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Workshop, Introduction to Gatsby by jason Lengstorf

content - introduction

What we are learning:
  • What Gatsby is and why it matters.
  • Gatsby fundamentals.
  • What is GraphQL & how to use it (GraphQL specific for Gatsby)
  • What MDX (MDX way to write react component in your markdown. Powerful way to write content for developers) is & what it means for our content.
  • Programmatic page creation.
  • Image optimization & other performance strategies.
  • How to use third party data in gatsby sites.
  • How to build & deploy gatsby sites.
Challenges of modern web development.
  • Getting started is overhelming. (Many things to learn)
  • Thr way of managing data is evolving.
  • It is hard to get everything write.

What is gatsby & how it works

What is Gatsby?

Gatsby is a shortcut to allow developer to quickly build exellent apps & sites. By eleminating boilerplate. Most workflow envolve a lot boilerplate to get started.

process taking place to use a console to open something up to show it on the browser

console --------------> browser

	webpack - module bundler, bundle the js so that we can use on the page.
	babel - If i want to use es2015+.
	post-css - for css optimization.
	node - I need to get it on a server, so i am using nodejs.
	deploy(host) - docket, Kubernetes.
	nginx(server) - To route this, to make sure it is pointing to my app, when people hits
	my domain.
	fastly(CDN) - assets are chewing through my bandwidth, so i need a cdn.

This all the stuff a have to do to get my website up&running on the browser & then out on the internet.

In case of Gatsby. It removes the boilerplate for getting started & deploying apps to production

console --------------> browser

	Gatsby (React, GraphQL) - Install Gatsby & start building a site.
	Netlify - deploy it to netlify.

As Gatsby is deploying as static assets, we do not have to worry about - server-scaling, database-sharding. Instead here is a bucket of static files, i am gonna put them in CDN, which is desiged to distribute this stuff geographically. Because it is static i do not have to worry about database-access, server-down, ddos(as it takes a lot to ddos a CDN)

Monolithic CMS - wordpress, drupal. (is dying)

So there is shift towards being headless, means act as an api instead of a ui layer. Like - decoupled drupal, wordpress api to do headless wordpress. There CMS built design to be headless, like - contentful, Strapi. They r designed without ui layer. They are just for managing data.

To dill with this, gatsby uses content mesh

If i have data in all the places, we can stitch them together in a common layer which is the mesh. This process normalizes the data, so where it comes from doesn't matter. It can come from - wordpress, shopify, localdata. so it will feel the same.

wordpress - built to be blogging software, but we can add ecommerce. magenta - for ecommerce software.

**with content mesh, i will use a tool built for solving a problem & combine them. Like - **

  • algolia -> for great search experiencre.
  • contentful -> content management for my text.
  • Cloudinary -> if i want my assets served as optimized & cachable way.
  • stripe -> to sell something.

so i can choose the best tools for a specific task & stictch them together in one silidified layer.

Gatsby is a progressive web app generator.

Ultimate goal is gatsby give me good default. sothat when i publish it, it gonna score hundred on performance.

  • Follows PRPL pattern make the webpage load & interactive faster P - Push (or preload) the most important resources. R - Render the initial route as soon as possible. P - Pre-cache remaining assets. L - Lazy load other routes and non-critical assets.

  • code splitting.

  • prefetching.

  • Generates only static assets, so no server required. i only need database and server available during build.

  • Less security risk, there is no database access.

  • optimize & lazyload assets.

  • Normalize third-party data.

I have the control what i want to use.