3, 0(1)         ; Get next byte to transmit
                beq     3, 0, done      ; If we're done, return.
                ori     3, 3, $100      ; Set start bit.
                slli    3, 3, 3         ; Send it via OUTPUT.
                csrrw   0, 3, $0FF
                addi    1, 1, 1         ; Advance to the next byte.
                jal     0, writeStr     ; Repeat as often as necessary.
done:           jalr    0, 0(2)

                adv     $1000, 0

To assemble the software and convert it to a hex-dump file suitable for use in Verilog, we use the a assembler (part of the Kestrel-3 software development toolchain), xxd command to produce a listing of 64-bit words, and awk to extract those words and perform the little-endian byte-swap we need for Verilog to load memory correctly:

a from example.asm to example.bin

xxd -g 8 -c 8 example.bin |                                    \
  awk -e '{print substr($2,15,2)substr($2,13,2)substr($2,11,2) \
  substr($2,9,2)substr($2,7,2)substr($2,5,2)substr($2,3,2)     \
  substr($2,1,2);}' >example.hex

Make sure the xxd command exists on one line. It's probably best to put the above code into a shell script file.

The result is a file, example.hex, which contains a hex dump of the 4KB ROM image.

NOTE. Some versions of xxd support a -e option to perform endian conversion. If yours supports this flag, you can replace that substr-mishmash above with a simple reference $2, like so:

a from example.asm to example.bin

xxd -e -g 8 -c 8 example.bin | awk -e '{print $2;}' >example.hex

Modeling the ROM

Once we have our example program, we need to place it in memory. So, we create a Verilog file named "rom.v" to hold our ROM model. Note that we don't care about address bits 2:0, since those correspond to individual byte lanes on the 64-bit output. The Wishbone bus bridge, illustrated below, will provide lane selection logic for the CPU.

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module rom(
        input   [11:3]  A,      // Address
        output  [63:0]  Q,      // Data output
        input   STB             // True if ROM is being accessed.
        reg [63:0] contents[0:511];
        wire [63:0] results = contents[A];
        assign Q = STB ? results : 0;

        initial begin
                $readmemh("example.hex", contents);

Modeling the OUTPUT CSR

The following model implements the desired Verilog-related behavior while the program is running.

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module output_csr(
        input   [11:0]  cadr_i,
        output          cvalid_o,
        output  [63:0]  cdat_o,
        input   [63:0]  cdat_i,
        input           coe_i,
        input           cwe_i,

        input           clk_i
        // Decode our CSR address, and report back to the CPU
        // whether or not we're selected.  This *MUST* happen
        // during the *first* clock cycle of any CSR-instruction.
        // For this reason, we make sure to do this asynchronously.
        wire csrv_output = (cadr_i == 12'h0FF);
        assign cvalid_o = csrv_output;

        // When reading, all bits are 0 except for STOP bit.
        // Note that we must do this regardless of the state of
        // the coe_i input.  coe_i *only* controls whether or not
        // read-triggered side-effects happen.
        wire [63:0] csrd_output = {64'h0000_0000_0000_0004};
        assign cdat_o = (csrv_output ? csrd_output : 0);

        // Discover whether or not write-effects are to happen.
        wire write = csrv_output & cwe_i;

        // Assuming they are, let's discover the inputs to the
        // register so we can act upon them.
        // Historically, these signals are suffixed with _mux
        // because they are intended to be multiplexors into
        // stateful registers.  Since we don't have state,
        // it's a bit redundant in this example.
        wire startBit_mux = write ? cdat_i[11] : 1'b0;
        wire charByte_mux = write ? cdat_i[10:3] : 8'b0000_0000;
        wire stopBit_mux = write ? cdat_i[2] : 1'b0;
        wire exitBit_mux = write ? cdat_i[1] : 1'b0;
        wire failBit_mux = write ? cdat_i[0] : 1'b0;

        // IF you had state, you'd maintain it like so:
        // always @(posedge clk_i) begin
        //      startBit <= startBit_mux;
        //      charByte <= charByte_mux;
        //      stopBit <= stopBit_mux;
        //      exitBit <= exitBit_mux;
        //      failBit <= failBit_mux;
        // end

        // Recognize, and act upon, the desired write effects
        // when they happen.
        always @(posedge clk_i) begin
                if((startBit_mux === 1) && (stopBit_mux === 0)) begin
                        $display("%c", charByte_mux);

                if(exitBit_mux === 1) begin
                        if(failBit_mux === 1) begin
                                $display("@ FAIL");

Address Decode Logic

All computers need some flavor of address decoding.

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module address_decode(
    // Processor-side control
    input   iadr_i,
    input   istb_i,
    output  iack_o,

    // ROM-side control
    output  STB_o

    // For our example, we're just going to decode address bit A12.
    // If it's high, then we assume we're accessing ROM.
    // The ROM is asynchronous, so we just tie iack_o directly to the
    // the strobe pin.
    assign STB_o = iadr_i & istb_i;
    assign iack_o = STB_o;

    // We don't have any RAM resources to access, but if we did,
    // we would decode them here as well.

The Arbiter and Bus Bridge

The KCP53000 is equipped to work with Harvard-architecture machines out of the box. However, with a Furcula bus arbiter, you can merge the I- and D-ports of the processor into a single Furcula bus.

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module arbiter(
        // I-Port
        input       [63:0]  idat_i,
        input       [63:0]  iadr_i,
        input               iwe_i,
        input               icyc_i,
        input               istb_i,
        input       [1:0]   isiz_i,
        input               isigned_i,
        output              iack_o,
        output      [63:0]  idat_o,

        // D-Port
        input       [63:0]  ddat_i,
        input       [63:0]  dadr_i,
        input               dwe_i,
        input               dcyc_i,
        input               dstb_i,
        input       [1:0]   dsiz_i,
        input               dsigned_i,
        output              dack_o,
        output      [63:0]  ddat_o,

        // X-Port
        output      [63:0]  xdat_o,
        output      [63:0]  xadr_o,
        output              xwe_o,
        output              xcyc_o,
        output              xstb_o,
        output      [1:0]   xsiz_o,
        output              xsigned_o,
        input               xack_i,
        input       [63:0]  xdat_i,

        // Miscellaneous
        input               clk_i,
        input               reset_i
        reg reserve_i, reserve_d;

        wire en_i = (~reset_i & icyc_i & ~dcyc_i) |
                    (~reset_i & icyc_i & dcyc_i & reserve_i & ~reserve_d);

        wire en_d = (~reset_i & ~icyc_i & dcyc_i) |
                    (~reset_i & icyc_i & dcyc_i & ~reserve_i) |
                    (~reset_i & icyc_i & dcyc_i & reserve_i & reserve_d);

        assign xdat_o = (en_i ? idat_i : 64'd0) | (en_d ? ddat_i : 64'd0);
        assign xadr_o = (en_i ? iadr_i : 64'd0) | (en_d ? dadr_i : 64'd0);
        assign xwe_o = (en_i & iwe_i) | (en_d & dwe_i);
        assign xcyc_o = (en_i & icyc_i) | (en_d & dcyc_i);
        assign xstb_o = (en_i & istb_i) | (en_d & dstb_i);
        assign xsiz_o = (en_i ? isiz_i : 2'd0) | (en_d ? dsiz_i : 2'd0);
        assign xsigned_o = (en_i & isigned_i) | (en_d & dsigned_i);

        assign iack_o = (en_i & xack_i);
        assign dack_o = (en_d & xack_i);

        assign idat_o = (en_i ? xdat_i : 64'd0);
        assign ddat_o = (en_d ? xdat_i : 64'd0);

        always @(posedge clk_i) begin
                reserve_i <= en_i;
                reserve_d <= en_d;

Once we have only a single bus to work with, we can use the Furcula-to-Wishbone bus bridge to couple a ROM or peripheral designed for that bus to the processor.

NOTE. Since Furcula is so closely related with the Wishbone bus, not a lot of logic is required to adapt the former to the latter, this module does not need to implement the full interfaces for either Furcula or Wishbone.

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module bridge(
        // FURCULA BUS
        input               f_signed_i,
        input       [1:0]   f_siz_i,
        input       [2:0]   f_adr_i,
        input       [63:0]  f_dat_i,
        output      [63:0]  f_dat_o,

        // WISHBONE BUS
        output      [7:0]   wb_sel_o,
        output      [63:0]  wb_dat_o,
        input       [63:0]  wb_dat_i
        // Wishbone SEL_O signal generation.

        wire size_byte = (f_siz_i == 2'b00);
        wire size_hword = (f_siz_i == 2'b01);
        wire size_word = (f_siz_i == 2'b10);
        wire size_dword = (f_siz_i == 2'b11);

        wire ab7 = f_adr_i[2:0] == 3'b111;
        wire ab6 = f_adr_i[2:0] == 3'b110;
        wire ab5 = f_adr_i[2:0] == 3'b101;
        wire ab4 = f_adr_i[2:0] == 3'b100;
        wire ab3 = f_adr_i[2:0] == 3'b011;
        wire ab2 = f_adr_i[2:0] == 3'b010;
        wire ab1 = f_adr_i[2:0] == 3'b001;
        wire ab0 = f_adr_i[2:0] == 3'b000;

        wire ah3 = f_adr_i[2:1] == 2'b11;
        wire ah2 = f_adr_i[2:1] == 2'b10;
        wire ah1 = f_adr_i[2:1] == 2'b01;
        wire ah0 = f_adr_i[2:1] == 2'b00;

        wire aw1 = f_adr_i[2] == 1'b1;
        wire aw0 = f_adr_i[2] == 1'b0;

        wire den = size_dword;
        wire wen1 = size_word & aw1;
        wire wen0 = size_word & aw0;
        wire hen3 = size_hword & ah3;
        wire hen2 = size_hword & ah2;
        wire hen1 = size_hword & ah1;
        wire hen0 = size_hword & ah0;
        wire ben7 = size_byte & ab7;
        wire ben6 = size_byte & ab6;
        wire ben5 = size_byte & ab5;
        wire ben4 = size_byte & ab4;
        wire ben3 = size_byte & ab3;
        wire ben2 = size_byte & ab2;
        wire ben1 = size_byte & ab1;
        wire ben0 = size_byte & ab0;

        wire sel7 = den | wen1 | hen3 | ben7;
        wire sel6 = den | wen1 | hen3 | ben6;
        wire sel5 = den | wen1 | hen2 | ben5;
        wire sel4 = den | wen1 | hen2 | ben4;
        wire sel3 = den | wen0 | hen1 | ben3;
        wire sel2 = den | wen0 | hen1 | ben2;
        wire sel1 = den | wen0 | hen0 | ben1;
        wire sel0 = den | wen0 | hen0 | ben0;

        assign wb_sel_o = {sel7, sel6, sel5, sel4, sel3, sel2, sel1, sel0};

        // Furcula-to-Wishbone Data Routing

        wire [7:0] od7 =
                (size_byte ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_hword ? f_dat_i[15:8] : 0) |
                (size_word ? f_dat_i[31:24] : 0) |
                (size_dword ? f_dat_i[63:56] : 0);

        wire [7:0] od6 =
                (size_byte ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_hword ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_word ? f_dat_i[23:16] : 0) |
                (size_dword ? f_dat_i[55:48] : 0);

        wire [7:0] od5 =
                (size_byte ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_hword ? f_dat_i[15:8] : 0) |
                (size_word ? f_dat_i[15:8] : 0) |
                (size_dword ? f_dat_i[47:40] : 0);

        wire [7:0] od4 =
                (size_byte ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_hword ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_word ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_dword ? f_dat_i[39:32] : 0);

        wire [7:0] od3 =
                (size_byte ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_hword ? f_dat_i[15:8] : 0) |
                (size_word ? f_dat_i[31:24] : 0) |
                (size_dword ? f_dat_i[31:24] : 0);

        wire [7:0] od2 =
                (size_byte ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_hword ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_word ? f_dat_i[23:16] : 0) |
                (size_dword ? f_dat_i[23:16] : 0);

        wire [7:0] od1 =
                (size_byte ? f_dat_i[7:0] : 0) |
                (size_hword ? f_dat_i[15:8] : 0) |
                (size_word ? f_dat_i[15:8] : 0) |
                (size_dword ? f_dat_i[15:8] : 0);

        wire [7:0] od0 = f_dat_i[7:0];

        assign wb_dat_o = {od7, od6, od5, od4, od3, od2, od1, od0};

        // Wishbone to Furcula Data Routing

        wire [31:0] id2 =
                        (wen1 ? wb_dat_i[63:32] : 0) |
                        (wen0 ? wb_dat_i[31:0] : 0);
        wire [15:0] id1 =
                        (hen3 ? wb_dat_i[63:48] : 0) |
                        (hen2 ? wb_dat_i[47:32] : 0) |
                        (hen1 ? wb_dat_i[31:16] : 0) |
                        (hen0 ? wb_dat_i[15:0] : 0);
        wire [7:0] id0 =
                        (ben7 ? wb_dat_i[63:56] : 0) |
                        (ben6 ? wb_dat_i[55:48] : 0) |
                        (ben5 ? wb_dat_i[47:40] : 0) |
                        (ben4 ? wb_dat_i[39:32] : 0) |
                        (ben3 ? wb_dat_i[31:24] : 0) |
                        (ben2 ? wb_dat_i[23:16] : 0) |
                        (ben1 ? wb_dat_i[15:8] : 0) |
                        (ben0 ? wb_dat_i[7:0] : 0);
        wire [63:32] id2s = (f_signed_i ? {32{id2[31]}} : 32'd0);
        wire [63:16] id1s = (f_signed_i ? {48{id1[15]}} : 48'd0);
        wire [63:8] id0s = (f_signed_i ? {56{id0[7]}} : 56'd0);

        assign f_dat_o =
                (size_dword ? wb_dat_i : 0) |
                (size_word ? {id2s, id2} : 0) |
                (size_hword ? {id1s, id1} : 0) |
                (size_byte ? {id0s, id0} : 0);

The Computer Top-Level

The computer module wraps everything together into a single circuit.

`timescale 1ns / 1ps

module computer();
        wire iack;
        wire [63:0] iadr;
        wire istb;
        wire [31:0] idatiL;
        wire [63:32] idatiH;    // unused; just to make iverilog happy.

        wire [63:0] ddato, ddati, dadr;
        wire [1:0] dsiz;
        wire dwe, dcyc, dstb, dsigned, dack;

        wire [11:0] cadr;
        wire coe, cwe, cvalid;
        wire [63:0] cdato, cdati;

        wire STB;
        wire [63:0] romQ;

        wire [1:0] xsiz;
        wire [63:0] xadr;
        wire [63:0] xdati, xdato;
        wire xstb, xack, xsigned;

        PolarisCPU cpu(

        arbiter arbiter(
                .idat_i(64'd0), // CPU cannot write via I-port.
                .isiz_i({istb, 1'b0}),
                .idat_o({idatiH, idatiL}),




        bridge bridge(


        rom rom(

        address_decode ad(

        output_csr outcsr(

Simulating the Computer

To simulate the computer, I use Icarus Verilog to compile everything:

iverilog computer.v address_decode.v output.v rom.v \
         ../../rtl/verilog/polaris.v ../../rtl/verilog/xrs.v \
         ../../rtl/verilog/seq.v ../../rtl/verilog/alu.v
vvp -n a.out

You should see the computer print Hello world! to the console, and then the simulation should quit back to shell prompt.