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[LeakCanary] Multiple memory leaks #1323

4 of 5 tasks
FooIbar opened this issue Aug 4, 2023 · 0 comments
4 of 5 tasks

[LeakCanary] Multiple memory leaks #1323

FooIbar opened this issue Aug 4, 2023 · 0 comments
bug Something isn't working


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FooIbar commented Aug 4, 2023

复现步骤 / Step to reproduce

Test back press behavior like #1322

预期行为 / Expected behaviour

No leaks

实际行为 / Actual Behaviour

│ GC Root: Thread object
├─ android.os.HandlerThread instance
│    Leaking: NO (PathClassLoader↓ is not leaking)
│    Thread name: 'LeakCanary-Heap-Dump'
│    ↓ Thread.contextClassLoader
├─ dalvik.system.PathClassLoader instance
│    Leaking: NO (InternalLeakCanary↓ is not leaking and A ClassLoader is never
│    leaking)
│    ↓ ClassLoader.runtimeInternalObjects
├─ java.lang.Object[] array
│    Leaking: NO (InternalLeakCanary↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ Object[22]
├─ leakcanary.internal.InternalLeakCanary class
│    Leaking: NO (MainActivity↓ is not leaking and a class is never leaking)
│    ↓ static InternalLeakCanary.resumedActivity
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking and Activity#mDestroyed is
│    false)
│    mApplication instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.EhApplication
│    mBase instance of androidx.appcompat.view.ContextThemeWrapper
│    ↓ ComponentActivity.mOnConfigurationChangedListeners
├─ java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ CopyOnWriteArrayList[4]
├─$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ FragmentManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.f$0
├─ instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ FragmentManager.mParent
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking and
│    Fragment#mFragmentManager is not null)
│    Fragment.mTag=2e1ebf17-9e7a-41f9-9f36-8e85f372ced0
│    ↓ GalleryListScene.vm$delegate
├─ androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelLazy instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 112 B in 6 objects
│    ↓ ViewModelLazy.cached
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.VMStorage1 instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 2.3 MB in 22802 objects
│    ↓ VMStorage1.dataFlow
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.ReadonlySharedFlow instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 2.3 MB in 22792 objects
│    ↓ ReadonlySharedFlow.$$delegate_0
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowImpl instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.6 kB in 46 objects
│    ↓ AbstractSharedFlow.slots
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowSlot[] array
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 40 objects
│    ↓ SharedFlowSlot[0]
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowSlot instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 39 objects
│    ↓ SharedFlowSlot.cont
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.CancellableContinuationImpl instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 38 objects
│    ↓ CancellableContinuationImpl._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildContinuation instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 56 B in 2 objects
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 152 B in 5 objects
│    ↓ JobSupport._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildHandleNode instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ProducerCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobSupport._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildHandleNode instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ ScopeCoroutine.uCont
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene$onCreateViewWithToolbar$5$1
│  instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Anonymous subclass of kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.SuspendLambda
│    ↓ GalleryListScene$onCreateViewWithToolbar$5$1.this$0
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene instance
│    Leaking: NO (Fragment#mFragmentManager is not null)
│    Fragment.mTag=2e1ebf17-9e7a-41f9-9f36-8e85f372ced0
│    ↓ Fragment.mFragmentManager
│               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
├─ instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 1.7 kB in 64 objects
│    ↓ FragmentManager.mPrimaryNav
│                      ~~~~~~~~~~~
╰→ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.FavoritesScene instance
​     Leaking: YES (ObjectWatcher was watching this because com.hippo.ehviewer.
​     ui.scene.FavoritesScene received Fragment#onDestroy() callback and
​     Fragment#mFragmentManager is null)
​     Retaining 2.5 kB in 93 objects
​     key = b8af0990-0509-4d18-8a83-e74d3572fb3e
​     watchDurationMillis = 5788
​     retainedDurationMillis = 786
│ GC Root: Thread object
├─ android.os.HandlerThread instance
│    Leaking: NO (PathClassLoader↓ is not leaking)
│    Thread name: 'LeakCanary-Heap-Dump'
│    ↓ Thread.contextClassLoader
├─ dalvik.system.PathClassLoader instance
│    Leaking: NO (InternalLeakCanary↓ is not leaking and A ClassLoader is never
│    leaking)
│    ↓ ClassLoader.runtimeInternalObjects
├─ java.lang.Object[] array
│    Leaking: NO (InternalLeakCanary↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ Object[22]
├─ leakcanary.internal.InternalLeakCanary class
│    Leaking: NO (MainActivity↓ is not leaking and a class is never leaking)
│    ↓ static InternalLeakCanary.resumedActivity
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking and Activity#mDestroyed is
│    false)
│    mApplication instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.EhApplication
│    mBase instance of androidx.appcompat.view.ContextThemeWrapper
│    ↓ ComponentActivity.mOnConfigurationChangedListeners
├─ java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ CopyOnWriteArrayList[4]
├─$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ FragmentManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.f$0
├─ instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ FragmentManager.mParent
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene instance
│    Leaking: NO (Fragment#mFragmentManager is not null)
│    Fragment.mTag=2e1ebf17-9e7a-41f9-9f36-8e85f372ced0
│    ↓ GalleryListScene.vm$delegate
│                       ~~~~~~~~~~~
├─ androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelLazy instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 112 B in 6 objects
│    ↓ ViewModelLazy.cached
│                    ~~~~~~
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.VMStorage1 instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 2.3 MB in 22802 objects
│    ↓ VMStorage1.dataFlow
│                 ~~~~~~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.ReadonlySharedFlow instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 2.3 MB in 22792 objects
│    ↓ ReadonlySharedFlow.$$delegate_0
│                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowImpl instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 1.6 kB in 46 objects
│    ↓ AbstractSharedFlow.slots
│                         ~~~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowSlot[] array
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 40 objects
│    ↓ SharedFlowSlot[0]
│                    ~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowSlot instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 39 objects
│    ↓ SharedFlowSlot.cont
│                     ~~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.CancellableContinuationImpl instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 38 objects
│    ↓ CancellableContinuationImpl._parentHandle
│                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildContinuation instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 56 B in 2 objects
│    ↓ JobNode.job
│              ~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 152 B in 5 objects
│    ↓ ScopeCoroutine.uCont
│                     ~~~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.ChannelFlow$collectToFun$1 instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 84 B in 2 objects
│    Anonymous subclass of kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.SuspendLambda
│    ↓ ChannelFlow$collectToFun$1.this$0
│                                 ~~~~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.internal.ChannelFlowTransformLatest instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 68 B in 2 objects
│    ↓ ChannelFlowTransformLatest.transform
│                                 ~~~~~~~~~
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.FlowKt__MergeKt$mapLatest$1 instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 40 B in 1 objects
│    Anonymous subclass of kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.SuspendLambda
│    ↓ FlowKt__MergeKt$mapLatest$1.$transform
│                                  ~~~~~~~~~~
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene$onCreateViewWithToolbar$5$1$4
│  instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 36 B in 1 objects
│    Anonymous subclass of kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.SuspendLambda
│    ↓ GalleryListScene$onCreateViewWithToolbar$5$1$4.$adapter
│                                                     ~~~~~~~~
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryAdapter instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 1.1 kB in 43 objects
│    ↓ GalleryAdapter.recyclerView
│                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~
├─ androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView instance
│    Leaking: YES (View.mContext references a destroyed activity)
│    Retaining 3.5 kB in 83 objects
│    View not part of a window view hierarchy
│    View.mAttachInfo is null (view detached)
│    View.mID =
│    View.mWindowAttachCount = 1
│    mContext instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity with mDestroyed =
│    true
│    ↓ View.mContext
╰→ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity instance
​     Leaking: YES (ObjectWatcher was watching this because com.hippo.ehviewer.
​     ui.MainActivity received Activity#onDestroy() callback and
​     Activity#mDestroyed is true)
​     Retaining 13.2 kB in 277 objects
​     key = 80f8cf7b-cef4-4c4a-ad2c-7716d2759b9c
​     watchDurationMillis = 5902
​     retainedDurationMillis = 899
​     mApplication instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.EhApplication
​     mBase instance of androidx.appcompat.view.ContextThemeWrapper
│ GC Root: Thread object
├─ android.os.HandlerThread instance
│    Leaking: NO (PathClassLoader↓ is not leaking)
│    Thread name: 'LeakCanary-Heap-Dump'
│    ↓ Thread.contextClassLoader
├─ dalvik.system.PathClassLoader instance
│    Leaking: NO (InternalLeakCanary↓ is not leaking and A ClassLoader is never
│    leaking)
│    ↓ ClassLoader.runtimeInternalObjects
├─ java.lang.Object[] array
│    Leaking: NO (InternalLeakCanary↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ Object[22]
├─ leakcanary.internal.InternalLeakCanary class
│    Leaking: NO (MainActivity↓ is not leaking and a class is never leaking)
│    ↓ static InternalLeakCanary.resumedActivity
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking and Activity#mDestroyed is
│    false)
│    mApplication instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.EhApplication
│    mBase instance of androidx.appcompat.view.ContextThemeWrapper
│    ↓ ComponentActivity.mOnConfigurationChangedListeners
├─ java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ CopyOnWriteArrayList[4]
├─$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ FragmentManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.f$0
├─ instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ FragmentManager.mParent
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking and
│    Fragment#mFragmentManager is not null)
│    Fragment.mTag=2e1ebf17-9e7a-41f9-9f36-8e85f372ced0
│    ↓ GalleryListScene.vm$delegate
├─ androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelLazy instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 112 B in 6 objects
│    ↓ ViewModelLazy.cached
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.VMStorage1 instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 2.3 MB in 22802 objects
│    ↓ VMStorage1.dataFlow
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.ReadonlySharedFlow instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 2.3 MB in 22792 objects
│    ↓ ReadonlySharedFlow.$$delegate_0
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowImpl instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.6 kB in 46 objects
│    ↓ AbstractSharedFlow.slots
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowSlot[] array
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 40 objects
│    ↓ SharedFlowSlot[0]
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowSlot instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 39 objects
│    ↓ SharedFlowSlot.cont
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.CancellableContinuationImpl instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 38 objects
│    ↓ CancellableContinuationImpl._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildContinuation instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 56 B in 2 objects
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 152 B in 5 objects
│    ↓ JobSupport._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildHandleNode instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ProducerCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobSupport._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildHandleNode instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ ScopeCoroutine.uCont
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene$onCreateViewWithToolbar$5$1
│  instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Anonymous subclass of kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.SuspendLambda
│    ↓ GalleryListScene$onCreateViewWithToolbar$5$1.this$0
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene instance
│    Leaking: NO (Fragment#mFragmentManager is not null)
│    Fragment.mTag=2e1ebf17-9e7a-41f9-9f36-8e85f372ced0
│    ↓ Fragment.mContainer
│               ~~~~~~~~~~
╰→ instance
​     Leaking: YES (ObjectWatcher was watching this because androidx.navigation.
​     fragment.NavHostFragment received Fragment#onDestroyView() callback
​     (references to its views should be cleared to prevent leaks) and View.
​     mContext references a destroyed activity)
​     Retaining 338.6 kB in 8362 objects
​     key = aea7c3cc-6be2-46cb-b4ff-e4a29b737e95
​     watchDurationMillis = 5791
​     retainedDurationMillis = 789
​     View not part of a window view hierarchy
​     View.mAttachInfo is null (view detached)
​     View.mID =
​     View.mWindowAttachCount = 1
​     mContext instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity with mDestroyed =
​     true
│ GC Root: Thread object
├─ android.os.HandlerThread instance
│    Leaking: NO (PathClassLoader↓ is not leaking)
│    Thread name: 'LeakCanary-Heap-Dump'
│    ↓ Thread.contextClassLoader
├─ dalvik.system.PathClassLoader instance
│    Leaking: NO (InternalLeakCanary↓ is not leaking and A ClassLoader is never
│    leaking)
│    ↓ ClassLoader.runtimeInternalObjects
├─ java.lang.Object[] array
│    Leaking: NO (InternalLeakCanary↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ Object[22]
├─ leakcanary.internal.InternalLeakCanary class
│    Leaking: NO (MainActivity↓ is not leaking and a class is never leaking)
│    ↓ static InternalLeakCanary.resumedActivity
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking and Activity#mDestroyed is
│    false)
│    mApplication instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.EhApplication
│    mBase instance of androidx.appcompat.view.ContextThemeWrapper
│    ↓ ComponentActivity.mOnConfigurationChangedListeners
├─ java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ CopyOnWriteArrayList[4]
├─$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ FragmentManager$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.f$0
├─ instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ FragmentManager.mParent
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking and
│    Fragment#mFragmentManager is not null)
│    Fragment.mTag=2e1ebf17-9e7a-41f9-9f36-8e85f372ced0
│    ↓ GalleryListScene.vm$delegate
├─ androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelLazy instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 112 B in 6 objects
│    ↓ ViewModelLazy.cached
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.VMStorage1 instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 2.3 MB in 22802 objects
│    ↓ VMStorage1.dataFlow
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.ReadonlySharedFlow instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 2.3 MB in 22792 objects
│    ↓ ReadonlySharedFlow.$$delegate_0
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowImpl instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.6 kB in 46 objects
│    ↓ AbstractSharedFlow.slots
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowSlot[] array
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 40 objects
│    ↓ SharedFlowSlot[0]
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.flow.SharedFlowSlot instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 39 objects
│    ↓ SharedFlowSlot.cont
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.CancellableContinuationImpl instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 1.4 kB in 38 objects
│    ↓ CancellableContinuationImpl._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildContinuation instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 56 B in 2 objects
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Retaining 152 B in 5 objects
│    ↓ JobSupport._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildHandleNode instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ProducerCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobSupport._parentHandle
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.ChildHandleNode instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ JobNode.job
├─ kotlinx.coroutines.internal.ScopeCoroutine instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ ScopeCoroutine.uCont
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene$onCreateViewWithToolbar$5$1
│  instance
│    Leaking: NO (GalleryListScene↓ is not leaking)
│    Anonymous subclass of kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.SuspendLambda
│    ↓ GalleryListScene$onCreateViewWithToolbar$5$1.this$0
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.GalleryListScene instance
│    Leaking: NO (Fragment#mFragmentManager is not null)
│    Fragment.mTag=2e1ebf17-9e7a-41f9-9f36-8e85f372ced0
│    ↓ Fragment.mParentFragment
│               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
╰→ androidx.navigation.fragment.NavHostFragment instance
​     Leaking: YES (ObjectWatcher was watching this because androidx.navigation.
​     fragment.NavHostFragment received Fragment#onDestroy() callback and
​     Fragment#mFragmentManager is null)
​     Retaining 2.0 kB in 70 objects
​     key = ccef43aa-e7af-4324-aa2e-bcb1bddefecd
​     watchDurationMillis = 5785
​     retainedDurationMillis = 783
│ GC Root: Thread object
├─ instance
│    Leaking: NO (PathClassLoader↓ is not leaking)
│    Thread name: 'ConnectivityThread'
│    ↓ Thread.contextClassLoader
├─ dalvik.system.PathClassLoader instance
│    Leaking: NO (DownloadManager↓ is not leaking and A ClassLoader is never
│    leaking)
│    ↓ ClassLoader.runtimeInternalObjects
├─ java.lang.Object[] array
│    Leaking: NO (DownloadManager↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ Object[2159]
├─ class
│    Leaking: NO (DownloadsScene↓ is not leaking and a class is never leaking)
│    ↓ static DownloadManager.mDownloadInfoListeners
├─ java.util.ArrayList instance
│    Leaking: NO (DownloadsScene↓ is not leaking)
│    ↓ ArrayList[1]
├─ com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.scene.DownloadsScene instance
│    Leaking: NO (FragmentContainerView↓ is not leaking and
│    Fragment#mFragmentManager is not null)
│    Fragment.mTag=0f77fb06-a118-4e37-9677-ba3056f3c5cb
│    ↓ Fragment.mContainer
├─ instance
│    Leaking: NO (View attached)
│    View is part of a window view hierarchy
│    View.mAttachInfo is not null (view attached)
│    View.mID =
│    View.mWindowAttachCount = 1
│    mContext instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity with mDestroyed =
│    false
│    ↓ FragmentContainerView.disappearingFragmentChildren
│                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
├─ java.util.ArrayList instance
│    Leaking: UNKNOWN
│    Retaining 188.8 kB in 4756 objects
│    ↓ ArrayList[0]
│               ~~~
╰→ androidx.coordinatorlayout.widget.CoordinatorLayout instance
​     Leaking: YES (ObjectWatcher was watching this because com.hippo.ehviewer.
​     ui.scene.DownloadsScene received Fragment#onDestroyView() callback
​     (references to its views should be cleared to prevent leaks))
​     Retaining 188.7 kB in 4754 objects
​     key = 0e5958d6-d830-4156-96d8-50cfb29af6aa
​     watchDurationMillis = 19180
​     retainedDurationMillis = 13570
​     View not part of a window view hierarchy
​     View.mAttachInfo is null (view detached)
​     View.mWindowAttachCount = 1
​     mContext instance of com.hippo.ehviewer.ui.MainActivity with mDestroyed =
​     false

应用日志 / App logs

No response

备注 / Addition details

No response

EhViewer 版本号 / EhViewer version code

EhViewer CI 版本 / EhViewer CI Version


Android 系统版本 / Android version


设备型号 / Device model


SoC 型号 / Soc model


自查步骤 / Verify steps

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  • 您已仔细查看并知情 Q&A 中的内容 / You have checked Q&A carefully
  • 您已搜索过 Issue Tracker,没有找到类似内容 / I have searched on Issue Tracker, No duplicate or related open issue has been found
  • 您确保这个 Issue 只提及一个问题。如果您有多个问题报告,烦请发起多个 Issue / Ensure there is only one bug report in this issue. Please make mutiply issue for mutiply bugs
  • 您确保已使用最新 CI 版本测试,并且该问题在最新 CI 版本中并未解决 / This bug have not solved in latest CI version
@FooIbar FooIbar added the bug Something isn't working label Aug 4, 2023
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bug Something isn't working

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1 participant