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Earth, where else?

Benedek szBene
CSE student at University of Pannonia, space enthusiast, hobby photographer, occasionally graphic designer.

Pannon Egyetem/University of Pannonia Hungary

Moumita Chowdhury moumita-13
Curious, caffeinated☕️, and constantly learning! 2nd year CSE Undergrad 🧑🏻‍💻 here to share my projects, collaborate, and grow as a developer.

West Bengal, India

Hisham hishamDevloper
## My experience is in the field of programming applications and websites **Professional developer** He has extensive experience in the field of programming

.NET United States of America

Lore Haus Hoskinlm74
Android Enthusiast, trying to learn all that I can about design and operational components as a hobby.

Hoskin Haus St.Louis, MO USA

Simonkafi simonkafi
ClimateTech Developer and impact Analyst

Kafi Green Kenya

Andrei Vida-Rațiu andreiv3103
Almost 20 years in the Sys Admin business. Passionate about technology ever since I can remember.


Archana Balaji archana-balag
# Dev in Berlin 🌆. Exploring Data Analytics 🚀. Let's code together! 🌟


Muzammil Ibrahim muzammil-13
Python Full Stack Dev | BCA Graduate | Tech & Fitness Enthusiast ... 🐍 • 👨🏻‍💻 • 🏋️

Intern @Inmakes InfoTech Kottayam, Kerala, India

Luka Mamukashvili USLTD
Hardcore fan of milsim and realistic games, terminal wonders and SCP. Computer Science (English sector) Freshman at International Black Sea University LLC

Tbilisi, GE

Arpit Agarwal arpitagarwal91
Software Engineer

Microsoft India

Drew Martin sindependent

Saint Paul, Minnesota

Jonas Luz Jr. jonasluz
Coordenador de Gestão e Governança de TIC no TRE/CE. Entusiasta em desenvolvimento de jogos.

Tribunal Regional Eleitoral do Ceará Fortaleza, CE - Brazil

Fabien Beaumont fabienbeaumontDM
Passionné par la Data, le sport (particulièrement le rugby, le golf et le trail running) et épicurien dans l'âme.

data major Lyon

Jay C JCookTW
I'm just a lowly software and internet developer trying to make a difference in the world and maybe even learn a thing or two along the way.

Joplin, MO