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Assignments can be scoped from overarching management groups right down to individual resources

💡 Note: A role assignment and remediation task will be automatically created if any member definitions contain a list of roleDefinitionIds. This can be omitted with skip_role_assignment = true, or to assign roles at a different scope to that of the policy assignment use: role_assignment_scope. To successfully create Role-assignments (or group memberships) the deployment account may require the User Access Administrator role at the assignment_scope or preferably the definition_scope to simplify workflows.


Custom Policy Initiative Assignment with Not-Scope and Overrides (preview)

The optional overrides property allows you to change the effect of a member definition without modifying the underlying policy definition or using a parameterized effect in the policy definition.

📘 Microsoft Docs: Azure Policy assignment structure (Overrides) 💡 Note: This module also supports Resource selectors (preview), see the def_assignment module for an example input

module org_mg_configure_asc_initiative {
  source                 = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/set_assignment"
  initiative             = module.configure_asc_initiative.initiative
  assignment_scope       =
  assignment_effect      = "DeployIfNotExists"

  # resource remediation options
  skip_role_assignment   = false
  skip_remediation       = false
  re_evaluate_compliance = true

  assignment_parameters = {
    workspaceId           = local.dummy_resource_ids.azurerm_log_analytics_workspace
    eventHubDetails       = local.dummy_resource_ids.azurerm_eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule
    securityContactsEmail = ""
    securityContactsPhone = "44897654987"

  assignment_not_scopes = [

  # use the 'non_compliance_messages' output from the initiative module to use auto generated messages based off policy properties: descriptions/display names/custom ones found in metadata
  # override with your own Key/Value pairs map as 'policy_definition_reference_id = content', use null = 'content' to specify the Default non-compliance message for all member definitions.
  non_compliance_messages = module.configure_asc_initiative.non_compliance_messages

  # optional overrides (preview)
  overrides = [
      effect = "AuditIfNotExists"
      selectors = {
        in = [ "ExportAscAlertsAndRecommendationsToEventhub", "ExportAscAlertsAndRecommendationsToLogAnalytics" ]
      effect = "Disabled"
      selectors = {
        in = [ "AutoSetContactDetails" ]

Built-In Policy Initiative Assignment

# Should use name instead of display name, as Microsoft changes the display names.
data "azurerm_policy_set_definition" "cis_1_3_0" {
  name = "612b5213-9160-4969-8578-1518bd2a000c" #"CIS Microsoft Azure Foundations Benchmark v1.3.0"

module org_mg_cis_1_3_0_benchmark {
  source           = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/set_assignment"
  initiative       = data.azurerm_policy_set_definition.cis_1_3_0
  assignment_scope =

  assignment_parameters = {
    "effect-b954148f-4c11-4c38-8221-be76711e194a-MicrosoftSql-servers-firewallRules-delete" = "Disabled"

Built-In Policy Initiative Containing DINE/Modify Assignment

# Should use name instead of display name, as Microsoft changes the display names.
data "azurerm_policy_set_definition" "configure_az_monitor_linux_vm_initiative" {
  name = "118f04da-0375-44d1-84e3-0fd9e1849403" #"Configure Linux machines to run Azure Monitor Agent and associate them to a Data Collection Rule"

data "azurerm_role_definition" "vm_contributor" {
  name = "Virtual Machine Contributor"

module org_mg_configure_az_monitor_linux_vm_initiative {
  source           = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/set_assignment"
  initiative       = data.azurerm_policy_set_definition.configure_az_monitor_linux_vm_initiative
  assignment_scope =
  skip_remediation = false

  role_definition_ids = [

  assignment_parameters = {
    listOfLinuxImageIdToInclude = []
    dcrResourceId               = "/Data/Collection/Rule/Resource/Id"


Name Version
terraform >= 1.4
azurerm >=3.49.0


Name Type
azurerm_management_group_policy_assignment.set resource
azurerm_management_group_policy_remediation.rem resource
azurerm_resource_group_policy_assignment.set resource
azurerm_resource_group_policy_remediation.rem resource
azurerm_resource_policy_assignment.set resource
azurerm_resource_policy_remediation.rem resource
azurerm_role_assignment.rem_role resource
azurerm_subscription_policy_assignment.set resource
azurerm_subscription_policy_remediation.rem resource
terraform_data.set_assign_replace resource


Name Description Type Default Required
assignment_description A description to use for the Policy Assignment, defaults to initiative description. Changing this forces a new resource to be created string null no
assignment_display_name The policy assignment display name, defaults to initiative display_name. Changing this forces a new resource to be created string null no
assignment_effect The effect of the policy. Changing this forces a new resource to be created string null no
assignment_enforcement_mode Control whether the assignment is enforced bool true no
assignment_location The Azure location where this policy assignment should exist, required when an Identity is assigned. Defaults to West Europe. Changing this forces a new resource to be created string "westeurope" no
assignment_metadata The optional metadata for the policy assignment. any null no
assignment_name The name which should be used for this Policy Assignment, defaults to initiative name. Changing this forces a new Policy Assignment to be created string null no
assignment_not_scopes A list of the Policy Assignment's excluded scopes. Must be full resource IDs list(any) [] no
assignment_parameters The policy assignment parameters. Changing this forces a new resource to be created any null no
assignment_scope The scope at which the policy initiative will be assigned. Must be full resource IDs. Changing this forces a new resource to be created string n/a yes
failure_percentage (Optional) A number between 0.0 to 1.0 representing the percentage failure threshold. The remediation will fail if the percentage of failed remediation operations (i.e. failed deployments) exceeds this threshold. number null no
identity_ids Optional list of User Managed Identity IDs which should be assigned to the Policy Initiative list(any) null no
initiative Policy Initiative resource node any n/a yes
location_filters Optional list of the resource locations that will be remediated list(any) [] no
non_compliance_messages The optional non-compliance message(s). Key/Value pairs map as policy_definition_reference_id = 'content', use null = 'content' to specify the Default non-compliance message for all member definitions. any {} no
overrides Optional list of assignment Overrides (preview), max 10. Allows you to change the effect of a policy definition without modifying the underlying policy definition or using a parameterized effect in the policy definition list(any) [] no
parallel_deployments (Optional) Determines how many resources to remediate at any given time. Can be used to increase or reduce the pace of the remediation. If not provided, the default parallel deployments value is used. number null no
re_evaluate_compliance Sets the remediation task resource_discovery_mode for policies that DeployIfNotExists and Modify. false = 'ExistingNonCompliant' and true = 'ReEvaluateCompliance'. Defaults to false. Applies at subscription scope and below bool false no
remediation_scope The scope at which the remediation tasks will be created. Must be full resource IDs. Defaults to the policy assignment scope. Changing this forces a new resource to be created string null no
resource_count (Optional) Determines the max number of resources that can be remediated by the remediation job. If not provided, the default resource count is used. number null no
resource_selectors Optional list of Resource selectors (preview), max 10. These facilitate safe deployment practices (SDP) by enabling you to gradually roll out policy assignments based on factors like resource location, resource type, or whether a resource has a location list(any) [] no
role_assignment_scope The scope at which role definition(s) will be assigned, defaults to Policy Assignment Scope. Must be full resource IDs. Ignored when using Managed Identities. Changing this forces a new resource to be created string null no
role_definition_ids List of Role definition ID's for the System Assigned Identity. Omit this to use those located in policy definitions. Ignored when using Managed Identities. Changing this forces a new resource to be created list(string) [] no
skip_remediation Should the module skip creation of a remediation task for policies that DeployIfNotExists and Modify bool false no
skip_role_assignment Should the module skip creation of role assignment for policies that DeployIfNotExists and Modify bool false no


Name Description
definition_reference_ids The Member Definition Reference Ids
definition_references The Member Definition References
id The Policy Assignment Id
principal_id The Principal Id of this Policy Assignment's Managed Identity if type is SystemAssigned
remediation_tasks The Remediation Task Ids and related Policy Definition Ids