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Zoe Server

This is the Restful API backend implemented in FastAPI for the Zoe architecture. It provides the communication endpoints for the clients, executors and the UI.


We are using python virtual environments in this project to not clutter and conflict with the system python installation.

Windows - VScode development environment

git clone http://gitlab/beamng/zoe.git
cd zoe\server\api-backend
python -m venv .venv
call .venv\\Scripts\\activate.bat
pip install -r requirements.txt

You should be able to press F5 in VScode to start. Otherwise you can also start manually:

uvicorn ZoeServer.main:app --reload

Linux - Production environment

# for the tools
apt install subversion git sqlite3

# the main program:
git clone http://gitlab/beamng/zoe.git
cd zoe/server/api-backend
python3 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

# install nginx site
cp misc/ZoeServer-nginx /etc/nginx/sites-available/ZoeServer
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ZoeServer /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
systemctl restart nginx.service

# install service
cp misc/ZoeServer.service /etc/systemd/system/ZoeServer.service
# !!!
# Now fix your installation path in /etc/systemd/system/ZoeServer.service (/home/testrunner)
# !!!
systemctl start ZoeServer.service

You can look at the logs like this:

journalctl -u ZoeServer

Or run the server manually:

uvicorn ZoeServer.main:app --reload