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This module depends on populating var.policy_name and var.policy_category to correspond with the respective custom policy definition json file found in the local library. You can also parse in other template files and data sources at runtime, see below for examples and acceptable inputs.

💡 Note: More information on Policy Definition Structure can be found here

💡 Note: Specify the policy_mode variable if you wish to change the mode which defaults to All. Possible values below.


Create a basic Policy Definition from a file located in the module library

module whitelist_regions {
  source                = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/definition"
  policy_name           = "whitelist_regions"
  display_name          = "Allow resources only in whitelisted regions"
  policy_category       = "General"
  management_group_id   =

Loop around a map to quickly create multiple definitions

locals {
  security_center_policies = {
    auto_enroll_subscriptions                              = "Enable Azure Security Center on Subcriptions"
    auto_provision_log_analytics_agent_custom_workspace    = "Enable Security Center's auto provisioning of the Log Analytics agent on your subscriptions with custom workspace"
    auto_set_contact_details                               = "Automatically set the security contact email address and phone number should they be blank on the subscription"
    export_asc_alerts_and_recommendations_to_eventhub      = "Export to Event Hub for Azure Security Center alerts and recommendations"
    export_asc_alerts_and_recommendations_to_log_analytics = "Export to Log Analytics Workspace for Azure Security Center alerts and recommendations"

module "configure_asc" {
  source                = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/definition"
  for_each              = local.security_center_policies
  policy_name           = each.key
  display_name          = title(replace(each.key, "_", " "))
  policy_description    = each.value
  policy_category       = "Security Center"
  management_group_id   =

Use definition files located outside of the module library

module "file_path_test" {
  source              = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/definition"
  file_path           = "../path/to/file/onboard_to_automation_dsc_linux.json"
  management_group_id =

Loop around a folders contents to create multiple definitions:

module "iam_test" {
  source = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/definition"
  for_each = {
    for p in fileset(path.module, "../../azure/governance/policies/Storage/*.json") :
    trimsuffix(basename(p), ".json") => pathexpand(p)
  file_path           = each.value
  management_group_id =

You will also be able to supply object properties at runtime such as:

locals {
  policy_file = jsondecode(file("onboard_to_automation_dsc_linux.json"))

module "parameterised_test" {
  source              = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/definition"
  policy_name         = "Custom Name"
  display_name        = "Custom Display Name"
  policy_description  = "Custom Description"
  policy_category     = "Custom Category"
  policy_version      = "Custom Version"
  management_group_id =

  policy_rule       = (local.policy_file).properties.policyRule
  policy_parameters = (local.policy_file).properties.parameters
  policy_metadata   = (local.policy_file).properties.metadata


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
azurerm >=3.23.0


Name Type
azurerm_policy_definition.def resource


Name Description Type Default Required
display_name Display Name to be used for this policy string "" no
file_path The filepath to the custom policy. Omitting this assumes the policy is located in the module library any null no
management_group_id The management group scope at which the policy will be defined. Defaults to current Subscription if omitted. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string null no
policy_category The category of the policy, when using the module library this should correspond to the correct category folder under /policies/<policy_category> string null no
policy_description Policy definition description string "" no
policy_metadata The metadata for the policy definition. This is a JSON object representing additional metadata that should be stored with the policy definition. Omitting this will fallback to meta in the definition or merge var.policy_category and var.policy_version any null no
policy_mode Specify which Resource Provider modes will be evaluated, defaults to All. Possible values are All, Indexed, Microsoft.Kubernetes.Data, Microsoft.KeyVault.Data or Microsoft.Network.Data string null no
policy_name Name to be used for this policy, when using the module library this should correspond to the correct category folder under /policies/policy_category/policy_name. Changing this forces a new resource to be created. string "" no
policy_parameters Parameters for the policy definition. This field is a JSON object representing the parameters of your policy definition. Omitting this assumes the parameters are located in the policy file any null no
policy_rule The policy rule for the policy definition. This is a JSON object representing the rule that contains an if and a then block. Omitting this assumes the rules are located in the policy file any null no
policy_version The version for this policy, if different from the one stored in the definition metadata, defaults to 1.0.0 string null no


Name Description
definition The combined Policy Definition resource node
id The Id of the Policy Definition
metadata The metadata of the Policy Definition
name The name of the Policy Definition
parameters The parameters of the Policy Definition
rules The rules of the Policy Definition