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Developing for FlexMeasures

Note: For developers, there is more detailed documentation available. Please consult the documentation next to the relevant code:

Virtual environment

  • Make a virtual environment: python3.8 -m venv flexmeasures-venv or use a different tool like mkvirtualenv or virtualenvwrapper. You can also use an Anaconda distribution as base with conda create -n flexmeasures-venv python=3.8.
  • Activate it, e.g.: source flexmeasures-venv/bin/activate


Install all dependencies including the ones needed for development:

make install-for-dev


Follow the confguration Quickstart advice in

Loading data

If you have a SQL Dump file, you can load that:

psql -U {user_name} -h {host_name} -d {database_name} -f {file_path}

Run locally

Now, to start the web application, you can run:

flexmeasures run



And access the server at http://localhost:5000


You can run automated tests with:

make test

which behind the curtains installs dependencies and calls pytest.

A coverage report can be created like this:

pytest --cov=flexmeasures --cov-config .coveragerc

You can add --cov-report=html after which a htmlcov/index.html is generated.

It's also possible to use:

python test


We use setuptool_scm for versioning, which bases the FlexMeasures version on the latest git tag and the commits since then.

So as a developer, it's crucial to use git tags for versions only.

We use semantic versioning, and we always include the patch version, not only max and min, so that setuptools_scm makes the correct guess about the next minor version. Thus, we should use 2.0.0 instead of 2.0.

See for more commentary on the development versions.

Our API has its own version, which moves much slower. This is important to explicitly support outside apps who were coded against older versions.