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Muyangmin edited this page Feb 28, 2017 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the Android-PLog wiki!

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Steps to use PLog

1.Import via gradle

Currently the latest version is Download

    compile 'org.mym.plog:plog-core:${latestVersion}'

    //IMPORTANT TIPS: the artifactId for 1.x version is `android-plog`. 
    //So if you want to use 1.x version(NOT RECOMMENDED), 
    //please import using following dependency:
    //compile 'org.mym.plog:android-plog:1.7.0'

Note: This is jcenter dependency grammar; if you use GitPack only, please check here to get it.

For dependencies of other modules, please click here.

2.Prepare printers (Recommended)

Since you may need to intercept or redirect logs, in PLog 2.x version, we recommend you to prepare printers manually.

//all logs will be automatically disabled on release version
PLog.prepare(new DebugPrinter(BuildConfig.DEBUG));
//NOTE: Make sure BuildConfig class is belong to your own app package, not in any library!
// If you do not want it to intercept any logs, you can just pass a `true` into the constructor.

Don't worry, if you forgot this, your app won't crash. You will just receive a WARNING message on the runtime, then all logs will be print to logcat only.

You can also put your customize configs before printing any logs:


3.Just enjoy it!

Now you can use PLog class to print log, via v(), d(), i() method, and so on. Sample:

//Empty message    

//log with auto tag
PLog.v("This is a verbose log.");
PLog.e("This is an error log.");

//Advanced usage
    .msg("You win!").execute();

For more sample codes please see app module on this repository.