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Sugam Sharma sugam-dev
I'm a seasoned Software Developer with 6 years in .NET. I'm passionate about crafting scalable solutions for web, and backend systems.

Aajjo Business Solutions Private Limited DSIIDC Industrial Area, Sector 1, Bawana, Delhi - 110039

LEE HAJIN betterthanhajin
Front-end Engineer!!!!


Adam Landreneau aplandreneau
Lover of technology, video games and musical theatre.

Louisiana, USA

Zuruh Zuruuh
Web dev, php, typescript, docker, rust profile picture from


SemihKÖKÇÜ SemihKokcu

Computer Engineer Turkey

hsiehchou hsiehchou


Machou Machou
Developer since 1987. PHP lover 👾

Arround The World !

Sett Sarverott Sarverott
Metallurgist, Artificer, Technomancer
FooFooL Dohoangtrong

Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology Ha Nam

BoJack Horseman old-gypsy
It's not my code what I fall in love with, it's someone else's code
Starboy skywalkerSam
Just tryin' to make it to Friday );

@asaiinc Planet-EARTH

Robson stonne-robson
Apenas um hobista da tecnologia
Dez Surfndez
Entreprenuer, Educator, and life long developer/programmer/all around tech enthusiast. :) @NVIDIA @Epic @unreal @Developers


Jinhui Li jinhuili-lab
Focus on Bioinformatics and genomics.

Saint Louis University America

Miguel Rodríguez mrp500
Learning web development.


Arinjay CodClever
A person having enough time to write a Bio. Technically the greatest joke in the entire planet.

Totally the CEO of X THE BASEMENT

YNSRC ynsrc
Electrical-Electronics Engineer
Nando Muñoz nandojmj
Passionate about programming ang technology! | Learning to Program | Project Management Specialist | Architect |
Mohammad Mortazavi hans-thomas
[Currently Unavailable] - A million dreams are keeping me awake...

Gotham City

Rizwan Zaheer rizwanzaheer
Software Engineer, Specialize in Front End Development | Vue | Nuxt | React | Next | Redux | React Native | Node | Express | Docker

@StakeTechnology @vuesion @hoola-inc @Sabhi-org @This-is-Ample @RED-CRESCENT-COVID-19 Dubai, UAE