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423 lines (257 loc) · 13.3 KB

File metadata and controls

423 lines (257 loc) · 13.3 KB

Change Log


FIX Fixed some completion issues

NEW Added a progress bar for parsing

NEW Replaced the debug inline values feature on the plugin side with language service implementation

NEW Implemented direct completion of the self field in function context without having to write self


FIX Fixed the bug where some global variables were not marked in red

FIX Re-enabled checks for goto and break statements

FIX Modified project exclusion logic

FIX Optimized memory usage

FIX Fixed the issue where renaming failed when the cursor was on the right side of the identifier

FIX The plugin attempts to read the .luarc.json file at startup, but the functionality is not implemented


FIX Fixed the issue with duplicate servers


NEW Support classic code rendering for EmmyLua

FIX Optimize memory usage slightly

FIX Temporarily disable error diagnostics from control flow analysis

NEW Fix the issue of not finding references for index expressions

NEW Support reading configurations, but currently has no effect


FIX Do not index large files (over 200kb)


FIX Fixed type parsing error for types like { x:number }

FIX Fixed reading of standard library

NOTE The new language service is based on dotnet sdk 8, you need to download it yourself.


NEW Optional use of the new language analysis backend, the new analysis backend supports more features, including but not limited to:

  • True generic classes
  • Complex generic function type inference
  • Operator overloading
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Interface inheritance
  • Constant completion of enum and alias
  • Support for tuple types [int, int, int]
  • Support for ---@async annotation
  • Emmylua doc can be line-wrapped anywhere, and supports multi-line comments
  • Support for color display of #123456 format text
  • Support for auto require based on code completion (module has return value)
  • Adjust the display of require path
  • Compatible with most of LuaLs's doc annotations, but the function is not fully implemented

NOTE The Java version of the language service can coexist with the language service written in C#. To enable it, search for "" in settings, restart vscode after enabling. The version number is currently upgraded to 0.6. After 1 to 2 months of bug fixing, the version will be upgraded to 0.7, at which point the Java version of the language service will be removed. After a period of stability, the vscode-emmylua version number will be upgraded to 1.0.

The address of the new language service:

NEW The debugger provides stronger customization features


NEW Debugger now supports IPV6 addresses. All DNS resolutions will prioritize IPV6, for example, localhost will be resolved to an IPV6 address.


FIX Due to updates in vscode, the net module of nodejs has issues with resolving localhost, causing the debugger to be unable to connect to the target process.


FIX Fixed a debugging crash issue.


REFACTOR Refactored launch debugging to support displaying prints in the debug window of vscode, or choosing to open a new console window for prints.

FIX Fixed an issue introduced by language service 0.5.15 where the workspace was not loading.

NOTE Minimum required vscode version is 1.79.


REFACTOR Reorganized debugger adapter code structure to allow debugging in the same process as the plugin when in development mode.

REFACTOR Refactored debugger protocol code.

NEW Added support for runtime setting expressions (not effective for local variables, requires future modifications).

REFACTOR Refactored multithreading aspects of the language service.


FIX fixes debugging issues and upgrades the debugger to 1.5.1

FIX fixes the recursive explosion stack caused by alias when code completion

NEW adds an item bar that shows the running status of emmylua

CHANGE removes the display in the lower right corner when Java is not found

CHANGE allows deactivation of the emmylua language service


FIX fixes an issue where when using emmylua-unity, the unity class cannot be hinted after inheriting


NEW hasn't changed it in a long time

NEW the debugger was upgraded to 1.5.0

NEW fixes emmylua-unity related jump issues

NEW here reports the progress of language service development, no progress over.


FIX now supports opening a single file, fix the error when opening a single file language service

FIX returns empty when function signature is not found

CHANGE cancels workspace diagnostics

CHANGE code diagnosis is divided into two parts, one is syntax real-time checking, and the other is semantic checking. The semantic checking is only triggered when the file is opened or saved.


UPDATE debugger is upgraded to version 1.4.0, the main change is to deprecate rapidjson and replace it with nlohmann/json

CHANGE re-enables workspace diagnostics

UPDATE language service client upgraded to 8.0.2

UPDATE The minimum vscode dependency version is changed to 1.70.0


CHANGE disables workspace diagnostics, general diagnostics run on the main thread instead


FIX Fix the problem of path search when the chunkname is much longer than the open workspace when debugging


FIX attempts to fix card loading issues


FIX fix jump positioning error


CHANGE Modify various prompt details

The NEW plugin supports APIs that are extended by external plugins.

NEW The new emmmylua-unity plugin has been added to the plugin store


FIX fix bug that debug can't find path

FIX fix rename invalid bug

FIX fix the bug that the override hint cannot be jumped


FIX fix inlayhint's confusion


CHANGE modifies how files are hit when debugging.

FIX fixes possible performance issues with workspace diagnostics


CHANGE Code Diagnostics, inlayHint, Code Completion updated to language server protocol 3.17

CHANGE optimizes for many points of detail


FIX Fixed process crash caused by stack confusion caused by computing metatables in some frameworks. Thanks for the reproduction project provided by @浪迹天涯

The NEW emitter-style overload extends support to the main signature when the first parameter is number can be written like this:

---@overload fun(level: "ngx.INFO", info)
---@overload fun(level: "ngx.WARN", msg)
---@param level number
function ngx.log(level, ...) end


NEW @field annotation now supports numeric field descriptions:

---@field[2] string

Index descriptions of numbers or strings are also supported:

---@field [number] string
---@field [string] string

Several ways can coexist in a class definition.

NEW supports emitter style overloading:

---@overload fun(a: "data", data)
---@overload fun(a: "listen", aa, bb, cc)
---@param a string
local function f(a, bbb)

NEW enumeration can mark inherited classes:

---@enum aaaa: number

After an enumeration inherits from a class, parameter type checking checks whether the parameter conforms to the parent class.

NEW supports enum based overloading:

---@enum IO: number
io = {
     Input = 1,
     Output = 2

---@overload fun(type: "IO.Input", in)
---@overload fun(type: "IO.Output", writeHandle)
---@param type IO
local function f(type, ...)

NOTE The new overloading style above must be enum/string in the first parameter of the function


NEW Experimental support feature interface This feature has the following characteristics:

Feature 1 interface has the following written form:

---@interface A
---@field a number
---@field b number

Feature 2 interfaces can be inherited:

---A is the interface A above
---@class C : A

When inheriting an interface, the diagnostic checks if the class implements the members of the interface

Feature 3 When an interface is used as a parameter type, after the function parameter verification feature is enabled, it will check whether the incoming parameter conforms to the interface. If the incoming parameter is not inherited from the interface or is a table expression, then Will check each member of the interface definition for conformity

Restriction interface cannot inherit from other classes or other interfaces

NEW Multiple interface inheritance, type declarations can now multiple inherit interfaces in the following form

---@interface b
---@interface c

---@class a: b, c

Restriction: In the case of multiple inheritance, only one class is allowed to inherit, the rest can only be interfaces, and the class is only allowed to appear in the first inheritance bit


NEW When the variable itself has only one definition, the variable is treated as a constant. If the variable is treated as a constant and is a string or numeric type, the constant is displayed when the code completion and hover prompts the variable.

NEW restarts deprecated rendering, but only when the corresponding configuration is checked


FIX Fix the problem of suspended animation caused by the last PR

NEW emmylua debugger compilation standard raised to C++11


FIX fixes multithreading issues

FIX correctly supports debugging under macos arm64 architecture

NEW Added nullable descriptions on function parameters such as ---@param a? number

NEW The function parameter check will check whether the number of parameters is too small. If there are too few parameters and the subsequent parameters do not display the mark and can be empty, an error will be reported

NEW When debugging, if the file cannot be found according to the chunkname, it will try to find it again with the currently open workspace as the root directory contribute by @whitecostume

NEW other details update


FIX A bug that is not resolved when other extension suffixes are associated with lua


FIX fixes performance issues due to diagnostics being moved to daemon thread execution. Code hints and associated rendering are available immediately after code parsing


FIX fix the problem that the parsing is too slow under the default option, temporarily remove the deprecated related diagnosis


NEW unrecognized tags no longer warn

NEW experimentally supports a series of check configurations including assignment safety check, subdomain existence check, undefined variable usage check, function parameter type safety

NEW supports hint when class method overrides the function of the same name of the parent class

NEW other small details update


FIX jdk changed back to 8


FIX has many crashes due to changes in the compilation environment, and is now temporarily changed back


The underline color of NEW upvalue can be configured. When the configuration content is empty, the underline will not be displayed.

NEW deprecated annotation is valid for global functions

NEW experimental support for subdomain existence check

NEW Use ctrl jump at definition to jump to usage


FIX CodeLens error


FIX fix the bug that @private annotation does not work correctly

NEW supports @deprecated annotations and related diagnostics

NEW experimentally supports the string inline expression annotation string<T>. When the function parameter uses this annotation, the corresponding function call will prompt the field of the T class in the string, you can use string <_G> indicates the prompt global variable in the string


FIX fix a crash caused by using fixPath


Resume update

Code hints:

  • Support lua5.4 syntax
  • Support to complete anonymous callback functions by marking the parameter type as a function
  • Modify function signature display
  • Support parameter type diagnosis (experimental)
  • Support enumeration type annotation enum (experimental)

Code rendering:

  • Support param hint
  • Support local hint
  • Support vararg hint
  • Supports rendering of unused variables as gray
  • upvalue modified to yellow underline

Code folding:

  • Support for block folding via --region and --endregion
  • Support continuous require statement folding, continuous require statements are recognized as import blocks, and require statements that open files can be directly folded through the relevant vscode settings

lua language:

  • Remove the lua language definition configuration file and directly use the new built-in lua language definition of vscode


  • Remove the current formatting algorithm, the EmmyLua plugin no longer provides formatting algorithms
  • Formatting is implemented by the plug-in EmmyLuaCodeStyle


  • Support conditional breakpoints, hit count breakpoints, logging points
  • Support lua5.4 debugging
  • Support debugging under Apple m1
  • Additional debugging support specifying matching process name
  • Debug provides debug inline variable
  • Provide launch debugging on windows, launch debugging supports the use of windows terminal


  • Kotlin is modified to version 1.6, and gradle is modified to version 6.1.1
  • jdk recommends using jdk11
  • JVM parameter removed CMS using G1GC


  • Fix the problem of coloring error when typing code
  • Fix the problem that the index is not refreshed immediately due to external updates
  • Fix function signature error
  • Rewrite the debugger to fix common crash issues