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AutomateMyLife - A Data Scientist's Hobby Shop

Code repository for the Automate My Life blog at Most code is edited for your readability. If you find something doesn't work, create a pull request or post a comment on my blog.

autoLEMP -- automation code that helps you insall a LEMP stack on DigitalOcean. Linux Engine-X MySql and Php with Wordpress.

autoTwitter -- using Tweepy and automatically finding an audience to speak to

autoTwitterScheduler -- automatically posts my Blogs to Twitter on a schedule (it's pretty neat!)

autoTwitterScheduler_Reloaded -- this is the reloaded version that automatically updates a spreadsheets with new posts from my RSS feed.

autoSpotifyMe -- stream Spotify with Python. Warning, you may never code again without music streaming from Python.

autoWordCloud -- generating a WordCloud after your mine your own website!!

autoWebCrawl -- extracts links as well as images from a website using BS4

autoAnalytics -- grabbing Google AdSense and Analytics reports for your convenience