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Releases: Azure/azure-storage-azcopy

AzCopy Release v10.16.1

05 Oct 00:22
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Documentation changes

  1. all was historically an available status option for jobs show but is now documented.

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed a hard crash when persisting ACLs from remote filesystems on Windows.
  2. Fixed a hard crash when deleting folders containing a % in the name from Azure Files.
  3. Fixed a bug which made Managed Disks data access authentication mode unusable with auto login.

AzCopy V10.16.0 Release

21 Jul 16:37
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Version 10.16.0

New features

  1. Added time-based flag for remove to include files modified before/after certain date/time.
  2. Added --output-level flag which allows users to set output verbosity.
  3. Added --preserve-posix-properties flag that allows user to persist the results of statx(2)/stat(2) syscall on upload.
  4. Implemented setprops command that allows users to set specific properties of Blobs, BlobFS, and Files.
  5. Implemented multi-auth for managed disks (SAS+OAuth) when the managed disk export account requests it.

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue 1506: Added input watcher to resolve issue since job could not be resumed.
  2. Fixed issue 1794: Moved log-level to root.go so log-level arguments do not get ignored.
  3. Fixed issue 1824: Avoid creating .azcopy under HOME if plan/log location is specified elsewhere.
  4. Fixed isue 1830, issue 1412, and issue 873: Improved error message for when AzCopy cannot determine if source is directory.
  5. Fixed issue 1777: Fixed job list to handle respective output-type correctly.
  6. Fixed win64 alignment issue.

AzCopy V10.15.0 Release

12 May 01:29
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Version 10.15.0

New features

  1. Added support for OAuth forwarding when performing Blob -> Blob copy.
  2. Allow users to dynamically change the bandwidth cap via messages through the STDIN.
  3. GCS -> Blob is now GA.
  4. Enable MinIO(S3) logs in DEBUG mode.
  5. Upgraded Go version to 1.17.9.

Bug fixes

  1. Resolved alignment of atomicSuccessfulBytesInActiveFiles.
  2. Fixed issue where last-write-time was still getting persisted even when --preserve-smb-info is false.
  3. Fixed issue where concurrency was always AUTO for Azure Files despite explicit override.
  4. Removed outdated load command following the deprecation of the cflsload package.

AzCopy V10.14.1 Release

15 Mar 08:30
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Version 10.14.1

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue #1625 where a panic occurs during sync scanning.
  2. Fixed remove issue when account has versioning enabled.

AzCopy V10.14.0 Release

28 Feb 05:45
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Version 10.14.0

New features

  1. Feature to permanently delete soft-deleted
    snapshots/versions of the blobs has been added (preview). --permanent-delete=none/snapshots/version/snapshotsandversions.
  2. Feature to preserve properties and ACLs when copying to Azure file share root directory.
  3. Pin all APIs to use the default service version 2020-04-08 and let users decide the service version via
    AZCOPY_DEFAULT_SERVICE_API_VERSION environment variable. Previously, few APIs were not respecting the AZCOPY_DEFAULT_SERVICE_API_VERSION environment variable.

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed issue in which AzCopy failed to copy to classic blob container with preserve blob access tier.
  2. Fixed issue 1630 : AzCopy created extra empty
    directories at destination while performing S2S transfer from one ADLS Gen2 account to another ADLS Gen2 account.
  3. Changed the way AzCopy was using to obtain and set ACLs to ensure accuracy.
  4. Clarify error message for azcopy sync when source or destination cannot be detected.
  5. Report error when client provided key(CPK) encryption is applied to DFS endpoint.
  6. Fixed issue 1596 : AzCopy failed to transfer files
    (with '/.' in their path) from AWS S3 to Azure blob storage.
  7. Fixed issue 1474 : AzCopy panicked when trying to re-create an already open plan file.
  8. Improved handling of Auth error against single file.
  9. Fixed issue 1640 : Recursive copy from GCS bucket to Azure container failed
    with FileIgnored error when using --exclude-path.
  10. Fixed issue 1655 : AzCopy panicked when using --include-before flag.
  11. Fixed issue 1609 : blockid converted to lower case in AzCopy logs.
  12. Fixed issue 1643, issue 1661 : Updated Golang version to 1.16.10 to fix security vulnerabilities in Golang packages.

AzCopy V10.13.0 Release

27 Oct 05:43
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Version 10.13.0

New features

  1. Added Arc VM support for authorization via managed identity.
  2. Widen managed disk scenario to all md- accounts instead of just md-impexp- accounts.
  3. The concurrency is now set to AUTO for Azure Files by default to avoid throttling.
  4. Decrease the number of create directory calls for Azure Files to avoid throttling.
  5. Added the from-to flag for sync.

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the memory usage issue with generating the list of skipped/failed transfers in JSON output.
  2. Fixed ADLS Gen2 ACL copying where intermediate folders were missed.
  3. Fixed the S3 to Blob scenario using the login command.
  4. Fixed dry-run for dfs endpoints.
  5. Fixed incorrect percentage-done shown while resuming job.
  6. Fixed login issues on the ARM platforms.
  7. Fixed incorrect progress status for the sync command.
  8. Fixed concurrency map access problem for folder creation tracker.
  9. Fixed resuming with a public source.

AzCopy V10.12.2 Release

20 Sep 21:06
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Version 10.12.2

Bug fixes

  1. Fix deleting blobs that are of a different type than the specified copy
  2. Fix --delete-destination on Windows download

AzCopy V10.12.1 Release

02 Sep 19:40
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Version 10.12.1

Bug fixes

  1. Fixed the problem of always receiving overwrite prompt on azure files folders.

AzCopy V10.12.0 Release

31 Aug 17:16
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Version 10.12.0

New features

  1. Added support for include and exclude regex flags, which allow pattern matching on the entire paths.
  2. Added dry run mode for copy, remove, and sync. This feature allows the user to visualize the changes before committing them.
  3. For SMB aware locations, preserve-smb-info flag is now true by default.
  4. Improved how folder lmts are obtained to allow time-based filters for folders.
  5. Added support for ACL copying between HNS enabled accounts. The preserve-smb-permissions flag is now deprecated and has been renamed to preserve-permissions.

Bug fixes

  1. Allow from-to to be set for the remove command.
  2. Fixed the problem where resume command did not honor AZCOPY_DEFAULT_SERVICE_API_VERSION.
  3. Fixed the new version check.
  4. Fixed sync issue on Windows where paths are case-insensitive.
  5. Added prompt for invalid characters when importing from S3.
  6. Fixed bug where public S3 buckets cannot be listed.
  7. Sanitize SAS tokens in JSON output for skipped and failed transfers.
  8. Improved folder property preservation across resumes.

AzCopy V10.11.0 Release

16 Jun 18:34
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Version 10.11.0

New features

  1. Improved performance for copying small blobs (with size less than 256MiB) with Put Blob from URL.
  2. Added mirror mode support in sync operation via mirror-mode flag. The new mode disables last-modified-time based comparisons and overwrites the conflicting files and blobs at the destination if this flag is set to true.
  3. Added flag disable-auto-decoding to avoid automatic decoding of URL-encoded illegal characters when uploading from Windows. These illegal characters could have encoded as a result of downloading them onto Windows which does not support them.
  4. Support custom mime type mapping via environment variable AZCOPY_CONTENT_TYPE_MAP.
  5. Output message on the CLI when AzCopy detects a proxy for each domain.
  6. Interpret DFS endpoints as Blob endpoint automatically when performing service-to-service copy.

Bug fixes

  1. Tolerate enumeration errors for Azure Files and not fail the entire job when a directory is deleted/modified during scanning.
  2. Log skipped transfers to the scanning log.
  3. Fixed pipe upload by adding missing fields such as Metadata, Blob Index Tags, Client Provided Key, Blob Access Tier, etc.
  4. Fixed issue of clean up for the benchmark command.