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Neo RansomnicCase
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what's cool? A billion dollars

New Delhi

KRISHNA ARORA Krishna1412004
"Passionate CSE Student | Code Creator | AI Enthusiast | Open Source Contributor | Continuous Learner"

TIET Patiala, India

OxyGenius SolutionisTech
the "Real" Zero-knowledge Developer. Coding is a Chinese to me.. I am just using my mind.


Aarav Mahajan aaravmahajanofficial
Tech Enthusiast 🧑‍💻
Shubham Sharma shubhamsharmass0001
TIET'27 Pursing B.Tech. In CSE
Agnik Banerjee agnik06
AI/ML Enthusiast


Anush Kapoor Ank206
Sophomore at Thapar Institute of Technology, Patiala | Web Developer | Embedded Programming Enthusiast |

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala (Thapar University)

Akhil Sharma Akhil-Sharma-26
Passionate 2nd year CS student at TIET, Patiala 🚀 | 🌐 Exploring web Dev | 🐧 Linux aficionado | Let's shape the digital world, one terminal at a time!

Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology

Navdeep Singh Sidhu navdeepsingh112
Highly motivated and detail-oriented software engineer with a passion for innovation and problem-solving. Skilled in full-stack web development, mobile app deve
Vedant Mahajan Vedant817
Coding Enthusiast. Love building stuff with Programming.

Patiala Punjab

Sakshham Bhagat SakshhamTheCoder
Programming, Music Production, Gaming ♥️ Age age = new Age(18); Edu college = new TIET(27);

Student at Thapar Institute of Engineering And Technology, Patiala, India Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Dev kumar-2021024 Devkumar2021024 Suspended
Hello, I am @Devkumar2021024

Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College Gill Park, Gill Road, Ludhiana, Punjab 141006

Pancham Agarwal Pancham1603
i make things (smiles slightly)

New Delhi

Navjot Singh NavjotSingh2003

thapar institute of technology patiala