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Releases: 1N3/Sn1per

Sn1per v4.4 by 1N3@CrowdShield

21 Mar 19:32
@1N3 1N3
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  • v4.4 - Fixed issue with sniper nuke and airstrike modes not running.
  • v4.4 - Added improved SNMP checks via NMap/Metasploit.
  • v4.4 - Resolved dependency issue for nfs-common package.
  • v4.4 - Fixed bug in sniper -fp command switch.

Sn1per v4.3 by 1N3@CrowdShield

09 Mar 16:38
@1N3 1N3
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  • Fixed issue with bad merge in v4.1

Sn1per v4.1 by 1N3@CrowdShield

09 Mar 02:23
@1N3 1N3
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  • v4.1 - Fixed a few bugs with various command line switches for airstrike and nuke modes.
  • v4.1 - Fixed issue with path relative file inclusion via the -f flag. You can now include just the local filename (sniper -f targets.txt).

Sn1per v4.0 by 1N3@CrowdShield

06 Mar 03:22
@1N3 1N3
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  • v4.0 - Added new command switch options for all sniper scans (see --help for details)
  • v4.0 - Added HTML formatted report for all workspaces to display screenshots, headers, reports and open ports
  • v4.0 - Added optional scan options such as --recon, --osint, --fullportonly --bruteforce, etc. to selectively enable scan modules. (see --help for details)
  • v4.0 - Improved Yasou scan options to include existing NMap XML files
  • v4.0 - Added automatic HTML/TXT/PDF reporting for all scans by default
  • v4.0 - Updated default workspace directory to store all loot files by $TARGET name or $WORKSPACE alias
  • v4.0 - Added screenshot and header retrieval to loot storage
  • v4.0 - Updated NMAP SMB enum script

Sn1per v3.0 by 1N3@CrowdShield

05 Jan 02:58
@1N3 1N3
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  • v3.0 - Improved performance of various sniper modes
  • v3.0 - Added Aquatone domain flyover tool
  • v3.0 - Added slurp S3 public AWS scanner
  • v3.0 - Updated Sub-domain hijacking site list
  • v3.0 - Changed look and feel of console output to help readability
  • v3.0 - Added online/offline check to implement changes to scans when in online vs. offline mode

Sn1per v2.9 by 1N3@CrowdShield

19 Nov 04:37
@1N3 1N3
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  • v2.9 - New improved fullportonly scan mode
  • v2.9 - Added online check to see if there's an active internet connection
  • v2.9 - Changed default browser to firefox to clear up errors in loot commmand
  • v2.9 - Created script to uninstall sniper
  • v2.9 - Removed automatic workspace creation per scan
  • v2.9 - Added curl timeout in update command to fix lag
  • v2.9 - Fixed minor NMap UDP scan flag issue
  • v2.9 - Added Metagoofil
  • v2.9 - Updated theharvester scan options to include more results

Sn1per v2.8 by 1N3@CrowdShield

18 Sep 03:52
@1N3 1N3
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  • v2.8 - Improved discovery mode scan performance and output
  • v2.8 - Improved fullportonly scan performance
  • v2.8 - Improved startup performance options
  • v2.8 - Added Cansina web/file brute force tool
  • v2.8 - Added webporthttp and webporthttps modes
  • v2.8 - Added custerd software enumeration tool

Sn1per v2.7 by 1N3@CrowdShield

09 Sep 14:42
@1N3 1N3
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  • v2.7 - Fixed issue with sniper update command and not running
  • v2.7 - Fixed errors with GooHak
  • v2.7 - Fixed syntax errors in sniper conditional statements
  • v2.7 - Added CloudFail
  • v2.7 - Fixed issue with [: ==: unary operator expected errors

Sn1per v2.6 by 1N3@CrowdShield

30 Aug 16:38
@1N3 1N3
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v2.6 - Added Blackarch Linux support
v2.6 - Added $BROWSER variable to set default browser
v2.5g - Updated README with update command
v2.5f - Fixes for various bugs reported and fixed by @ifly53e (
v2.5e - Fixed issue with port 3128/tcp checks (CC. @ifly53e)
v2.5d - Added searchsploit option for (-v) to search all terms (CC. @ifly53e)
v2.5c - Added various improvements to 'discover' mode scans
v2.5b - Removed NMap script checks for 'fullportonly' mode
v2.5a - Added auto-updates to check and download new versions
v2.5a - Fixed issue with to resolve pip aha error
v2.5a - Added libxml2-utils to to meet dependencies
v2.5 - Added HTML report generation via sniper 'loot' command
v2.5 - Added automatic NMap searchsploit integration to find exploits
v2.5 - Added various improvements to Sn1per discovery scan mode
v2.5 - Fixed issue with IIS BoF NMap script (CC. ifly53e)

Sn1per v2.5 by 1N3@CrowdShield

30 May 16:02
@1N3 1N3
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v2.5 - Added HTML report generation via sniper 'loot' command
v2.5 - Added automatic NMap searchsploit integration to find exploits
v2.5 - Added various improvements to Sn1per discovery scan mode
v2.5 - Fixed issue with IIS BoF NMap script (CC. ifly53e)
v2.4f - Fixed issue with upper NMap port range(CC. DaveW)
v2.4e - Added NMap no ping switch to all scans
v2.4d - Fixed issue with rpcinfo install script
v2.4d - Fixed issue with Arachni install script
v2.4c - Added loot and $TARGET sanity checks (CC. @menzow)
v2.4b - Fixed issue with discovery scan output file (CC. @ifly53e)
v2.4b - Fixed issue with Intel AMT RCE port list
v2.4a - Added all NMap script checks via 'fullportonly' mode
v2.4a - Added JBoss JMX Console Beanshell Deployer WAR Upload and Deployment Metasploit exploit
v2.4a - Added Java RMI RCE NMap/Metasploit detection
v2.4a - Added INTEL-SA-00075 (Intel AMT) vulnerability NMap script