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#Event Driven LPC800 Framework


The purpose of the Event Driven LPC800 Framework (EDL8F) is to provide a simple interrupt driven framework for the LPC800 microcontroller. The EDL8F manages events and provides language for users to implement non-blocking, energy efficient solutions. This framework aims to be as user friendly as Arduino- using a similar setup() function. Instead of a synchronous looping function which controls program flow, the user defines which events will wake the processor, and what the processor should do before falling back asleep. Since the LPC800 uses a switch matrix for all of its peripherals, this library will also provide a routing function which allows the user to configure where peripherals are located from within code.

Please see the Usage section for framework syntax, and the Examples section for the intended use of this library.


  • void setup(void)
    • This function is called during intialization one time, and should contain the user's initialization code.
  • void onPERIPHERALNAME(arg0, arg1, ..., argN)
    • This function is called when an interrupt is processed by the Event Manager.
    • For example, if a Wakeup Timer interrupt occured, the user's onWKT(void) function will be called.
    • Events such as UART and I2C will return their data using arguments as defined by each peripheral.
  • void process(void)
    • This function resembles the loop() function in Arduino, but instead of being called in a repetitive fashion, it is called once all of the events have been handled and the processor is returning to sleep mode.
    • This function is meant to check flags set during interrupts and perform actions accordingly.


This framework is planned to be used on the LPC800-MAX board from NXP. This board will provide a cheap and easy way for hobbyists to break into the ARM market. The brd folder contains the gerbers for an LPC812M101FDH20 board which breaks out pins MBed style, contains a standard SWD programming header, pulls the boot and reset lines high, and provides a decoupling cap. This board was ordered on 4/28/13, and has not yet been tested.

Board Pictures


  • EventManager Module
    • Queue module which accepts event data during interrupts to process later, in order.
  • SystemManager Module
    • Module which builds upon the EDL8F peripheral layer and provides initialization routines and higher level peripheral access.


Since this project is still in its infancy, the examples section is meant as the intent of this framework. All examples are subject to change. For any currently working examples, check the examples directory.

Example 1: Blinky

void setup()
	// Set up pin 11 as a push/pull output.
	gpio_pinMode(P11, OUTPUT_PUSHPULL);
	// Set up the Wake-Up Timer to interrupt every 500ms.

void onWkt()
	// Toggle the pin

Example 2: UART Loopback

// UART code has not been written -- this is the intent of the library.

void setup()
    route(UART_TX0, P1);
    route(UART_RX0, P2);
    setupUart(UART0, 9600, UART_NONE);

    uint8_t incomingData = uartRead(UART0);
    uartWrite(UART0, incomingData);


An interrupt driven framework for the LPC800 series chip from NXP.






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