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This has the analyses for Peacock, Goldhill, Zhou, Baillon and Frise et al. 2021 Nature Microbiology. Available in an earlier form on bioRxiv at

For the barcoded NGS sequencing, the sequences can be downloaded from, project PRJEB40394, samples DG-Pool-1 to DG-Pool-24. (Each pool contains 2 or 3 samples with an internal barcode as described on the spreadsheet NGS Sample Sheet Clean.) Download the sequences and put them in their own folder.

For the post-mortem sequencing...

To find the spike deletions- I downloaded a total of 100,690 SARS-CoV-2 genomes from GISAID ( on 16/9/2020 and aligned them to 234bp from the spike protein using Geneious. I trimmed the alignment to the length of the reference sequence and this gave the file subseqs_09-16-20.fasta which is available as a zipped file in this repository. Download and unzip and run FindSARSCoV2Dels(). It produces samples of interest which must then be reexamined on GISAID to ensure they are human samples which have not been passaged.