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Releases: NREL/api-umbrella

0.10.0 / 2015-12-15

16 Dec 03:57
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This is a small update that fixes a few bugs and adds a couple small new features.

Download 0.10.0 Packages

Upgrade Instructions

If you're upgrading a previous API Umbrella version, you may upgrade the api-umbrella using your package manager.


  • Make additional fields visible in the admin analytics: The HTTP referer, Origin header, user agent family, and user agent type fields are now visible in analytics views for individual requests. (#201)
  • Show version number in admin: In the admin footer, the current API Umbrella version number is now displayed. (#169)


  • Fixes to packages: Various fixes and improvements to the .rpm and .deb packages to allow for easier package upgrades. (#200)
  • Fix CSV downloads of admin analytics reports: The CSV downloads of the Filter Logs results in the analytics admin was broken in the v0.9 release (
  • Fix admin issues with admin groups and roles: Admin groups management and role auto-completion were both broken in the v0.9 release (
  • Better service start/stop error handling: Better error messages if the trying to start the service when already started or stop the service when already stopped. (#203)

0.9.0 / 2015-11-27

28 Nov 03:24
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This is a significant upgrade to API Umbrella's internals, but should be backwards compatible with previous installations. It should be faster, more efficient, and more resilient, so upgrading is recommended.

Download 0.9.0 Packages

Upgrade Instructions

If you're upgrading a previous API Umbrella version, you must first stop API Umbrella manually (sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella stop) before installing the new package.


  • Internal rewrite: The core API Umbrella proxy functionality has been rewritten in Lua embedded inside nginx. This simplifies the codebase, brings better performance, and reduces system requirements. (See #86 and #183)
  • Improved analytics logging: Analytics logging is now faster. If a backlog occurs in logging requests, memory usage no longer grows. (See
  • Resiliency: API Umbrella caches some data locally so it can continue to operate even if the databases behind the scenes temporarily fail. (See #183)
  • CLI improvements: The api-umbrella CLI tool should be better behaved at starting and stopping all the processes as expected. Reloads should always pickup config file changes (See #183 and
  • Packaging improvements: Binary packages are now available via apt or yum repos for easier installation (See #183)
  • DNS and keep-alive improvements: How API Umbrella detects DNS changes in backend hosts has been simplified and improved. This should allow for better keep-alive connection support. (See #183)

Everything Else

  • Fix bug causing 404s after publishing API backends: If a default host was not set, publishing new API backends could make the admin inaccessible. (See #192 and #193)
  • Add concept of API key accounts with verified e-mail addresses: APIs can now choose to restrict access to only API keys that have verified e-mail addresses. (See
  • Fix initial admin accounts missing API token: The initial superuser accounts created via the config file did not have a token for making admin API requests. (See #95 and #135)
  • Support wildcard frontend/backend hostnames: API Backends can be configured with wildcard hostnames. (See
  • Allow admins to view full API keys: Superuser admin accounts can now view full API keys in the admin tool. (See
  • Log why API Umbrella rejects requests in the analytics: In the analytics screens, now you can see why API Umbrella rejected a request (for example, over rate limit, invalid API key, etc). (See
  • Add missing delete actions to admin items: Add the ability to delete admins, admin groups, api scopes, and website backends. (See #134 and #152)
  • Fix bug when invalid YAML entered into backend config: If invalid YAML was entered into the API backend config, it could cause the API to go down. (See #153)
  • Add CSV download for all admin accounts: The entire list of admin accounts can be downloaded in a CSV. (See
  • Per domain rate limits: If API Umbrella is serving multiple domains, it now defaults to keeping rate limits for each domain separate. (See api-umbrella-gatekeeper#19)
  • Allow for longer hostnames: Longer hostnames can now be used with API frontends. (See #168)
  • Fix API Drilldown not respecting time zone: In the analytics system, the API Drilldown chart wasn't using the user's timezone like the other analytics charts. (See
  • Add optional LDAP authentication for admin: The admin can now be configured to use LDAP. (See #131)
  • Allow for system-wide IP or user agent blocks: IPs or user agents can now be configured to be blocked at the server level. (See
  • Allow for system-wide redirects: HTTP redirects can now be configured at the server level. (See
  • Log metadata about registration origins: If the signup form is being used across different domains, the origin of the signup is now logged. (See
  • Fix handling of unexpected format param: If the format was of an unexpected type, it could cause issues when returning an error response. (See
  • Fix handling of unexpected Authorization header: If the Authorization header was of an unexpected type, it could cause the request to fail. (See
  • Fix null selector options in analytics query builder: In the analytics query builder, the "is null" or "is not null" options did not work properly. (See
  • Analytics views now default to exclude over rate limit requests: In the analytics screens, over rate limit requests are no longer displayed by default (but can still be viewed if needed). (See
  • Fix admin account creation in Firefox: Creating new admin accounts was not functioning in Firefox. (See
  • Allow for response caching when Authorization header is passed: If the Authorization header is part of the API backend configuration, caching of these responses is now allowed. (See
  • Allow for easier customization of contact URLs: Custom contact URLs are now easier to set for individual API backends (See

0.8.0 / 2015-04-19

20 Apr 03:27
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This update fixes a couple of security issues and a few important bugs. It's highly recommended anyone running earlier versions upgrade to v0.8.0.

Download 0.8.0 Packages

Upgrade Instructions

If you're upgrading a previous API Umbrella version, you must first stop API Umbrella manually (sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella stop) before installing the new package.


  • Fix cross-site-scripting vulnerability: In the admin, there was a possibility of a cross-site-scripting vulnerability. (See
  • Make it easier to route to new website pages: Any non-API request will be routed to the website backend, making it easier to manage your public website content. In addition, different website content can now be served up for different hostnames. (See and #69)
  • New analytics querying interface: The new interface for querying the analytics allows you to filter your analytics using drop down menus and form fields. This should be much easier to use than the raw Lucene queries we previously relied on. (See #15 and
  • Add ability to set API response headers: This feature can be used to set headers on the API responses, which can be used to force CORS headers with API Umbrella. (See #81 and
  • Add feature to specify HTTPS requirements: This feature can be used force HTTPS usage to access your APIs and can also be used to help transition new users to HTTPS-only. (See
  • Allow for better customization of the API key signup confirmation e-mail: The contents for the API key signup e-mail can now be better tailored for different sites. (See
  • Fix file descriptor leak: This could lead to an outage by exhausting your systems maximum number of file descriptors for setups with lots of API backends using domains with short-lived TTLs. (See

Everything Else

  • Fix possibility of very brief 503 errors: For setups with lots of API backends using domains with short-lived TTLs, there was a possibility of rare 503 errors when DNS changes were being reloaded. (See
  • Fix server log rotation issues: There were a few issues present with a default installation that prevented log files from rotating properly, and may have wiped previous log files each night. This should now be resolved. (See
  • Fix couple of edge-cases where custom rate limits weren't applied: There were a couple of edge-cases in how API backends and users were configured that could lead to rate limits being ignored. (See #127,,
  • Fix situations where analytics may have not been logged for specific queries: If a URL contained UTF-8 character or if a query parameter contained a date or time, there were certain situations where that request would fail to be logged in the analytics database. (See and
  • Fix proxy transforming backslashes into forward slashes in the URL: If a URL contained a backslash character, it may have been transformed into a forward slash when the API backend received the request. (See
  • Gracefully handle MongoDB replicaset changes: API Umbrella should continue to serve requests with no downtime if the MongoDB primary server changes. (See
  • Add registration source information to admin user list: The user registration source is now shown in the user listing and can also be searched by the free-from search field. (See
  • Fix broken pagination on the admin list of API backends: The list of API backends didn't properly handle pagination when more than 50 backends were present. (See
  • Fixes to URL encoding for advanced request rewriting: If you were doing complex URL rewriting with "Route Pattern" rewrites under the Advanced Request Rewriting section, this fixes a variety of URL encoding issues.
  • Reduce duplicative nginx reloads for DNS changes: If your system has several API backends with domains that have short-lived TTLs, there were a couple race conditions that could lead to nginx reloading twice on DNS changes. This is now fixed so the unnecessary, duplicate reload commands are gone. (See
  • Fix incorrectly logging HTTPS requests as HTTP: API Umbrella v0.7 introduced a bug the led to HTTPS requests being logged as HTTP requests in the analytics database. (See
  • Fix analytics charts during daylight saving time: During daylight saving time, the daily analytics charts in the admin may have contained an extra duplicate day with 0 results. (See
  • Prevent all URL prefixes from being removed from API backends: In the admin, it was possible to remove all URL prefixes from an API backend's configuration, leaving it in an invalid state (See
  • Improve compatibility of install on systems with other Rubies present: If you're installing API Umbrella on a system that already had something like rbenv/rvm/chruby installed, this should should fix some compatibility issues.
  • Build process improvements: Various improvements to our build process for packaging new binary releases.
  • Upgrade bundled dependencies:
    • Bundler 1.7.12 -> 1.7.14
    • ElasticSearch 1.4.2 -> 1.5.1
    • MongoDB 2.6.7 -> 2.6.9
    • nginx 1.7.9 -> 1.7.10
    • ngx_headers_more 0.25 -> 0.26
    • ngx_txid a41a705 -> f1c197c
    • Node.js 0.10.36 -> 0.10.38
    • OpenSSL 1.0.1l -> 1.0.1m
    • Ruby 2.1.5 -> 2.1.6
    • RubyGems 2.4.5 -> 2.4.6
    • Varnish 4.0.2 -> 4.0.3

Package Downloads

Package MD5 Checksum
debian/7/api-umbrella_0.8.0-1_amd64.deb c367629800eaa245ba7e3ed767216107
el/6/api-umbrella-0.8.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm 3ec3a2f6d57cb3e05fa5d4d7284cb387
el/7/api-umbrella-0.8.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm 2cb3bdccfb665468b2953b496a2b1bd1
ubuntu/12.04/api-umbrella_0.8.0-1_amd64.deb 32bf11f84ab567dd9f42b2113615fe58
ubuntu/14.04/api-umbrella_0.8.0-1_amd64.deb c0d7e8bcba7a0214a2a3658b6a5d91c2

0.7.1 / 2015-02-11

27 Mar 23:25
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This update fixes a couple of important bugs that were discovered shortly after rolling out the v0.7.0 release. It's highly recommended anyone running v0.7.0 upgrade to v0.7.1.

Download 0.7.1 Packages

Upgrade Instructions

If you're upgrading a previous API Umbrella version, you must first stop API Umbrella manually (sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella stop) before installing the new package.


  • Fix 502 Bad Gateway errors for newly published API backends. Due to the DNS changes introduced in v0.7.0, newly published API backends may have not have properly resolved and passed traffic to the backend servers. (See #107)
  • Fix broken admin for non-English web browsers. The translations we introduced in v0.7.0 should actually now work (whoops!). (See #103)
  • Cut down on unnecessary DNS changes triggering reloads.
  • Adjust internal API Umbrella logging to reduce error and warning log messages for expected events.
  • Disables Groovy scripting in default ElasticSearch setup due to CVE-2015-1427.

Package Downloads

Package MD5 Checksum
debian/7/api-umbrella_0.7.1-1_amd64.deb 1b779bb381d4a080a194c164eae61563
el/6/api-umbrella-0.7.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm edf19b386a636e231643e75853cc6d65
el/7/api-umbrella-0.7.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm 71f8eda9e4b2fd2fde5f1504e8712fa0
ubuntu/12.04/api-umbrella_0.7.1-1_amd64.deb 59ee51ac0d17553dc9a1ddd69cb61f6a
ubuntu/14.04/api-umbrella_0.7.1-1_amd64.deb e74fc9d7a88f0a49cc696ff766dd15dc

0.7.0 / 2015-02-08

27 Mar 23:25
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Download 0.7.0 Packages

Upgrade Instructions

If you're upgrading from API Umbrella v0.6.0, you must first stop API Umbrella manually (sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella stop) before installing the new package.


  • Admin UI Improvements: Lots of tweaks and fixes have been made to the various parts of the admin to make it easier to use. There are better defaults, better notifications, and a lot more error validations to make it easier to manage API backends and users. (Related:,, #49)
  • Improved DNS handling for API backends: Fixes edge-case scenarios where DNS lookups may have not refreshed too quickly for backend API domain names with short TTLs (typically affecting API backends hosted behind Heroku, Akamai, or an Amazon Elastic Load Balancer). In certain rare cases, this could have temporarily taken down an API. (Related:
  • Improved analytics gathering: Fixes edge-case scenarios where analytics logs may have not been gathered. Request logs should also now show up in the admin analytics more quickly (within a few seconds). (Related: #37,,
  • Improved server startup: Lots of fixes for various startup issues that should make starting API Umbrella more reliable on all platforms. API Umbrella v0.6 was our first package release across multiple platforms, so thanks to everyone in the community for reporting issues, and apologies if things were a bit bumpy. Hopefully v0.7 should be a bit easier to get running for everyone, but please let us know if not. (Related: #42, #89, #92, #100
  • Dyanmic HTTP header rewriting: Thanks to @darylrobbins for this new feature, you can now perform more complex header rewriting by referencing existing header values during the HTTP header rewriting phase. (Related: #96, api-umbrella-gatekeeper#7)
  • Admin Internationalization: We've begun work to allow the admin interface to be translated into other languages. This is still incomplete, but the main admin menus and a good portion of the API Backends screen should now be available in Finnish, French, Italian, and Russian (with some translations started in German and Spanish too). Many thanks to @perfaram, @kyyberi, Vesa Härkönen, vpilo, and enizev! (Related: #60)

Everything Else

  • Fix analytics CSV downloads. (Related:
  • Fix default API key signup form in IE8-9. (Related
  • Give a better error message to restricted admins when they try to create an API outside of their permission scope. (Related:
  • Improve the admin UI for publishing backend changes to provide more sane checkbox defaults. (Related:
  • Treat admin logins case insensitively. (Related
  • Fix bugs preventing the GitHub OAuth based logins for admins from working. (Related: #46, #88)
  • Fix limited admin account not having privileges to assign the special "api-umbrella-key-creator" role. (Related:
  • Fix analytics permissions for restricted admins for API paths containing uppercase characters. (Related:
  • Fix admin permissions for API backends with multiple URL prefixes. (Related:
  • Increase the default number of concurrent HTTP connections the various processes can accept.
  • Fix inability to unset referrer or IP restrictions on user accounts once set. (Related #97,
  • Fix issues surrounding default log rotation setup
  • Retry connections to MongoDB in the event of MongoDB disconnects.
  • Add the ability to selectively reload API Umbrella components via the api-umbrella reload command.
  • Add a deployment process for deploying non-packaged updates for API Umbrella components directly from git. (Related:,, #99)
  • Upgrade bundled dependencies
    • Bundler 1.7.4 -> 1.7.12
    • ElasticSearch 1.3.4 -> 1.4.2
    • MongoDB 2.6.5 -> 2.6.7
    • nginx 1.7.6 -> 1.7.9
    • Node.js 0.10.33 -> 0.10.36
    • OpenSSL 1.0.1j -> 1.0.1l
    • Redis 2.8.17 -> 2.8.19
    • Ruby 2.1.3 -> 2.1.5
    • RubyGems 2.4.2 -> 2.4.5
    • Ruby on Rails 3.2.19 -> 3.2.21
    • Supervisor 3.1.2 -> 3.1.3

Package Downloads

Package MD5 Checksum
debian/7/api-umbrella_0.7.0-1_amd64.deb 09f2ee9cd412f00a1c2eeca772818f11
el/6/api-umbrella-0.7.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm aabf7ad8d05472c335dc3b33ab3e5fb3
el/7/api-umbrella-0.7.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm e61d542e83b8435f75a3f2c4965d5c75
ubuntu/12.04/api-umbrella_0.7.0-1_amd64.deb cba7e7c0714653a17815e64e1b910fa9
ubuntu/14.04/api-umbrella_0.7.0-1_amd64.deb f755e042855f247122b779f8f1141511

0.6.0 / 2014-10-27

27 Mar 23:24
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  • Initial package releases for CentOS, Debian, and Ubuntu.

Package Downloads

Package MD5 Checksum
debian/7/api-umbrella_0.6.0-1_amd64.deb d45e18136b91c3ca18aad0dc571a6f9e
el/6/api-umbrella-0.6.0-1.el6.x86_64.rpm 5248d4ae8f2c9702f2a39bb26590c54d
el/7/api-umbrella-0.6.0-1.el7.x86_64.rpm 346ec96a24cb9584ed29321dbd8688ba
ubuntu/12.04/api-umbrella_0.6.0-1_amd64.deb f8b383813af6201f74cefc966f78f56c
ubuntu/14.04/api-umbrella_0.6.0-1_amd64.deb 91463f425ae417eece500e4fceaa8896