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Nicolas Ronvel edited this page Jun 10, 2016 · 9 revisions

This tutorial is a work in progress

Tutorial - A simple template from scratch

Welcome to this first tutorial for Geckos, which will explain, step by step, how to create a simple template. The card that we'll create through this process is a card for the Blood Bowl Starplayers. You can then have your own Star Players cards, or have the classic ones with your minis photos on it.

Nobbla, Classic Chainsaw Player

A Blank Template

Let's start with a "blank" template. Some fields are required, so we define the card's size, the background, and one field that we'll use to set the name of our Star Players :

  "fields": [
    { "name": "name", "label": "Name", "default": "Nobbla " }
  "canvasFields": [
  "canvasBackground": "#FF0000",
  "canvasWidth": 536,
  "canvasHeight": 750

So, this is our starting point. Let's put that template in the Geckos. Open up the demo page, display the Templates pane, and paste the above code in the template area. Click the Set button to validate the changes.

Go back to the Cards pane, and select the existing card. It's linked to the previous template, so Remove it. And finally, Create a new one. Nobbla is there in the list !