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CenturyLink Cloud Price Estimator

A simple calculator for estimating monthly cost of using CenturyLink Cloud products and services. A built version of this tool is viewable here:


This project uses:

  • Middleman for compiling a static HTML site from Ruby
  • Grunt for compiling front-end (JS and CSS)

Project Setup

  1. With Ruby 1.9.2+ installed, Run bundle install to install Ruby dependencies.
  2. With Node installed, run npm install to install Node dependencies.


  • Run middleman server to run dev server at http://localhost:4567.
  • Run grunt dev to watch the front-end source files and recompile as necessary.

To update prices (each data center the service is offered), edit the pricing JSON files in CenturyLinkCloud/PriceEstimator/public/prices and CenturyLinkCloud/PublicPlatform/public/prices

There are multiple pricing JSON files: baseline.json, one for each data center (e.g., gb3.json, and default.json. The default.json file is used if there is not a file for a particular data center.

Pricing changes must be made to all of these files in both repositories.

The file data-center-prices.json feeds the select dropdown for the data centers as well as specifies which pricing JSON file to use.

To update Managed Services, edit:


  • To compile front-end assets run grunt. This may be unecessary if you've been running grunt dev; grunt does the same stuff without the watching.
  • Run middleman build to output compiled HTML, CSS, JS to the build directory
  • Deploy the contents of the build directory.

Assumptions for Calculations

  • 720 hours in a month
  • 30.42 days in a month
  • 4.35 weeks in a month
