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This folder contains the drug lists themselves

Folder and file structure

The lists for each drug are contained within a single folder, named after the category of drug, e.g. Benzodiazepines. Within the folder, there are the following files:

  • the drug codes for that medication as found in the CEGEDIM data
  • the drug codes for that medication as found in CPRD AURUM, the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, using EMIS clinical systems
  • the drug codes for that medication as found in CPRD GOLD, the Clinical Practice Research Datalink, using InPS Vision clinical systems
  • the drug codes for that medication as found in IMRD, the Iqvia Medical Research Data
  • the drug codes for that medication as found in UHB, the University Hospitals Birmingham data.

Each file contains the following columns (this information is copied from the CodeBuilder documentation written by Krishna Gokhale)

  • Drug code id: the actual term stored in the drug database that represents the code you are looking for, this might be a number, a short string, or a hexadecimal value
  • Description: the text description of the drug code, this will also include (where available) the drug substance, strength, route of administration etc.
  • BNF1, BNF2:, BNF3: The British National Formulary (BNF) codes from this pseudo-classification are used in the prescribing dataset as a unique identifier to show what was prescribed.
  • ATC: the code for this drug in the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC). The ATC is a drug classification system that classifies the active ingredients of drugs according to the organ or system on which they act and their therapeutic, pharmacological, and chemical properties.
  • Database: the database to which this information applies

How to use