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Decision Records

Records of the architectural decisions that affect one or more of our products.

These records could reflect the outcomes of the accepted proposals but they might also reflect ad-hoc decisions or decisions made without going through the RFC process.


  1. Create a new branch on this repository and copy decision-records/ to a new file with the next free number, such as
  2. Modify the template to add detail about the decision.
  3. Include any images etc in a separate directory with the same name as your record (000-my-decision-record) and link to them.
  4. Make a Pull Request (PR) for your branch.
  5. The record will be reviewed. As decision records are documenting a decision that has already been made, any reviews should be focus on ensuring that the documentation is clear and understandable. If you disagree with the decision, you should raise a proposal instead.
  6. Once approved using the Github review system, the PR can be merged.