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Manikandan Selvam mselvam

ConcertIDC Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

yosoof yosoof3
computer nerd, graphic designer, nixos user, and best of all master yapper my only other account is @yosoof4
marcosmarinho marcosfrancomarinho
Focado no desevolvimento de aplicação Web - Full Stack.


Guilherme Lino guilhermelinosp
404 bio not found

@guilhermelinosp São Paulo, Brazil

Pulkit Garg pulkitgarg04
Hi, I'm Pulkit. A tech geek and enthusiastic developer

Punjab, India

Tom tomgrant

Sydney, Australia

Pablo Yareaj
🖥 Technology Appasionate 🐕

Bogotá, Colombia

Klodian shaba klodianshaba
⭐ Frontend Angular Developer ⭐

Tirane, Albania

Hadeel Abdeljalil Hadeel-Abdeljalil

Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie Salfeet

Omni-Channel Digital Marketing ver 4.0

Hai Au TST Viet Nam

Cleiton Moura Pquar
Dev. Formando no IFC em Sistemas para internet


Jonas Emil Sommer jonazzen
Keep on rockin' in the free world!..


Aravindhan AravindhanDeveloper
Experienced developer with 3 years in Android Native and Flutter, proficient in Node.js, DynamoDB, and WebSocket technologies. Passionate about creating seamles

AravindGamingStudio Chennai

Arinjay CodClever
A person having enough time to write a Bio. Technically the greatest joke in the entire planet.

Totally the CEO of X THE BASEMENT

Fábio Pichler fabiopichler
C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Java, C#, Lua, Ruby, HTML, CSS. Frameworks: Qt, Laravel, React, React Native, Vue.js, Bootstrap, wxWidgets, SDL2 e mais...

Hulha Negra / RS / Brazil

Vinicius Rocha vinicivs-rocha
Desenvolvedor web em constante aprendizado.

Adasi Software

KwangHyeon Jeong mmmmicha
I am trying to become a chameleon-like software engineer

Munto Seoul

Victor TempestRules
Software Engineer


Cícero Lino CiceroLino
Geek, THE BEST Software Engineer (trying to be), Computer Science Student, Documentation consumer & Coffee drinker

Maceió, AL - Brazil

Ayşenur Aydın aysenur-aydin
Front-End Developer


Sudip Shrestha sudipstha08
Full Stack Software Engineer ✌️ Building the future with one line of code at a time. 🚀

MomentoAI Kathmandu, Nepal

Akash akashamar
Full stack developer


Prabir Singh prabirstack
I am a freelance full stack developer and UX designer who builds digital solutions with various technologies and tools.

@fivexfast Mumbai