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SDK 8.2 update readme

Relevant Repositories


  • Apple silicon external development support

    • Allow third-parties to compile externals which run natively on Apple silicon
  • CMake support in max-sdk

    • Modernize build system and remove platform-specific projects
  • Integration of base headers and libs in min-api and max-sdk

    • Eliminate the divergence in base headers when developing in Min vs. the traditional Max SDK

Technical Changes

Restructuring of submodules

  • A new max-sdk-base repo containing minimally required headers, libs, and CMake scripts

    • max-sdk has max-sdk-base as a submodule
    • min-api replaces max-api with max-sdk-base
  • Branch renaming of max-sdk, min-api, min-devkit (master --> main)

CMake support in Max SDK

  • Xcode and Visual Studio project files have been removed from the repo.
  • CMake is required to generate project files on any platform (see below).

Base headers and libs changes

  • max-sdk-base support for C++ namespaces and replacement of some defines with enums (may be of interest to developers looking for better C++ compatibility without requiring the use of Min, and will serve as the replacement for max-api in that regard)

How to Update


  • CMake (>=3.19)

A video walk-through is also available.

1. Switch submodule branches from master to main

To switch branches from master to main from the command line:

git branch -m master main
git fetch origin
git branch -u origin/main main
git remote set-head origin -a

2. Update all submodules

git submodule update --init --recursive (since these are newly added submodules the --init flag is required)

When updating min-api, the old submodules may or may not get removed. If not, simply remove either max-api and/or max-sdk folders from inside the min-api folder.

3. Using CMake to generate projects

Install CMake if it's not already on your computer. On macOS, we recommend Homebrew: On Windows, either download from, or install it as part of your Terminal environment (such as mingw64 or the Git bash console).

Navigate to your SDK folder in the Terminal e.g.:

cd ~/max-sdk

Make a directory called build and navigate to that directory

mkdir build && cd build

Build the projects on Mac:

cmake -G Xcode ..

Note: If you are running on a Mac M1 machine, you will likely see an error cannot be loaded due to system security policy when loading your externals in Max. To resolve this, you can ad-hoc codesign your external with codesign --force --deep -s - myobject.mxo.

Build the projects on Windows (adjust for your version of Visual Studio, or omit for default):

cmake -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" ..

Open the generated project files and build from your IDE.

How to Support Apple Silicon


  • Xcode 12 and MacOS >= 10.15 (Catalina)

To support Apple silicon in your projects, simply add the following line to your base CMakeLists.txt file:


Alternatively use the following CMake flag:

cmake "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=x86_64;arm64"

This will build Fat externals, supporting both Intel and Apple silicon machines.

For support, please use the developer forums at: