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104 lines (56 loc) · 5.9 KB


board-game-gem provides a Ruby interface to the BoardGameGeek XML API (version 2). It's designed to work with the Rails cache to reduce the number of requests when working with Rails.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'board-game-gem'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install board-game-gem


Requests to retrieve data can be made using any of the methods in the BoardGameGem module. Arguments in brackets are optional.

The options argument is a hash which allows any other parameter. For example, if you wished to limit a collection by subtype, you could pass the hash { subtype: "boardgame" } as options.

get_item(id, [statistics], [api] [options]): Retreive a specific item from BGG by ID. Within the BGG API, this is called a 'thing' rather than an 'item'. If an item with that ID is not found, nil is returned.

If statistics is true, averages, weights, and rankings will be retrieved as well. By default, statistics is false and api is 2.

get_item returns a BGGItem object, which has the following attributes: id, api, type, thumbnail, name, alternate_names, description, year_published, min_players, max_players, playing_time, min_playing_time, max_playing_time, statistics. If api is 1, alternate_names will always be nil.

statistics is a hash, with the following keys: :user_ratings, :average, :bayes, :ranks, :stddev, :median, :owned, :trading, :wanted, :wishing, :num_comments, :num_weights, :average_weight. Within this, :ranks is an array, containing hashes with the following keys: :type, :name, :friendly_name, :value, :bayes.

get_items(ids, [statistics], [api], [options]) exists as well, which is functionally equivelent to get_item, except it takes an array of IDs and returns an array of BGGItem objects. get_items should be used when making many requests in succession, as it makes one HTTP request for the batch.

get_family(id, [options]): Retrieves information on a data family. Returns a BGGFamily object, which has the following attributes: id, thumbnail, image, name, alternate_names, description. Within this, alternate_names is an array of strings. If a family with that ID is not found, nil is returned.

get_user(username, [options]): Retreives information on a specific user by name. If a user with that name does not exist, nil is returned.

get_user returns a BGGUser object, which has the following attributes: id, name, avatar, year_registered, last_login, state, trade_rating


get_collection: Returns this user's collection, as if BoardGameGem.get_collection was called using this user's name.

get_collection(username, [options]): Returns a user's collection by username. Returns a BGGCollection object, which has two attributes: :count, the number of items in the collection, and :items, an array consisting of many BGGCollectionItem objects.

The BGG API queues requests to retrieve a user's collection, returning a 202 status code and a 'please wait' message. When BoardGameGem makes a request and sees a 202 code, it waits a short time before issuing the request again. After 10 tries, BoardGameGem will give up and return nil. You should not make multiple get_collection requests to handle queueing yourself.


get_owned: Returns itmes in this collection that are flagged as 'owned'.

get_previously_owned: Returns items in this collection that are flagged as 'previously owned'.

get_wants: Returns items in this collection that are flagged as 'want'.

get_want_to_play: Returns items in this collection that are flagged as 'want to play'.

get_want_to_buy: Returns items in this collection that are flagged as 'want to buy'.

get_wishlist: Returns items in this collection that are on the collection owner's wishlist.

get_preordered: Returns items in this collection that are flagged as 'preordered'.


The BGG API returns a subset of an item's data when including it in a collection request. As a result, a BGGCollectionItem contains the following attributes: id, type, name, year_published, image, thumbnail, num_players, status, num_plays. Within this, status is a hash containing the following keys: :own, :prev_owned, :for_trade, :want, :want_to_play, :want_to_buy, :wishlist, :preordered:, :last_modified.

BGGCollectionItem contains one other method, to_item([statistics]), which returns the BGGItem version of this object.

search(query, [options]): Performs a search request, returning any items which are like the query. Returns a hash with the keys total, the number of items found in the search, and items, an array of BGGSearchResult objects.


Much like BGGCollectionItem, BGGSearchResult is a subset of BGGItem, and contains the following attributes: id, type, name, year_published.

A BGGItem version of this object can be requested with to_item([statistics]).

But the BGG API has more than just this!

I made this gem to help make requests for another one of my projects, Acceptable Trader, and thus haven't finished implementing the other BGG API features that Acceptable Trader didn't require. If you need something specific for your application, log an issue, message me on Twitter (@Corvimae). This is my first gem, so there are probably some issues. Let me know!


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.