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pip install cohere-haystack


hatch is the best way to interact with this project, to install it:

pip install hatch

With hatch installed, to run all the tests:

hatch run test

Note: integration tests will be skipped unless the env var COHERE_API_KEY is set. The api key needs to be valid in order to pass the tests.

To only run unit tests:

hatch run test -m"not integration"

To only run embedders tests:

hatch run test -m"embedders"

To only run generators tests:

hatch run test -m"generators"

To only run ranker tests:

hatch run test -m"ranker"

Markers can be combined, for example you can run only integration tests for embedders with:

hatch run test -m"integrations and embedders"

To run the linters ruff and mypy:

hatch run lint:all


cohere-haystack is distributed under the terms of the Apache-2.0 license.