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File metadata and controls

41 lines (31 loc) · 2.47 KB

Tim's Rapid Page Builder


To allow a simple edit of HTML fragments to be injected into a template that dictates what elements are used and what order they are placed in.

How It Works

After you have made sure you installed all the gulp packages, you can type the name of a task like gulp html-build or just gulp to build/optimize the whole thing.

  1. html-build goes to ./src/templates/ and looks for html files in that folder. Then the inject method is used to look in the sample file template.html for injection points. once it identifies that, it looks in the /fragments folder for the appropriate file.

This seeks the inject that includes "meta" and resolves it to ./src/templates/fragments/meta.html:

.pipe(inject(gulp.src(['./src/templates/fragments/meta.html']), {starttag: '<!-- inject:meta:{{ext}} -->',transform: function (filePath, file) { return file.contents.toString('utf8')} }))

This is the template.html placeholder for the injection of that above snippet:

  <!-- inject:meta:html -->
  <!-- global meta tags will be here -->
  <!-- endinject -->
  1. html-clean goes in the compiled html files that were output by html-build adds blank alt tags where there were none, strips whitespace and minifies it. It will be smaller but unreadable to humans.
  2. css-build grabs all the css in ./src/css/ combines (concatinate) it to one file called global.css and dumps it in ./dist/css/
  3. css-clean lookes in the compiled css, makes it shorthand by way of gulp-csso, then uses gulp-uncss to look for unused CSS in all your html docs (does not work for elements created in the DOM by JS), finally it minifies it.
  4. js-build grabs all the javascript in ./src/js/ combines (concatinate) it to one file called global.js and dumps it in ./dist/js/.
  5. js-clean lookes in the compiled js, then minifies it.
  6. gulp by itself runs the builds, followed by the cleans.

Required Gulp packages

You need to go to the root of the project and in the command line you'll use npm to install these packages, assuming you don't have gulp already, here it is installedd globally:

npm install gulp -g
npm install gulp-if gulp-cheerio gulp-sass gulp-rename gulp-util vinyl-source-stream vinyl-buffer
npm install --save gulp-concat gulp-uglifycss gulp-uglifyjs
npm install --save-dev gulp-plumber gulp-inject gulp-uglify gulp-uncss gulp-csso gulp-htmlclean gulp-dev gulp-filter gulp-useref gulp-rev-replace gulp-browserify
npm update