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Releases: Antrikshy/RecoverTabs

Limits and options

22 Aug 10:45
Choose a tag to compare

Some polish added to the extension:

  • New setting in Safari Preferences (under Extensions) to open tabs in foreground (slower opening is expected)
  • New setting to set a limit on tabs to remember, to prevent potential memory issues

First release

19 Aug 01:11
Choose a tag to compare

Stable enough to not be called beta, but a few things occasionally misbehave.

Currently, the following improvements would be nice:

  • Sometimes, the tab bar gets hidden when only one tab is open. Cmd+Shift+T is reserved for hiding and showing the tab bar.
  • Add a way to prevent reopening of a tab if the same URL is open in another tab.
  • Add a limit to number of saved URLs to prevent memory leaks in long browsing sessions. Purge first-in contents of the array as it grows.
  • Extension malfunctions if tab reopened and closed rapidly.