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Releases: OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-library-js


19 Apr 16:37
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v2.0.0-beta.5 Pre-release

Tue, 19 Apr 2022 16:08:56 GMT

Major changes

  • Removed PostMessageChannel return from, added in separate function sendMessageToDialog to make up for missing functionality"
  • Adding isSupported Check and unit test cases
  • Change DeepLinkParameters not to use subEntity* anymore
  • Adding isSupported work for chat and conversations
  • Adding isSupport check for files module

Minor changes

  • Adding in runtime.isLegacy handler for the following deep link capabilities: appInstallDialog, calendar, call.
  • Changed topic parameter name to topicName for executeDeepLink call in chat.ts


  • Moved conversations out of chat sub-capability and into their own top level capability in runtime.ts
  • Add legacy capability support check


13 Apr 22:37
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v2.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release

Wed, 13 Apr 2022 21:40:51 GMT

Major changes

  • legacy.fullTrust.getUserJoinedTeams() has been moved into its own subcapability called joinedTeams and is now legacy.fullTrust.joinedTeams.getUserJoinedTeams().
  • The type PostMessageChannel and sendMessageToParentFromDialog function in dialogs capability have been updated to not take callbacks in.
  • Split chat capability into a private (conversation) and a public (chat) partition
    1. Dialog capability has been split into a main capability (dialog) for supporting HTML-based dialogs and a subcapability for bot based dialogs. For now, dialog capability does not support adaptive card based dialogs,
    2. takes a UrlDialogInfo instead of DialogInfo to enforce only HTML based dialogs,
    3. callback submitHandler takes a single object parameter containing both error and result,
    4. takes one more optional parameter named messageFromChildHandler which is triggered if dialog sends a message to the app,
    5. returns a function that can be used to send messages to the dialog instead of returning a ChildAppWindow,
    6. has the same function signature except it takes BotUrlDialogInfo instead of UrlDialogInfo
  • Moving chat.openConversation and chat.closeConversation into a subcategory chat.conversation. Added in new APIs chat.openChat and chat.openGroupChat as a replacement to open Teams chats with one or more user
  • dialog.resize() function has been moved to a new dialog subcapability and is now dialog.update.resize(). The parameter has been changed to DialogSize type

Minor changes

  • gitmagic additions to 2.0-preview for April 7, 2022. Changes merged in from V1 include: adding surfaceHub to hostClientType interface, added ISpeakingState interface and function registerSpeakingStateChangeHandler to meeting.ts and added appropriate unit tests to meeting.spec.ts"
  • gitmagic additions to 2.0-preview for March 09, 2022. Changes merged in from V1 include removing private tag for sharing, making Menu APIs Public, and adding new features for files API (enum FileDownloadStatus, interface IFileItem, getFileDownloads(), openDownloadFolder())
  • Copied ParentAppWindow functionality into dialog capability. In Dialogs, ParentAppWindow.postMessage becomes dialog.sendMessageToParent(message: any): void. And ParentAppWindow.addEventListener becomes dialog.registerOnMessageFromParent.
  • Renamed conversation to conversations for consistency
  • gitmagic additions to 2.0-preview for March 29, 2022. Changes merged in from V1 include: enabling the following APIs in meeting stage: shareAppContentToStage, getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities, stopSharingAppContentToStage, and getAppContentStageSharingState
  • When hosting app will not understand standard chat requests, send them as deep links.
  • gitmagic additions to 2.0-preview for February 28, 2022. Changes merged in from V1 include stageView implementation and modifying dialog.resize() and dialog.submit() to also work in FrameContexts sidePanel, content, meetingStage, and task rather than just task.


  • Adds office365 Outlook to domain allowlist
  • Update comment for initializePrivateApis() explaining that this function needs to stay for backwards compatibility purposes
  • In appWindow.ts file, ChildAppWindow and ParentAppWindow are converted back to synchronous calls because the promise was never being resolved.
  • promisify stageView
  • Validated media architecture
  • Fixed default back compat host client runtime config to not contain location or people capability since those are not guaranteed to be supported. Added new function to dynamically generate back compat host client runtime config during initialization.
  • Added ensureInitialized call to registerOnMessageFromParent function in dialog.ts and addEventListener function in appWindow.ts
  • Remove the duplicate property of StageLayoutControls type in meetingRoom capability
  • added promisified files.getFileDownloads


01 Mar 20:12
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v2.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

Tue, 01 Mar 2022 19:50:49 GMT

Major changes

  • The API registerFocusEnterHandler has been moved from teamsCore namespace to Pages
  • core.shareDeepLink has been moved to pages.shareDeepLink
  • core.executeDeepLink has been renamed and moved to app.openLink

Minor changes

  • Change the constructor function to make the onRecordingStarted callback mandatory, make onRecordingStopped an optional property that can be passed to the constructor. This is because without the onRecordingStopped, the VideoController doesn't do anything.


  • Source code will now throw errors instead of throwing strings across the repo.
  • null runtimeConfig is no longer allowed during initialization. This will now throw a "Received runtime config is invalid" error.

Release v1.11.0 of the Teams SDK

14 Oct 22:37
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As part of this release, we added following changes

Video APIs for video extensibility (registerForVideoFrame, notifySelectedVideoEffectChanged, registerForVideoEffect)
Sharing APIs (shareWebContent, )
Monetization APIs(openPurchaseExperience)
Meetings APIs(shareAppContentToStage, getAppContentStageSharingCapabilities, stopSharingAppContentToStage, getAppContentStageSharingState)
Private APIs like team(getTeamChannels, refreshSiteUrl).

Release v1.10.0 of the Teams SDK

09 Jun 06:14
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As part of this release, we added following changes

  • Public APIs like appInitialization.notifyExpectedFailure, people (related to people picker)
  • Refactoring on internal communication layer - no breaking changes.
  • Private APIs like appEntity, files, remoteCamera.

Release v1.9.0 of the Teams SDK

29 Jan 22:49
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As part of this release, we added following changes

  • Media APIs (media.scanBarCode) for mobile client
  • MeetingRoom APIs (getIncomingClientAudioState, toggleIncomingClientAudio, getMeetingDetails, getAuthenticationTokenForAnonymousUser, getPairedMeetingRoomInfo, sendCommandToPairedMeetingRoom, registerMeetingRoomCapabilitiesUpdateHandler, registerMeetingRoomStatesUpdateHandler)
  • Support teams app in ''

Release v1.8.0 of the Teams SDK

09 Oct 03:01
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As part of this release, we added following changes

  1. Media APIs (selectMedia, viewImages, media.Media.getMedia) for mobile client
  2. Location APIs (location.getLocation, location.showLocation)
  3. Moved existing Media APIs under media namespace
  4. Left rail integration APIs(registerAppButtonClickHandler, registerAppButtonHoverEnterHandler, registerAppButtonHoverLeaveHandler) - SharePoint is working on integrating with these APIs.

Release v1.7.0 of the Teams SDK

08 Jul 01:52
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As part of this release, we added following changes

  1. Allow camera Image API integration in mobile client.
  2. Expose frameContent and meetingId - which will be use by Apps in meeting experiences.
  3. Expose localeInfo as part of context API - which will be use by apps to respect OS date & time format settings.
  4. This change adds a couple of new parameters to the getAuthToken call:
  • claims - an optional list of claims which to pass to AAD when requesting the access token; used for SSM/LLT support
  • silent - an optional flag indicating whether to attempt the token acquisition silently or allow a prompt to be shown
    It also makes the getAuthToken API public since it's now supported for 3P apps as well.

Release v1.6.0 of the Teams SDK

22 Jan 23:47
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Changes include
adding few Private APIs (registerCustomHandler, sendCustomEvent)

Release v1.5.2 of the Teams SDK

25 Sep 23:44
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Changes include to support as valid domain