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Plugin Customizations

Adding your own scheduling algorithm

FlexMeasures comes with in-built scheduling algorithms for often-used use cases. However, you can use your own algorithm, as well.

The idea is that you'd still use FlexMeasures' API to post flexibility states and trigger new schedules to be computed (see posting_flex_states), but in the background your custom scheduling algorithm is being used.

Let's walk through an example!

First, we need to write a function which accepts arguments just like the in-built schedulers (their code is here). The following minimal example gives you an idea of the inputs and outputs:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pandas as pd
from import Sensor

def compute_a_schedule(
    sensor: Sensor,
    start: datetime,
    end: datetime,
    resolution: timedelta,
    """Just a dummy scheduler, advising to do nothing"""
    return pd.Series(
        0, index=pd.date_range(start, end, freq=resolution, closed="right")


It's possible to add arguments which describe the asset flexibility and the EMS context in more detail. For example, for storage assets we support various state-of-charge parameters. For now, the existing schedulers are the best documentation.

Finally, make your scheduler be the one which FlexMeasures will use for certain sensors:

from import Sensor

scheduler_specs = {
    "module": "",  # or a file path, see note below
    "function": "compute_a_schedule",
    "source": "My Opinion"

my_sensor = Sensor.query.filter( == "My power sensor on a flexible asset").one_or_none()
my_sensor.attributes["custom-scheduler"] = scheduler_specs

From now on, all schedules (see tut_forecasting_scheduling) which are requested for this sensor should get computed by your custom function! For later lookup, the data will be linked to a new data source with the name "My Opinion".


To describe the module, we used an importable module here (actually a custom scheduling function we use to test this). You can also provide a full file path to the module, e.g. "/path/to/".

We're planning to use a similar approach to allow for custom forecasting algorithms, as well.

Adding your own style sheets

You can style your plugin's pages in a distinct way by adding your own style-sheet. This happens by overwriting FlexMeasures styles block. Add to your plugin's base template (see above):

{% block styles %}
    {{ super() }}
    <!-- Our client styles -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('our_client_bp.static', filename='css/style.css')}}">
{% endblock %}

This will find css/styles.css if you add that folder and file to your Blueprint's static folder.


This styling will only apply to the pages defined in your plugin (to pages based on your own base template). To apply a styling to all other pages which are served by FlexMeasures, consider using the config setting extra-css-config.

Adding config settings

FlexMeasures can automatically check for you if any custom config settings, which your plugin is using, are present. This can be very useful in maintaining installations of FlexMeasures with plugins. Config settings can be registered by setting the (optional) __settings__ attribute on your plugin module:

__settings__ = {
    "MY_PLUGIN_URL": {
        "description": "URL used by my plugin for x.",
        "level": "error",
        "description": "Token used by my plugin for y.",
        "level": "warning",
        "message_if_missing": "Without this token, my plugin will not do y.",
        "parse_as": str,
        "description": "Color used to override the default plugin color.",
        "level": "info",

Alternatively, use from my_plugin import __settings__ in your plugin module, and create with:

    "description": "URL used by my plugin for x.",
    "level": "error",
    "description": "Token used by my plugin for y.",
    "level": "warning",
    "message_if_missing": "Without this token, my plugin will not do y.",
    "parse_as": str,
    "description": "Color used to override the default plugin color.",
    "level": "info",

Finally, you might want to override some FlexMeasures configuration settings from within your plugin. Some examples for possible settings are named on this page, e.g. the custom style (see above) or custom logo (see below). There is a record_once function on Blueprints which can help with this. An example:

def record_logo_path(setup_state):[
    ] = "/path/to/my/logo.svg"

Using a custom favicon icon

The favicon might be an important part of your customisation. You probably want your logo to be used.

First, your blueprint needs to know about a folder with static content (this is fairly common ― it's also where you'd put your own CSS or JavaScript files):

our_client_bp = Blueprint(

Put your icon file in that folder. The exact path may depend on how you set your plugin directories up, but this is how a blueprint living in its own directory could work.

Then, overwrite the /favicon.ico route which FlexMeasures uses to get the favicon from:

from flask import send_from_directory

def favicon():
    return send_from_directory(

Here we assume your favicon is a PNG file. You can also use a classic .ico file, then your mime type probably works best as image/x-icon.

Validating arguments in your CLI commands with marshmallow

Arguments to CLI commands can be validated using marshmallow. FlexMeasures is using this functionality (via the MarshmallowClickMixin class) and also defines some custom field schemas. We demonstrate this here, and also show how you can add your own custom field schema:

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional

import click
from import AwareDateTimeField
from import MarshmallowClickMixin
from marshmallow import fields

class CLIStrField(fields.Str, MarshmallowClickMixin):
    String field validator, made usable for CLI functions.
    You could also define your own validations here.

    help="(Required) Where we meet",
    type=AwareDateTimeField(format="iso"),  # FlexMeasures already made this field suitable for CLI functions
    help="[Optional] When we meet (expects timezone-aware ISO 8601 datetime format)",
def schedule_meeting(
    where: str,
    when: Optional[datetime] = None,
    print(f"Okay, see you {where} on {when}.")

Customising the login page teaser

FlexMeasures shows an image carousel next to its login form (see ui/templates/admin/login_user.html).

You can overwrite this content by adding your own login template and defining the teaser block yourself, e.g.:

{% extends "admin/login_user.html" %}

{% block teaser %}

    <h1>Welcome to my plugin!</h1>

{% endblock %}

Place this template file in the template folder of your plugin blueprint (see above). Your template must have a different filename than "login_user", so FlexMeasures will find it properly!

Finally, add this config setting to your FlexMeasures config file (using the template filename you chose, obviously):

SECURITY_LOGIN_USER_TEMPLATE = "my_user_login.html"