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.NET adapted Redis collections

The following are the .NET objects provided to access Redis objects:

Object type CacheContext method Description Common interface
List GetRedisList() Doubly-linked list of objects IList<T>
Set GetRedisSet() Set of unique objects ICollection<T>
Hash GetRedisDictionary() Dictionary of values IDictionary<TK, TV>
Sorted Set GetRedisSortedSet() Set of unique objects sorted by score ICollection<T>
Bitmap GetRedisBitmap() Binary value / Bit fields ICollection<byte>
Lex. Sorted Set GetRedisLexicographicSet() Set of strings lexicographically sorted ICollection<string>
String GetRedisString() Binary-safe string IEnumerable<byte>

For example, to create/get a Redis Sorted Set of type User, you should do:

var context = new RedisContext();
var sortedSet = context.Collections.GetRedisSortedSet<User>("key");

All the collections exposes the properties TimeToLive and Expiration (TimeSpan and DateTime) to get/set the expiration of the entire collection:

sortedSet.TimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60);

Redis Lists        Image of hash

To obtain a new (or existing) Redis List that implements IList, use the GetRedisList() method:

IRedisList<User> list = context.Collections.GetRedisList<User>("users:list");

To push elements to the list use PushFirst / PushLast methods:

list.PushFirst(new User() { Id = 0 });

To pop elements from the list use PopFirst / PopLast methods:

var user = list.PopFirst();

You can also add elements to the list by using Add / AddRange / Insert methods:

list.Add(new User() { Id = 1 });
list.AddRange(new [] { new User() { Id = 2 }, new User() { Id = 3 } });
list.Insert(2, new User() { Id = 4 });

To get a range of elements from the list, use the GetRange method. It accepts a start and stop zero-based indexes that can also be negative numbers indicating offsets starting at the end of the list. -1 is the last element of the list, -2 the penultimate, and so on. For example, this will return all the elements except the first and the last element:

IEnumerable<User> range = users.GetRange(1, -2);

IRedisList mapping to Redis List

Mapping between IRedisList methods/properties to the Redis commands used:

IRedisList interface Redis command Time complexity
Add(T item) RPUSH O(1)
AddRange(IEnumerable<T> collection) RPUSH O(M) : M the number of elements to add
AddFirst(T item) LPUSH O(1)
AddLast(T item) RPUSH O(1)
Insert(long index, T item) LSET + LINSERT O(N)
GetRange(long start, long stop) LRANGE O(S+M) : S is dist. from HEAD/TAIL
FirstOrDefault() LINDEX O(1)
LastOrDefault() LINDEX O(1)
PopFirst() LPOP O(1)
PopLast() RPOP O(1)
Remove(T item, long count) LREM O(N)
RemoveAt(long index) LSET + LREM O(N)
Contains(T item) LRANGE O(N)
Clear() DEL O(1)
this[] get LINDEX O(N)
this[] set LSET O(N)
IndexOf(T item) LINDEX O(M) : M is the # of elements to traverse
Trim(long start, long stop) LTRIM O(M) : M is the # of elements to remove
Count LLEN O(1)

Redis Sets        Image of sets

To obtain a new (or existing) Redis Set that implements ICollection, use the GetRedisSet() method:

IRedisSet<User> set = context.Collections.GetRedisSet<User>("user:set");

To insert elements to the set, use Add or AddRange methods:

set.Add(new User() { Id = 1 });
set.AddRange(new [] { new User() { Id = 2 }, new User() { Id = 3 } });

An overload of the Add method is provided to allow add members related to tags. For example:

set.Add(new User() { Id = 1 }, new [] { "tag" });

To check if an element exists, use the Contains method:

bool exists = set.Contains(user);

To get a random element use the GetRandomMembermethod:

User user = set.GetRandomMember();

To get and remove a random element use the Popmethod:

User user = set.Pop();

IRedisSet mapping to Redis Set

Mapping between IRedisSet methods/properties to the Redis commands used:

IRedisSet interface Redis command Time complexity
Add(T item) SADD O(1)
AddRange(IEnumerable<T> collection) SADD O(M) : M the number of elements to add
GetRandomMember() SRANDMEMBER O(1)
Pop() SPOP O(1)
Remove(T item) SREM O(1)
Contains(T item) SISMEMBER O(1)
Count SCARD O(1)

Redis Hashes      Image of hash

To obtain a new (or existing) Redis Hash that implements IDictionary, use the GetRedisDictionary() method:

IRedisDictionary<int, User> hash = context.Collections.GetRedisDictionary<int, User>("users:hash");

To add elements to the hash, use Add / AddRange methods or the indexed property:

hash.Add(1, new User() { Id = 1 });
hash.AddRange(usersQuery.ToDictionary(k => k.Id));
hash[2] = new User() { Id = 1 };

An overload of the Add method is provided to allow add hash fields related to tags. For example:

hash.Add(1, new User() { Id = 1 }, new [] { "tag" });

To check if a hash element exists, use ContainsKey method:

bool exists = hash.ContainsKey(1);

To access a hash element by key, use the indexed property:

User u = hash[1];

IRedisDictionary mapping to Redis Hash

Mapping between IRedisDictionary methods/properties to the Redis commands used:

IRedisDictionary interface Redis command Time complexity
Add(TK key, TV value) HSET O(1)
AddRange(IEnum<KVP<TK, TV>> items) HMSET O(M) where M is the number of fields being added
GetRange(TK[] keys) HMGET O(M)
this[] get HGET O(1)
this[] set HSET O(1)
Remove(TK key) HDEL O(1)
Clear() DEL O(1)
Contains(KeyValuePair<TK, TV> item) HEXISTS O(1)
ContainsKey(TK key) HEXISTS O(1)
Count HLEN O(1)

Redis Sorted Sets    Image of sorted set

To obtain a new (or existing) Redis Sorted Set that implements ICollection, use the GetRedisSortedSet() method:

IRedisSortedSet<User> sortedSet = context.Collections.GetRedisSortedSet<User>("users:sset");

To add elements to the sorted set, use Add or AddRange methods providing the score of the items as a double:

sortedSet.Add(12.34, new User() { Id = 1 });

An overload of the Add method is provided to allow add members related to tags. For example:

sortedSet.Add(12.34, new User() { Id = 1 }, new [] { "tag" });

To increment/decrement a score for an item, use the IncrementScore method:

double incremented = sortedSet.IncrementScore(user, 10.00);

To get a range of elements by rank or by score, use the GetRangeByScore and GetRangeByRank methods. For example to get all the elements with the exception of the top and the bottom ranked values:

var byRank = sortedSet.GetRangeByRank(1, -2);

For example to get elements with score less than or equal to 100:

var byScore = sortedSet.GetRangeByScore(double.NegativeInfinity, 100.00);

You can remove a range by rank or by score. For example to remove the first two elements sorted by score:

sortedSet.RemoveRangeByRank(0, 1);

Remove the elements whose score is between 0 and 100:

sortedSet.RemoveRangeByScore(0.00, 100.00);

IRedisSortedSet mapping to Redis Sorted Set

Mapping between IRedisSortedSet methods/properties to the Redis commands used:

IRedisSortedSet interface Redis command Time complexity
Add(T item, double score) ZADD O(log(N))
AddRange(IEnu<SortedMember<T>> items) ZADD O(log(N))
GetRangeByScore(double min, double max, bool desc, long skip, long) ZRANGEBYSCORE / ZREVRANGEBYSCORE O(log(N)+M) : M the number of elements being returned
GetRangeByRank(long start, long stop, bool desc) ZRANGE / ZREVRANGE O(log(N)+M)
RemoveRangeByScore(double min, double max) ZREMRANGEBYSCORE O(log(N)+M)
RemoveRangeByRank(long start, long stop) ZREMRANGEBYRANK O(log(N)+M)
CountByScore(double min, double max) ZCOUNT O(log(N))
IncrementScore(T item, double value) ZINCRBY O(log(N))
RankOf(T item, bool desc) ZRANK O(log(N))
ScoreOf(T item) ZSCORE O(1)
Count ZCARD O(1)

Redis Bitmaps        Image of bitmap

To obtain a new (or existing) Redis bitmap that implements ICollection<byte>, use the GetRedisBitmap() method:

IRedisBitmap bitmap = context.Collections.GetRedisBitmap("users:visit");

To get or set bits, use the GetBit or SetBit methods:

bitmap.SetBit(0, 1); // Set the first bit to 1

bool bit = bitmap.GetBit(8); // Get the 9th bit

To count bits within a range, use the Count method:

long count = bitmap.Count(0, 2); // Count the bits in 1 within the first three bytes

To get the position of the first bit within a range, use the BitPosition method:

bitmap.BitPosition(1, -1, -1); // Return the position of the first 1 in the last byte

When enumerating a bitmap, each byte returned will have a value of 0 or 1, and will correspond to a bit in the bitmap, starting from the most significant bit. For example:

var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (byte bit in bitmap)

Bitmap example: count unique users logged per day

Set up a bitmap where the key is a function of the day, and each user is identified by an offset value.

When a user logs in, set the bit to 1 at the offset representing user id:

void OnLogin(int userId)
    var key = "visits:" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
    var bitmap = _context.GetRedisBitmap(key);
    bitmap.SetBit(userId, 1);

Get a count of the unique visits for a given date:

long CountVisits(DateTime date)
    var key = "visits:" + date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
    var bitmap = _context.GetRedisBitmap(key);
    return bitmap.Count();

Determine if a user has logged in a given date:

bool HasVisited(int userId, DateTime date)
    var key = "visits:" + date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
    var bitmap = _context.GetRedisBitmap(key);
    return bitmap.GetBit(userId) == 1;


Bitfields are arbitrary sized integers at arbitrary offsets stored on a Redis string. This allows to handle groups of consecutive bits on a bitmap, instead of handling each bit separately.

There are three commands on the Bitmap object to handle bitfields:

  • BitfieldGet(FieldType, Offset)
  • BitfieldSet(FieldType, Offset, Value)
  • BitfieldIncrementBy(FieldType, Offset, Value)

The FieldType indicates how many bits the integer will take and if it will be interpereted as a signed or unsigned integer. For example:

  • u2 means a 2-bit unsigned integer [0 .. 3]
  • i9 means a 9-bit signed integer [-256 .. 255]
  • u16 means a 16-bit unsigned integer [0 .. 65535]

You also need to specify an Offset from which the bitmap will be read/written. This offset can be specified in two ways:

  • As a number of bits from the beginning,
  • As a number of fields from the beginning, in order to say: "handle the bitmap as an array of counters of the specified size, and set the N-th counter".

Some examples:

Set the value 255 to an unsigned 8-bit integer stored at offset 8 (from the 9th bit in the bitmap):

bitmap.BitfieldSet(BitfieldType.u8, 8, 0xFF);

Set the value 255 to an unsigned 8-bit integer stored at position #1 (from 9th bit in the bitmap):

bitmap.BitfieldSet(BitfieldType.u8, 1, 0xFF, offsetIsOrdinal: true);

Set the value -1 to a signed 4-bit integer stored at offset 2 (from 3rd bit in the bitmap):

bitmap.BitfieldSet(BitfieldType.i4, 2, -1);

Get the value of a signed 4-bit integer at offset 2 (from 3rd bit in the bitmap):

int value = bitmap.BitfieldGet<int>(BitfieldType.i4, 2);

Get the value of a signed 4-bit integer at position #2 (9th bit in the bitmap):

int value = bitmap.BitfieldGet<int>(BitfieldType.i4, 2, offsetIsOrdinal:true);   

IRedisBitmap mapping to Redis bitmap

Mapping between IRedisBitmap methods/properties to the Redis commands used:

IRedisBitmap interface Redis command Time complexity
Add(byte value) APPEND O(1)
SetBit(long offset, byte bit) SETBIT O(1)
GetBit(long offset) GETBIT O(1)
BitPosition(byte bit, long start, long stop) BITPOS O(N)
Contains(byte bit, long start, long stop) BITPOS+STRLEN O(N)
BitFieldGet(FieldType type, long offset, bool offsetIsOrdinal) * BITFIELD O(1)
BitFieldSet(FieldType type, long offset, T value, bool offsetIsOrdinal) * BITFIELD O(1)
BitFieldIncrementBy(FieldType type, long offset, T increment) * BITFIELD O(1)

Redis lexicographical Sorted Set

To obtain a new (or existing) Redis lexicographical sorted set that implements ICollection<string>, use the GetRedisLexicographicSet() method:

IRedisLexicographicSet lex = context.Collections.GetRedisLexicographicSet("autocomplete");

To add elements to the lex sorted set, use Add / AddRange methods:

lex.AddRange(new [] { "one", "two", "three" });

To get a suggestion list from a partial match, like an autocomplete suggestions:

IEnumerable<string> suggestions = lex.AutoComplete("t", 10);

Will return at most 10 elements as an IEnumerable<string> alphabetically sorted with the strings that starts with 't'.

To match any glob-style pattern, use the Match method:

IEnumerable<string> matches = lex.Match("*o");

Will return the strings that ends with 'o'.

IRedisLexicographicSet mapping to Redis Sorted Set

Mapping between IRedisLexicographicSet methods/properties to the Redis commands used:

IRedisLexicographicSet interface Redis command Time complexity
Add(string item) ZADD O(log(N))
AddRange(IEnu<string> items) ZADD O(log(N))
AutoComplete(string partial, long take) ZRANGEBYLEX O(log(N)+M) : M number of elements being returned
Match(pattern) ZSCAN O(N)
Remove(string item) ZREM O(log(N))
Contains(string item) ZRANGEBYLEX O(log(N))
Count ZCARD O(1)

Redis String

To obtain a new (or existing) Redis String that implements IEnumerable<byte>, use the GetRedisString() method:

IRedisString cstr = context.Collections.GetRedisString("key");

To append to the string use the Append method:

cstr.Append("Hello world!");

To write starting at a specific position use the SetRange method:

cstr.SetRange(6, "WORLD");

To read from the string, use the GetRange method or the indexed property:

string s = cstr.GetRange(0, -1);   // will return the entire string.
string s = cstr[6, 8];   // will return the string "WOR".

Redis string as a number

Overloads of the Set and GetSet methods are provided for setting the string value as an integer or a floating point number. The value can be changed in one operation with the IncrementBy / IncrementByFloat methods. Use the AsInteger and AsFloat to get the long/double value represented by the string.

For example to maintain a real-time counter of the users online.

When a user connects, increment the redis string value:

void OnConnect()
    var rs = context.Collections.GetRedisString("online:count");

Upon disconnection decrement:

void OnDisconnect()
    var rs = context.Collections.GetRedisString("online:count");

To get the online counter use the AsInteger method:

long GetOnlineCount()
    var rs = context.Collections.GetRedisString("online:count");
    return rs.AsInteger();

Use the GetSet method to atomically overwrite the value and return the old value.

This can be used, for example, to atomically reset a counter:

long ResetCount()
    var rs = context.Collections.GetRedisString("online:count");
    return rs.GetSet(0);  // return the last value before reset

There is no need to initialize the string value to "0" when using increment functions, since a zero-value is assumed when the key does not exists.

IRedisString mapping to Redis String

Mapping between IRedisString methods/properties to the Redis commands used:

IRedisString interface Redis command Time complexity
Append(string value) APPEND O(1)
Set(string value) SET O(1)
GetSet(string value) GETSET O(1)
SetRange(long offset, string value) SETRANGE O(1)
GetRange(long start, long stop) GETRANGE O(M) : M is the length of the returned string
Length STRLEN O(1)
IncrementBy(long increment) INCRBY O(1)
IncrementByFloat(double increment) INCRBYFLOAT O(1)