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Looping via Recursion

In most OO languages, one writes loops using while and for. Looping in that matter makes it very easy to introduce impure code. So, in FP languages, one writes loops using recursion, pattern-matching, and tail-call optimization. The rest of this file will compare OO code to its FP counterpart

For i until condition do computation and then increment i

// factorial
var count = 5;
var result = 1;
for (var i = 2; i < count; i++) {
    result = result * i
-- This is a stack-unsafe function (explained and improved next)
factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial 1 = 1                       -- base case
factorial x = x * (factorial (x - 1)) -- recursive case

factorial 3
-- reduces via a graph reduction...
3 * (factorial (3 - 1))
3 * (factorial 2)
3 * 2 * (factorial (2 - 1))
3 * 2 * (factorial 1)
3 * 2 * 1
6 * 1


The above Purescript example illustrates a problem that comes with writing loops this way: stack overflows. Thus, when one says "this function is stack-safe", they mean that calling the function will not risk the possibility of a stack overflow runtime error being produced. One usually prevents this risk via tail-call optimization (which usually converts the recursive loop back into an OO loop) or trampolining (when tail-call optimization isn't possible)

Thus, one will usually write recursive functions in this manner. Rather than using recursion to calculate the value by creating a 'stack' of * operations (as done above), one will pass into the function an additional argument that acts as the accumulated value. The necessary state change / calculation is done and its result is passed in as the new accumulated value in the next iteration of the recursive function call:

factorial :: Int -> Int
factorial n = factorial' n 1

factorial' :: StartingInt -> AccumulatedInt -> AccumulatedInt
factorial' 1 finalResult = finalResult
factorial' amountRemaining accumulatedSoFar =                             {-
  -- This is the general idea being done in the single line of code
  -- after this comment
    oneLess = amountRemaining - 1
    nextAccumulatedValue = accumulatedSoFar * amountRemaining
    factorial' oneLess nextAccumulatedValue                               -}
  factorial' (amountRemaining - 1) (amountRemaining * accumulatedSoFar)

factorial 4
-- reduces via a graph reduction...
factorial' 4 1
factorial' 3 4
factorial' 2 12
factorial' 1 24

In some cases, one will need to write more complex code to get the desired performance using a combination of defunctionalization and continuation-passing style (CPS). This is covered in more detail in the Design Patterns/ file.

For ... Break If

// findFirst
var findFirst = (array, condition) => {
  var length = list.length();
  for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      var value = list[i]
      if (condition(value)) {
        return value;
  return null;
findFirst([0, 1, 2], (i) => i == 1);
-- linked list
data List a
  = Nil             -- end of the list
  | Cons a (List a) -- head of a linked list & rest of list

data Maybe a
  = Nothing   -- could not find a value of type A
  | Just a    -- found a value of type A

findFirst :: forall a. List a -> (a -> Boolean) -> Maybe a
findFirst list condition = findFirst' list condition Nothing

findFirst' :: forall a. List a -> (a -> Boolean) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a
findFirst' Nil condition notFound = notFound
findFirst' (Cons head tail) condition theA@(Just alreadyFound) =
  findFirst' tail condition theA
findFirst' (Cons head tail) condition Nothing =
  let foundOrNot = if (condition head) then (Just head) else Nothing
  in findFirst' tail condition foundOrNot

findFirst (Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil))) (\el -> el == 1)
-- reduces via a graph reduction...
findFirst' (Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil))) (\el -> el == 1) Nothing
findFirst'         (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil))  (\el -> el == 1) Nothing
findFirst'                 (Cons 2 Nil)   (\el -> el == 1) (Just 1)
findFirst'                         Nil    (\el -> el == 1) (Just 1)
Just 1


The above Purescript example illustrates another problem with writing loops this way: short-circuiting. There are times when we wish to break out of a recursion-based loop early, such as when we have found the first element of a collection. In the above example, the function does not short-circuit, so it continues to iterate through the list even after it has found the element, leading to wasted CPU time and work.

To make the function above short-circuit, we would rewrite the function to this:

-- linked list
data List a
  = Nil             -- end of the list
  | Cons a (List a) -- head of a linked list & rest of list

data Maybe a
  = Nothing   -- could not find a value of type A
  | Just a    -- found a value of type A

findFirst :: forall a. List a -> (a -> Boolean) -> Maybe a
findFirst Nil condition = Nothing
findFirst (Cons head tail) condition =
  if (condition head)
  then Just head
  else findFirst' tail condition

findFirst (Cons 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil))) (\el -> el == 1)
-- reduces via a graph reduction...
findFirst         (Cons 1 (Cons 2 Nil))  (\el -> el == 1)
Just 1

Other Loops

The following Purescript examples are very crude ways of mimicking the following loops. More appropriate examples would require explaining and using type classes like Foldable and Monad (intermediate FP concepts). Thus, take these examples with a grain of salt.


while (condition == true) {
  if (shouldStop()) {
    condition = false
  } else {
data Unit = Unit

whileLoop :: Boolean -> (Unit -> Boolean) -> (Unit -> Unit) -> Unit
whileLoop false _ _ = -- body
whileLoop true shouldStop doSomething =
  -- `doSomething unit` is called in here somewhere
  -- at the end of the function's body, it will call
  whileLoop (shouldStop unit) shouldStop doSomething

For value in collection

// length
var count = 0;
for (value in list) {
  count += 1;
data List a
  = Nil
  | Cons a (List a)

length :: forall a. List a -> Int -> Int
length Nil totalCount = totalCount
length (Cons head tail) currentCount =
  length tail (currentCount  + 1)