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Releases: redisson/redisson


01 Feb 12:24
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Fixed - RLock instance can acquire lock with previous leaseTime if it's not specified
Fixed - RMap.computeAsync() method causes deadlock if MapLoader is defined
Fixed - RBoundedBlockingQueue.offer() methods always use global codec
Fixed - Spring Boot clientName setting isn't used
Fixed - connectTimeout setting is set incorrectly if Spring Boot 2.4.0+
Fixed - command replies don't match if exception is thrown in CommandEncoder
Fixed - empty result of BLMPOP command causes IndexOutOfBoundsException
Fixed - canceled blocking operation isn't interrupted immediately in some cases
Fixed - and RStream.readGroup() methods are hang forever is timeout > 0 and < 1000 milliseconds
Fixed - CacheLoader.loadAll() method isn't called by JCache.getAll() method if readThrough=true
Fixed - Kryo5Codec Serializers don't work in GraalVM native image mode
Fixed - LinkedHashMap and LinkedHashSet objects can't be decoded properly by Kryo5Codec
Fixed - NameMapper isn't applied to RFunction and RScript objects
Fixed - RFunction.callAsync() method called with RBatch object throws MOVED errors in Redis cluster mode
Fixed - RFunction.loadAndReplace() method uses incorrect command parameters
Fixed - codec, nettyHook, addressResolverGroupFactory, connectionListener settings can't be defined through Quarkus or Helidon config
Fixed - RFunction.load() method uses incorrect command parameters
Fixed - empty RTopic message handling (thanks @MooRoakee)


06 Jan 10:36
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Feature - containsEach() method added to RSet object (thanks to @slovvik)
Feature - getPermits(), acquiredPermits(), setPermits() methods added to RPermitExpirableSemaphore object (thanks to @kscaldef, @derekroller)

Breaking change - Kryo5Codec uses own serializators to serialize UUID, URI and Pattern objects

Fixed - RReliableTopic doesn't remove all expired subscribers at once
Fixed - RPatternTopic messages duplication after failover in cluster if channel starts with __keyspace@ and __keyevent@
Fixed - RBatch.getListMultimapCache() method should return RMultimapCacheAsync interface
Fixed - SharedPubSub listener isn't being triggered (thanks to @MrChaos1993)
Fixed - RSetCacheRx and RSetCacheReactive miss tryAdd() method
Fixed - RSetRx and RSetReactive objects miss tryAdd() method
Fixed - RBloomFilter bitset can't be expired and deleted if nameMapper is used (thanks to @javed119)
Fixed - RMapCacheRx and RMapCacheReactive interfaces miss addListener() method
Fixed - RMapCacheAsync interface misses addListenerAsync() method
Fixed - RTopicAsync.addListenerAsync() method uses wrong generic pattern for MessageListener object
Fixed - RPermitExpirableSemaphore throws CROSSSLOT error in cluster if nameMapper is used


16 Dec 10:21
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Feature - implementation of Spring Cache methods added in Spring 5.2
Feature - entriesRead and lag fields added to StreamGroup object
Feature - added RFencedLock implementation
Feature - credentialsResolver setting added

Breaking change - default codec changed to Kryo5Codec

Fixed - new Redis node isn't discovered between PubSub subscription attempts
Fixed - codec,nettyHook,addressResolverGroupFactory,connectionListener settings can't be defined through Micronaut config
Fixed - evictions metrics doesn't work for RedissonCache (thanks @nicola Dardanis)
Fixed - PubSub connection isn't reused if it reached subscriptions limit before unsubscribe operation
Fixed - PubSub connection returns to connection pool only if subscriptions limit was reached
Fixed - use slf4j late-binding when logging instead of string concat (thanks @vatarasov)
Fixed - most of pubsub subscriptions fail to resubscribe after failover
Fixed - RBatch with executionMode = REDIS_WRITE_ATOMIC throws NPE in case of connection starvation
Fixed - CommandDecoder.messageDecoder() method throws NPE if RBatch object used with executionMode = IN_MEMORY (regression since 3.18.1)
Fixed - some scheduled tasks aren't executed (regression since 3.17.5)
Fixed - RFunction doesn't pass keys to Redis correctly (thanks @@jordanrmerrick)
Fixed - incorrectly reset jackson type factory (thanks @noelvo)
Fixed - cluster partitions parsing error isn't logged


30 Nov 10:49
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Feature - Spring Data Redis 3.0.0 module added

Fixed - PubSub subscription in cluster sometimes doesn't apply to all nodes
Fixed - command replies don't match if connection pool size < 10 and at least one command failed
Fixed - RLock throws CancellationException continuously
Fixed - None of slaves were synced error is thrown after failover during RLock acquisition
Fixed - AWS Elasticache cluster failover
Fixed - hRandFieldWithValues() and hRandField() methods of Spring Data Redis module throw ClassCastException
Fixed - trySetPermitsAsync() method of RPermitExpirableSemaphore object shouldn't allow to overwrite the number of permits if value == 0 (thanks @kscaldef)
Fixed - RKeys object doesn't use nameMapper
Fixed - connection leak after master failover


10 Nov 06:26
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Feature - Tomcat 10.1.x support
Feature - labels support for RTimeSeries object
Feature - compatibility with Spring Boot 3 (thanks @olivierboudet)
Feature - RxJava and Reactive interfaces for RLocalCachedMap object
Feature - local cache support for JsonBucket object

Improvement - StringCodec now implements JsonCodec

Fixed - RDoubleAdder and RLongAdder objects don't work with nameMapper
Fixed - RBlockingQueue methods should return null if negative timeout defined
Fixed - RLocalCachedMap.clearLocalCacheAsync() method shouldn't retain semaphore after invocation
Fixed - Spring Data Redis methods weren't implemented: zRandMember(), zRandMemberWithScore(), zPopMin(), bZPopMin(), zPopMax(), bZPopMax(), zMScore(), zDiff(), zDiffWithScores(), zDiffStore(), zInter(), zInterWithScores(), zUnion(), zUnionWithScores(), hRandField(), hRandFieldWithValues(), copy(), lMove(), bLMove(), lPop(), rPop(), sMIsMember(), getEx(), getDel()
Fixed - attempts to connect to the failed master after failover in cluster mode
Fixed - RMapCache MapEntryListener doesn't work with nameMapper
Fixed - RJsonBucket.getKeys() method doesn't use path parameter
Fixed - RRateLimiter.getConfig().getRate() throws NPE if it doesn't exist (thanks @Tanky-Zhang)
Fixed - RTransaction objects should be the same instances on each "get..." call
Fixed - RScheduledExecutorService cron triggers fire continuously for hours for some time zones (regression since 3.16.5)
Fixed - RSortedSet.add() throws NPE (thanks @yuwei)
Fixed - RKeysReactive.getKeysByPattern() method isn't giving all entries if downstream consumer is slow
Fixed - "Unable to unfreeze entry" errors in sentinel mode
Fixed - JsonBucket.compareAndSet() method with null as update value deletes whole object
Fixed - Redis Cluster topology scanned partially in case of DNS resolution error
Fixed - Slave nodes failed to pass complete initialization shouldn't be added as nodes
Fixed - ByteBuf leaks when one of multiple parameters can't be encoded
Fixed - SearchDomainUnknownHostException is thrown occasionally


03 Oct 08:46
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Improvement - Failed connection ping isn't taken in account in Redis slave health check

Fixed - RScheduledExecutorService cron expression doesn't support year
Fixed - replaceValues() method of RListMultimap and RSetMultimap throws exception for empty collection
Fixed - RedissonBaseLock throws NPE after failover
Fixed - Spring Data Redis evalsha() method doesn't use key for Redis node routing in Cluster mode
Fixed - DNS change isn't detected in replicated mode
Fixed - RCollectionReactive.addAll() method is executed without subscription
Fixed - RKeysAsync.countExists() method throws errors in cluster mode
Fixed - Spring Data Redis reactive setIfAbsent should return false on error (thanks @zhuangzibin)
Fixed - Micronaut native image configuration
Fixed - RBatchReactive execution stuck forever if useScriptCache = true
Fixed - NameMapper is applied incorrectly to RBoundedBlockingQueue object
Fixed - incorrect IPv6 conversion
Fixed - Spring Boot Module ignores username parameter set via Spring Redis config
Fixed - SpringBoot yaml configuration parsing errors shouldn't be suppressed


25 Aug 06:28
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Feature - Helidon 3.0 support
Feature - ability to specify MapWriterAsync and MapLoaderAsync in MapOptions object

Improvement - log output string expanded to 1000 characters by default

Fixed - RBuckets methods don't use nameMapper
Fixed - PingConnectionHandler should close channel on RedisLoadingException, RedisTryAgainException, RedisClusterDownException, RedisBusyException
Fixed - Invocation timeout isn't applied for RTopic.removeListenerAsync() methods
Fixed - WriteBehind task isn't stopped after RMap.destroy() method invocation
Fixed - Connection pinging works incorrectly if new connections were created in pool
Fixed - "SlaveConnectionPool no available Redis entries" error occurs in Cluster caused by early excluding of master node from nodes for reading
Fixed - Permanent blocking calling threads


26 Jul 06:46
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Feature - touch(), unlink() and delete() methods implemented for transactional RSetCache and RSet objects
Feature - transactional RBucket, RMap, RMapCache, RSetCache, RSet objects support expire(), expireAt() and clearExpire() methods
Feature - ExecutorOptions.idGenerator() setting added
Feature - methods with task id added to RExecutorService interface

Fixed - duplicate subscriptions with RedisMessageListenerContainer in Spring Data Redis 2.7
Fixed - NameMapper applied twice to transactional RBucket
Fixed - some Quarkus environment variables clear all Redisson properties set through config file
Fixed - RJsonBucket.delete() method doesn't work
Fixed - RExecutorService.submitAsync(Callable, long, TimeUnit) method throws ClassCastException (thanks @xyqshi)
Fixed - Lock synced slaves check
Fixed - reactive scripting commands throw ClassCastException if result is list of list
Fixed - RBatch.getJsonBucket() method should return RJsonBucketAsync interface


16 Jun 05:52
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Feature - RJsonBucket object added for JSON.* commands support
Feature - RFunction and RShardedTopic objects added to RBatch

Fixed - continuous "Unable to unfreeze entry" error in Sentinel mode
Fixed - nameMapper setting isn't applied to RExecutorService and RScheduledExecutorService
Fixed - channel write exception may lead to wrong commands order
Fixed - don't connect to sentinel resolved by DNS if it's not included in result of SENTINEL SENTINELS command
Fixed - RScript.load() method shouldn't use failed Redis nodes
Fixed - RPermitExpirableSemaphore.acquireAsync() method hangs until leaseTimeout occurs. (regression since 3.16.8)
Fixed - use 60 seconds polling instead of take command for RRemoteService responses
Fixed - eval() and evalSha() methods of Spring Data Redis ReactiveScriptingCommands object throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Fixed - expired entries eviction process is limited to 5000 per call
Fixed - sharded topic isn't resubscribed after channel reconnection
Fixed - execution of blpop command leads to reconnection


27 May 11:57
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Feature - Hibernate 6 support

Improvement - amount of created connections in parallel reduced to 2 for better stability

Fixed - Spring Boot Starter doesn't start with Spring Boot 2.7
Fixed - RRateLimiter doesn't allow to set expiration time of permits and values