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File metadata and controls

261 lines (180 loc) · 8.77 KB

Porting Filter Notes

Porting Checklist

  • Parameters should be generally broken down into "Input Parameters", "Required Data Objects", "Created Data Objects". There can be exceptions to this.
  • ChoicesParameter selections should be an enumeration defined in the filer header
  • Documentation copied from SIMPL Repo and updated (if necessary)
  • Parameter argument variables are k_CamelCase_Key
  • Parameter argument strings are lower_snake_case
static inline constexpr StringLiteral k_AlignmentType_Key = "alignment_type";

Misc. Code Style requirements

  • Filters should have both the Filter class and Algorithm class for anything beyond trivial needs

Converting Types

  • QString => std::string
  • QVector<> => std::vector<>
  • QMap<> => std::map<>
  • QByteArray => std::array<int8> or std::vector<int8>

Converting setErrorCondition from SIMPL to SIMPLNX


    setErrorCondition(nx::core::StlConstants::k_ErrorOpeningFile, "Error opening STL file");


    Result<> result =  MakeErrorResult(nx::core::StlConstants::k_ErrorOpeningFile, "Error opening STL file")

then you can optionally return the result variable if needed

QString operations

There are some substitutions for the QString operations. See for more information about std::string

There is a file simplnx/Utilities/StringUtilities.hpp that has some QString functionality that is needed.

Getting a Geometry from the DataStructure

If you know the path to the Geometry:

  DataPath triangleGeometryDataPath = pParentDataGroupPath.createChildPath(pGeometryName);
  TriangleGeom& triangleGeom = dataStructure.getDataRefAs<TriangleGeom>(triangleGeometryDataPath);

Resizing Attribute Matrix

If your codes specifically resize the AttributeMatrix, this is not needed anymore.

QString Formatting

Use the format library

QString msg = QString("Error reading Triangle '%1'. Object Count was %2 and should have been %3").arg(t, objsRead, k_StlElementCount);
std::string msg = fmt::format("Error reading Triangle '{}}'. Object Count was {} and should have been {}", t, objsRead, k_StlElementCount);

Get An Array from the DataStructure

Example of getting an array and summing the values using range based for loop.

 // Let's sum up all the areas.
    Float64Array& faceAreasArray = dataGraph.getDataRefAs<Float64Array>(triangleAreasDataPath);
    AbstractFloat64DataStore& faceAreas = faceAreasArray.getDataStoreRef();
    double sumOfAreas = 0.0;
    for(const auto& area : faceAreas)
      sumOfAreas += area;

DataArray Performance

  • When iterating over values, either to read or write, use the reference returned by DataArray::getDataStoreRef().
  • When writing values in a multi-threaded function, use the getValue and setValue methods in AbstractDataStore to ensure that values being both read and written at the same time. The [] operators are not capable of protecting against data corruption.
    • In situation where values are only being read from the array, the [] operators are both safe and faster to use.

Chaining Together DataPath + String to form new DataPath

    DataPath triangleAreasDataPath = geometryPath.createChildPath(triangleFaceDataGroupName).createChildPath("Triangle Areas");

Print out the preflight errors during a Unit Test

    auto preflightResult = filter.preflight(dataGraph, args);
      for(const auto& error : preflightResult.outputActions.errors())
        std::cout << error.code << ": " << error.message << std::endl;

Moving from Pointer based array navigation

Previously inside of SIMPL one would have done the following to get the raw pointer to the data stored in a DataArray:

float* vertex = triangleGeom->getVertexPointer(0);

and then used the [] notation to get and set values. With the possibility of out-of-core being added there is no guarantee that the data would exist at a given pointer offset in memory. Instead the developer should use:

AbstractGeometry::SharedVertexList& vertex = *(triangleGeom->getVertices());

Note the use of a Reference Variable instead of the pointer. The developer can still use code such as vertex[index] to get/set a value but the code vertex = i to move a pointer will not work.

Selecting Geometry from a Parameter

If you need to have the user select a Geometry then you should use a GeometrySelectionParameter.

  params.insert(std::make_unique<GeometrySelectionParameter>(k_GridGeomPath_Key, "Input Image Geometry", "DataPath to input Image Geometry", DataPath{},

Transferring Data from one Geometry to Another

There are several filters (those that create a new geometry from an existing one) where the user is allowed to "transfer" data from the source geometry onto the newly created geometry. QuickSurfaceMeshFilter and PointSampleTriangleGeometryFilter both are examples of how to perform this transfer of data.

Parallel Algorithms

There are several classes that can be used to help the developer write parallel algorithms.

simplnx/Utilities/ParallelAlgorithm and simplnx/Utilities/ParallelTaskAlgorithm are the two main classes depending on the situation. AlignSections.cpp and CropImageGeometryFilter.cpp both use a task based parallelism. RotateSampleRefFrameFilter.cpp shows an example of using ParallelData3DAlgorithm.

Constants for Pi and Others

  #include "simplnx/Common/Numbers.hpp"

and use it this way:

  double foo = nx::core::numbers::k_180OverPi * 232.0;


All filters give you access to the MessageHandler class that sends status, progress, error and warning messages back to the user.

This example uses the fmt library to format a message of type Info and send it back to the user interface.

    m_MessageHandler(IFilter::Message::Type::Info, fmt::format("Iteration {} of {}", q, m_InputValues->pIterationSteps));

This example shows how to send back progress. The integer argument is a value between 0 and 100 where 0 is just starting and 100 is fully complete.

    m_MessageHandler(IFilter::Message::Type::Progress, progressMessage, static_cast<int32_t>(progressInt));

Creating Array within an Attribute Matrix

If you have a filter that needs to create an array in something like a cell attribute matrix or a feature attribute matrix then the following filters have examples.

  • TriangleNormalFilter
  • ComputeFeatureSizesFilter


You have code that does this:

EXECUTE_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE(this, Detail::ExecuteTemplate, m_InArrayPtr.lock(), this, m_InArrayPtr.lock());

and now you are porting that to simplnx. The old Detail::ExecuteTemplate needs to be converted into a "struct" based functor like the following:

struct ExecuteTemplate

  template <typename T>
  void operator()([ARGUMENTS GO HERE], const std::atomic_bool& shouldCancel, const IFilter::MessageHandler& messageHandler)
  .... your code goes here

then you replace the macro with the following template function:

  ExecuteDataFunction(ExecuteTemplate{}, srcIDataArray.getDataType(), [ARGUMENTS GO HERE], m_ShouldCancel, m_MessageHandler);

The first 2 arguments to the above function are used by the function, any additional arguments are passed directly to your functor implementation.

Porting SIMPL Filter

  • Create Filter class in "PLUGIN_NAME/src/PLUGIN_NAME/Filters/xxxxFilter[.hpp|.cpp]"
  • Update Plugin's top level CMakeLists.txt to include the filter
  • Create Algorithm class in "PLUGIN_NAME/src/PLUGIN_NAME/Filters/Algorithms/xxxxFilter[.hpp|.cpp]"
  • Update Plugin's top level CMakeLists.txt to include the algorithm
  • Ensure the UUID is the proper UUID from the know mappings file.


Use proper grouping in the parameters to help the User Interface.

There are potentially 3 sections of parameters:

  params.insertSeparator(Parameters::Separator{"Input Parameter(s)"});
  params.insertSeparator(Parameters::Separator{"Input Data Objects"});
  params.insertSeparator(Parameters::Separator{"Output Output Data Objects"});

these should be used as needed by the filter.

Processing a Geometry In Place

Sometimes a filter needs allow the user to process it's geometry "in place" in order to ease the number of filters that are needed to remove temporary DataObjects. If your filter needs this kind of capability, then take a look at the "CropImageGeometryFilter" or "RotateSampleRefFrame" filters.