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Michael Jastram edited this page Sep 30, 2013 · 4 revisions

Welcome to Project ERA!

We create an Eclipse-based editor for Requirements Analysis. The requirement model is based on ReqIF standards.

Thus, ERA is an abbreviation for "Eclipse Requirements Analysis", or, being more specific, for "Eclipse ReqIF-supported Analysis". We believe that it is possible to use ReqIF not only for requirements analysis but also for system analysis and system specification in general.

The ReqIF standard is based on its predecessor RIF:

ReqIF 1.0.1 got released in April 2011 and, as far as we know, there is no commercial support for ReqIF available (IBM Rational DOORS supports RIF 1.2). We have used DOORS and we dislike it.

Goals: To be able to define and edit requirements, we have implemented an EMF/Ecore representation of the RIF/ReqIF requirements exchange format. The basic objective is to provide a comfortable list-based multiple-line-per-requirement viewer. Editing views can be configured, thus, the ERA editor will satisfy you, the customers, managers, and software developers in regard to requirement management. Furthermore, ERA will provide traceability which will enable the developers and stakeholders to link and trace requirements into source code and arbitrary documents in real-time.

GUI Inspiration: GeoSetter for its customizable GUI and THE Rename for its ID auto-gen-scheme configuration.

Status: The ERA open-source ReqIF editor currently supports only a small subset of the ReqIF standard. We are sorry to say that ERA will not yet be up to your needs; we contribute to the project in our spare time and it will take us some time. We are concentrating on the editor. ERA is not yet able to create RIF or ReqIF documents but stores it in EMF format. We had started to work on a converter based on Model-to-Model-Transformation. We are in contact with Itemis for RMF. We plan to migrate our ReqIF editor to their model implementation when the project comes out of incubation. Probably, our ERA ReqIF editor could become an alternative to the current RMF frontend ProR.

Find out more about the ERA editor:

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