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Flight of a Dragon


Author:Sandor Zsuga (Jubatian)
License:GNU GPLv3 (version 3 of the GNU General Public License)


Flight of a Dragon is a runner - platformer game for the Uzebox console ( featuring a flightless dragon as protagonist who must escape from his prison in an empire which wanted to break and train him to use him as a war machine in their conquests.

As such he is a powerful fire-breather who can easily storm through opposition, however the empire has a large and well equipped military all around who can grind him down if he wasn't careful. It is also important to be fast, to flee before forces could be mustered to thwart his attempt.

He doesn't want bloodshed, to be remembered as a monster, so he should be cautious to not cause more losses than necessary, and he may also help people (prisoners) on his way, supporting a probable uprising against the power.


For playing the game you either need an Uzebox (or build something compatible using an ATMega644p), see, or use an emulator such as CUzeBox or Uzem. For peripherals you need an SNES controller only (no SD card is required).

Game binaries are provided (a .hex and a .uze file, the former can be burned in the ATMega directly, the latter can be used with Uzeboxes with an SD card slot and a bootloader) in the _bin_ folder, so you don't necessarily need to compile if you just want to play it.

Compiling the game

You need the avr-gcc toolchain to compile the game. It should build fine using Make producing the .hex file. To get a .uze file, you need the UzeRom packager (packrom) from the UzeBox project, set up its path within the Makefile.


During the game, the following controls are used:

  • Dpad: Left / Right movement, looking up and down (also for firing angle)
  • A, X: Jump
  • B, Y: Fire
  • Right Shoulder: Walk
  • Left Shoulder: Look up
  • Start + Select (press both): Pause (removes 100 score)

During high score entry, the followings are used:

  • Dpad: Navigate between characters, select character
  • A, X, B, Y, Shoulders: Toggle Upper / Lowercase
  • Enter, Select: Accept name

The in-game status displays

From left to right, the followings are displayed:

  • Dragon head: Your health. The amount of health you have contributes to your score on the end of a level.
  • Fireball: Remaining fuel in your flame glands. It replenishes quickly, but you will deplete it by contiguous fire.
  • Double up-arrow: Remaining energy, if it depletes, you run slow and your ability to jump is hindered. Have a rest!
  • Score display: How well you are going. Usually staying alive, collecting stuff and freeing prisoners increment it and killing decrements.
  • Hourglass: How long you have until you are overwhelmed and have to give up. Finishing a level faster increases your score!


  • Pay attention to your energy (stamina) bar (third bar on the upper left). If it is depleted, you run slower, and can't jump high. You can't catch some ledges without sufficient energy.
  • Initially the dragon doesn't have his full potential. Collect power-ups, without those it might be impossible to finish the game.
  • Always keep moving (unless purposely resting to restore energy). Usually enemies are the least effective when you are running, but be vary of pikemen who charge at you.

Alternate licenses

All the game contents created by Jubatian (Sandor Zsuga) may also be used according to the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 license. Note that the game kernel contains components which are created by various authors (from the UzeBox project) which can only be used under GPLv3.