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A Few Scripts to Rule Them All

This folder contains scripts that enable an operator or analyst to run data- and model-related SkyScan functions from a script rather than a series of Jupyter notebooks.

What do these scripts do? They largely implement machine learning-related functionality so that a SkyScan user can build trained models that do plane detection and classification. Like many ML application, much of the code is related to data preparation rather than simply model training or inference.

Using the Scripts

First, run the Docker container.

sudo docker exec -it ml-model_jupyter_1 /bin/bash
cd scripts

Next, install required libraries.


To get help, type:

python --help

There are a number of different functionalities that can be called from the script. Each functionality requires any necessary input values to be provided via the config.ini configuration file.

Prepare data for training and analysis

To prepare the data for analysis, first provide a 'dataset_name' value and an 'image_directory' file location value in the configuration file. Then run:

python --prep

This command creates a voxel51 dataset based on the plane images you provide and enriches the plane data with information from publicly-accessible FAA data.

To normalize the plane model data

Because the character string identifying the plane model can vary widely even for the same plane model, this command attempts to create a standardized model identifier for each plane.

python --normalize

Edit the plane_model_dict.json file to add additional normalizations.

Upload training or evaluation dataset to Labelbox

To upload training or evaluation images to Labelbox for manual labeling, use the appropriate command below.

python --upload_train
python --upload_eval

Users must provide in the config their Labelbox API key, the Labelbox dataset name, the Labelbox project name, and the name of the local dataset to be uploaded. The user will first need to create a Labelbox account, project, and dataset.

Resume uploading training or evaluation dataset to Labelbox

Similar to the command above but in the event that the upload is disrupted or paused. Use one of these commands:

python --resume_upload_train
python --resume_upload_eval

The same configuration arguments as above are used.

Download annotated dataset from Labelbox

After using Labelbox to do hand annotation, you then then merge the annotations with the Voxel51 dataset. First, download the labels from Labelbox in a JSON format. Then run:

python --download

The configuration file must contain values for the local Voxel51 dataset name and also the path of the JSON exported from Labelbox.

Train a detection model

Train a deep learning model to do detection of plane objects.

python --train

The configuration file must contain the dataset_name, the model's training_name, the base_model, and the num_train_steps.

Export the model

Export the trained deep learning model. The TF Saved Model format will be used.

python --export_model

The configuration file must contain the dataset_name, the model's training_name, and the model's base_model.

Make predictions with trained model

This will run the plane detection model against all of the images in the Voxel51 dataset. A new label will be created with the results.

python --predict

The configuration file must contain the dataset_name, the model's training_name, and the prediction_field.

Used a Tiled approach for making predictions

This is similar to --predict, except a windowing approach will be used. This approach chops up the larger image into smaller tiles to improve detection of small objects.

python --predict_tiled

Build a Multiclass Dataset

This command use the results from running the airplane detection model and pulls in the aircraft model information from the FAA to create a dataset of detected aircraft labeled with specific model information.

python --build_multi_class_dataset

*Note: there are a couple different approaches for constructing the dataset. They vary on how unique the aircraft bodies are between the Train and Test portions of the dataset. Check out the to see the different functions, and update if there are other ones you want to use. *

Export YOLO version of the multiclass dataset

If you would like to use the YOLO notebooks to train a multi-class object detection model, you can export a YOLO version of the dataset:

python --export_yolo_dataset

Train a Aircraft Model Type Detector

This will train a model that can detect different models of aircraft. After the model has finished training, you can export the model and then run one of the prediction commands to have it ran against all of the images.

python --train_multi_class

Evaluate Multi-Class Performance

If you wanted to see how well the multiclass aircraft model detector works, this command will run it against the Test set of images that were reserved when the dataset was created. Graphs and a confusion matrix will be generated in the /dataset-export folder.

python --evaluate

A Potential Sequence of Commands

To help the user gain a sense of potential command sequences that could be useful, we provide one example below.

First, enter the Docker container.

sudo docker exec -it ml-model_jupyter_1 /bin/bash

Next, install required dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

After entering required values in the configuration file (e.g. 'dataset_name' = 'test' and 'image_directory' = 'foo'), run the command:

python --prep

The perform normalization on the plane model data.

python --normalize

After creating a Labelbox account, API key, project name, and dataset name and then entering required values in the configuration file (e.g. api_key = 'password123', "labelbox" dataset_name = 'labelbox_data', project_name = 'labelbox_project', "filenames" dataset_name = 'test'), run a command to upload the normalized data to Labelbox.

python --upload_train

After performing labeling in Labelbox, export the results as a JSON. After entering required values in the configuration file (e.g "file_names" "dataset_name"= 'test', exported_json_path = 'foo/bar.json'), then merge the labels into the existing voxel51 dataset. Run the following command:

python --download

After entering required values in the configuration file (e.g. 'dataset_name' = 'test', training_name = 'test_model', base_model = 'efficientdet-d0', and num_train_steps = 40000), then run this command to train a model:

python --train

To run tests:
