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Whirvis Ardenaur edited this page Nov 12, 2019 · 8 revisions


Welcome to the official wiki for the JRakNet API! Readers can use the contents found here in order to learn how to properly use JRakNet for their projects quickly and easily. If even after reading the wiki you are confused as to how to use JRakNet, feel free to create an issue on the GitHub! If there is a part of the wiki you have an issue with, feel free to create an issue about that as well. I greatly appreciate any feedback!


This wiki will not begin construction until work on JRakNet v3.0 has begun. I apologize for this inconvenience, however I see no reason to write documentation for an old version that will no longer be updated. However, if many people ask for documentation for JRakNet v2.0 I will gladly make it.

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