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Anderson de Matos Guimarães PadawanXXVI
Cursando Tecnologia em Ciência de Dados pela Faculdade de Tecnologia e Inovação Senac DF

Novacap Brasília

Nicolo Ceneda nicoloceneda
PhD in Finance at Imperial College London, interested in fixed income, financial derivatives and the applications of machine learning to these fields.

Imperial College London London

Gaurav gauravcodepro

Universität Potsdam Germany

cj cj-zhukov
Data engineer
Mark Langston Mark-Langston

Information Technology Specialist I Sacramento, CA

Eyüp eyupipler
Software Developer & AI Researcher Entrepreuner

Neurazum Istanbul, Türkiye

vishal1235 1235vishal
i'm Mern-Stack WebDeveloper and currently learning ML and AI


Athul Nambiar athul-22

Tesa Labs | Blu Labs | Social Space Bangalore

무명(無名) Clickseo

Kookmin University Seoul, Republic of Korea

Ryan RyanS974
I'm a MS in AI student. I am planning on putting tutorial based repos here in topics such as Programming, AI and math. Some actual programs also.

Michigan, USA

Maria Paul T intagliated
Exploring the Field of Data Science

Ernakulam, Kerala, India

Stefanie Eriksson stefanieeriksson
CEO & Founder of Build Measure Learn

Build Measure Learn Sweden AB Gothenburg, Sweden

Magnus C. 5kj41d
CS student at AAU (Masters). I live in Northern Jutland, Denmark. I have a huge interest in digital heritage and computational archaeology.

Tinywolf and TimeTrails Denmark

Fadime Turan fadimeturan
hi, I am Fadime. I am learning python.
Elizabeth Fu eileez
Data scientist based in Paris, FR. I like to research about the latest tools and techniques for data analysis and data visualization!


André M. andremarko

São Paulo, SP - Brasil

hiZ hiz-repo
Hidezo Suganuma

The University of Tokyo Tokyo, Japan

Marcos Pereira MaspRj

Rio de janeiro - Brasil

Ben Melis BenMelis
Biomedical Student from Belgium, very interested in web development and machine learning. Been taking the whole coding journey serious since Dec 2023.


YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer