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bonnier-php-sdk TRAPP examples

Service for talking with the Bonnier translation service (TRAPP)

PHP SDK for communicating with the TRAPP webservice.


All related TRAPP classes extends from the \Bonnier\RestItem class - which contains a RestBase related service property, that contains the basic functionality for communicating with webservices using the index-search authentication.

Service classes

Service class Description
ServiceTranslation Service class for getting translations
ServiceState Service class for getting available states
ServiceLanguage Service class for gettings available languages
ServiceRevision Service class for returning available revisions (Not intended for external use)

Get single

This examples retrieves a single translation with the id 55a8cb09214f48032700421f

$translation = new \Bonnier\Trapp\ServiceTranslation($username, $secret);
$translation = $service->getById('55a8cb09214f48032700421f');

Create Single

$service = new \Bonnier\Trapp\ServiceTranslation($this->apiUser, $this->apiKey);

        // Set attributes
        $service->setTitle('This is a title');
        $service->setDeadline(new DateTime('tomorrow'));
        $service->setComment('This is a comment');
        $service->setState('state-waiting'); // Note: Not required - this defaults to 'state-waiting' if not provided.

        // Create a field
        // Build field array
        $newFieldArray = array(
            'label' => 'This is the name of my paragraph',
            'value' => 'This is the content of my paragraph',
            'display_format' => 'text', // Can be 'text' or 'image'
            'group' => 'Group1', // Used for grouping multiple fields - not required
        // Create field object
        $fieldObject =  \Bonnier\Trapp\Translation\TranslationField::fromArray($newFieldArray);
        // Add field

        $savedTranlation = $service->save(); // Both the return and $service object is now a new translation

Update single

This examples updates a translation with the id 55a8cb09214f48032700421f with the new values defined in the properties.

$service = new \Bonnier\Trapp\ServiceTranslation($this->apiUser, $this->apiKey);


        // Set attributes
        $service->setTitle('This is a updated title');
        $service->setDeadline(new DateTime('today'));
        $service->setComment('This is a updated comment');

        // Update an existing field on an existing translation
        $fields = $service->getFields();
        $fields[0]->setValue('This is an updated value');
        // Set the new array of updated fields.
        $service->setFields($fields); // Note setFields() overrides existing fields.

        // Create a new field on the existing translation
        // Build field array
        $newFieldArray = array(
            'label' => 'This is the name of a new paragraph',
            'value' => 'This is the content of a new paragraph',
            'display_format' => 'text', // Can be 'text' or 'image'
            'group' => 'Group1', // Used for grouping multiple fields - not required
        // Create field object
        $fieldObject =  \Bonnier\Trapp\Translation\TranslationField::fromArray($newFieldArray);
        // Add field

        $savedTranlation = $service->update(); // Both the return and $service object is now the new version of the translation

Delete item

This is a basic example of deleting an item.

$service = new \Bonnier\Trapp\ServiceTranslation($username, $secret);

$translation = $service->getById('2131231231');

if($translation->deleted) {
    // Item successfully deleted

Get list, add query and apply filters

Get the results sets, query everything matching locale da_dk with application id 13 - then skip 5 results and take 5. execute() performs the api-call and delivers the results.

$service = new \Bonnier\Trapp\ServiceTranslation($username, $secret);

$results = $service->getCollection() // Get the queryable TranslationCollection object
->locale('da_dk') // Filter everything with locale da_dk
->app(13) // Filter everything with app_id 13
->skip(5) // Skip 5
->limit(5) // Retrieve 5 results
->execute(); // Call the service and get the results, similar to calling api()

Creating object from callback

If you want a nice ServiceTranslation object upon receiving the callback from Trapp, you can use the fromCallback method on the ServiceTranslation class.


    // Parse Trapp response
    $callbackResponse = $_POST;

    $object = \Bonnier\Trapp\ServiceTranslation::fromCallback($username, $secret, $callbackResponse);

Add custom parameters, headers, timeout - etc.

Switch between production and staging environment by using:

$service = new \Bonnier\Trapp\ServiceTranslation($username, $secret);

Debugging the request

The service lets you debug the request being sent by adding a callback function that gets called before the request is executed, this gives you access to properties from the request. Sample code:

$service = new \Bonnier\Trapp\ServiceTranslation($username, $secret);

$service->debugRequest(function($request) {
    // Get the request uri
    // Get the request method
    // Get the contents of the body

$translation = $service->getById('2131231231');

Handling errors

Since the service extends GuzzleHttp client it will throw ClientExceptions on failure. By catching the exception you may debug the error like so:

try {
     } catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\ClientException $e ) {
         // Get request uri
         // Get request method
         // Get request body

         // Get Response code
         // Get Response Body
