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Releases: NREL/OpenStudio

OpenStudio v1.2.3

10 Feb 23:36
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OpenStudio v1.2.3 Pre-release
Fix for bug which resulted in losing building level schedule sets in …

…transition between 1.2.2 and 1.2.3

OpenStudio v1.2.2

27 Jan 17:33
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OpenStudio v1.2.2 Pre-release
Adding Kyle's two bugfixes


OpenStudio v1.2.1

13 Jan 23:03
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OpenStudio v1.2.1 Pre-release
Merge pull request #786 from NREL/59994516_PluginDoors

I think this fixes the last issue, but now seeing issues that occur with. Thanks, I must have missed that.

OpenStudio v1.2.0

20 Dec 20:41
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These release notes describe version 1.2.0 of the OpenStudio software suite developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Buildings and Thermal Systems, Commercial Buildings Research Group, Tools Development Section, and associated collaborators. The notes are organized into the following sections:

  • Where to Find OpenStudio Documentation
  • Installation Notes
  • Overview
  • New Features
  • Known Issues

Where to Find OpenStudio Documentation

Installation Notes

OpenStudio is supported on Windows XP – 8.1, OS X 10.8 – 10.9, and Ubuntu 12.04.

Installation Steps

Optional Installation Steps

  • For Radiance integration, download and install Radiance.
  • If you plan to use the OpenStudio SDK Ruby bindings via command prompt on Windows, download and extract to C:\Ruby (or other desired location), and add C:\Ruby\bin to the PATH environment variable.


OpenStudio 1.2.0 implements entirely new results visualization. Modelers and developers can create custom reporting measures that show up directly in the OpenStudio application’s results tab. These reporting measures can be shared on the Building Component Library and downloaded directly into the OpenStudio application. This release also features a number of important contributions from external collaborators:

  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory added back-end functionality for the modeling of refrigeration systems.
  • Penn State University added translation to CONTAM input files.
  • Argonne National Laboratory implemented a fast CEN/ISO monthly building energy model calculation.

Also, several new HVAC objects were added, and the initial refrigeration GUI was created within the OpenStudio application’s HVAC systems tab.

New Features

OpenStudio Platform 1.2.0

  • Implementation of a fast CEN/ISO monthly building energy model calculation – Contributed by Argonne National Laboratory. See the OpenStudio’s Contributors page.
  • Translation of OpenStudio Model to CONTAM input file – Contributed by Penn State University. See the OpenStudio’s Contributors page.
  • New methods for intersection of adjacent surfaces.
  • Improved Standards Data Dictionary (SDD) translation for the California Energy Commission’s CBECC tool.
  • Addition of model objects needed for refrigeration systems – Contributed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. See the OpenStudio’s Contributors page.
  • Added HVAC objects from the OpenStudio’s HVAC roadmap.

OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in 1.2.0

  • Improved general performance, stability, and usability.
  • Continued to develop experimental user script to convert SketchUp groups to OpenStudio spaces.

OpenStudio Application 1.2.0

  • Added user-customizable plotting in reporting measures. Reporting measures, introduced in a previous version, have access to the OpenStudio model, the IDF file, and the resulting EnergyPlus SQL results. If a reporting measure creates an html file it will be viewable via a pull-down menu in the OpenStudio application results tab. The two examples that come with OpenStudio use the D3 library to create graphs. More reporting measures will be added to the BCL and accessible directly within the OpenStudio application.
  • Added refrigeration systems to the HVAC Systems tab. This work will continue to develop in our next release.

OpenStudio ParametricAnalysisTool 1.2.0

  • Improved general performance, stability, and usability.

OpenStudio RunManager 1.2.0

  • No changes.

OpenStudio ResultsViewer 1.2.0

  • No changes.

OpenStudio Ruby Bindings 1.2.0

  • No changes.

OpenStudio C# Bindings 1.2.0

  • No changes.

OpenStudio Python Bindings 1.2.0

  • No changes.
  • Python bindings are not packaged with OpenStudio. To use them see our developer page for guidance on building OpenStudio.

OpenStudio JavaScript V8 Bindings 1.2.0

  • No changes.
  • JavaScript bindings are not packaged with OpenStudio. To use them see our developer page for guidance on building OpenStudio.

Known Issues

The following are issues known at the time of publication of these release notes. Please contact if you require further assistance.

Known Issues Common to All Platforms

OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in

  • If you use copy multiple on group-level OpenStudio objects, you will get one extra copy. The extra group is created by the first copy-and-paste operation and is not removed when the copy multiple occurs. To address this, after you perform a copy multiple procedure on groups or spaces, press delete. The objects you need to delete should already be selected. If you are copying loose surfaces such as windows, there are no problems, as SketchUp will merge equivalent surfaces. [issue #28]
  • Using SketchUp's undo operation on OpenStudio model elements may produce unexpected results. [issues #54 and #150]
  • SKP and OSM link is not maintained when files are relocated. You can manually re-establish that link. When opening a SketchUp file Launch SketchUp and then Open the SketchUp file. If that doesn't work you can also directly load the OSM file, bypassing the SKP file. [issue #409]
  • It is possible for the OpenStudio Plug-in to conflict with other SketchUp plug-ins. If you suspect this is a problem, try testing with other plug-ins disabled, or contact for assistance. [issue #26]
  • Using "Intersect" in the surface matching dialog can result in a crash or unexpected result. This is more common with models that were imported from other CAD formats at some point in the workflow. It is a good idea to save prior to using this to avoid any loss of data. This is related to an underlying SketchUp bug. [issue #168]
  • "Project Loose Geometry" can crash SketchUp. It is a good idea to save prior to using this to avoid any loss of data. [issue #484]
  • Adjacent stacked spaces in same zones may result in incorrect area and likely loads as well. [issue #561]

If your OpenStudio model crashes SketchUp or has unexpected behavior please forward it to with a description of the problem. Please also include the directory that has the same name as the OSM file. You can attach it as a zip file.

OpenStudio Application

  • The Annual CV (RMSE) and NMBE numbers in Calibration report do not change color if they fail Calibration method (FEMP vs. ASHRAE) limits. [issue #740]
  • Similar thermostats assigned in the SketchUp Plug-in are shared across thermal zones in the OpenStudio application. Changing or turning off one will do the same to others. [issue #123]
  • The view does not always refresh correctly when you delete a material from a construction. If you still see a material after clicking the “x”, switch away from and back to the object to refresh the view. [issue #196]
  • Some pull-down lists in simulation settings don't work. [issue #496]
  • OS App Schedule Editor lets me enter values outside of type limits. [issue #531]
  • All drop zones under Water Use Equipment Definitions doesn't enforce schedule types. [issue #532]
  • Removing CoilHeatingWater objects can result in orphaned hot water coils. [issue #594]
  • Some HVAC components in OpenStudio are missing from the HVAC Library (e.g. Fan:OnOff). [issue #599]
  • Many objects in OpenStudio still appear to accept bad input values, but seems like it is just displaying the bad value and not storing it. [issue #656]
  • Attempting to autosize a WaterHeater will result in an error. [issue #669]
  • Entering an invalid date on the Utility Bills subtab crashes OpenStudio. [issue #739]
  • To enable set point schedule drop zones on the Thermal Zones tab, you need to first turn on the thermostat.
  • The Site / Utility Rates subtab the workflow are marked as “coming soon,” and will be completed in an upcoming release of OpenStudio.
  • The default reporting measures used for the results tab show results in IP units, and do not react to changes in the user’s unit preferences. That will be addressed in future versions of OpenStudio. The measure can be altered to show SI units instead.
  • Due to the change in the results tab in OpenStudio 1.2.0, if you open an OSM model made with an earlier version of OpenStudio, you will have to re-run the simulation to see results within the OpenStudio application. ...
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OpenStudio v1.1.3

04 Dec 17:47
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OpenStudio v1.1.3 Pre-release
Merge remote-tracking branch 'remotes/origin/61562032_SDDDaylighting'…

… into develop

OpenStudio v1.1.2

25 Nov 15:30
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OpenStudio v1.1.2 Pre-release
Temporarily disabling c1.xlarge worker node

OpenStudio v1.1.1

05 Nov 21:38
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OpenStudio v1.1.1 Pre-release
Merge branch 'develop' into 20131021_ETH_BugFixes

OpenStudio v1.1.0

22 Oct 15:34
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These release notes describe version 1.1.0 of the OpenStudio software suite developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Buildings and Thermal Systems, Commercial Buildings Research Group, Tools Development Section, and associated collaborators. The notes are organized into the following sections:

  • Where to Find OpenStudio Documentation
  • Installation Notes
  • Overview
  • New Features
  • Known Issues

Where to Find OpenStudio Documentation

Installation Notes

OpenStudio is supported on Windows XP – 8.1, OS X 10.7 – 10.8, and Ubuntu 12.04.

Installation Steps

Optional Installation Steps

  • For Radiance integration, download and install Radiance.
  • If you plan to use the OpenStudio SDK Ruby bindings via command prompt on Windows, download and extract to C:\Ruby (or other desired location), and add C:\Ruby\bin to the PATH environment variable.


OpenStudio 1.1.0 adds support for manual calibration of simulation results from monthly utility data. A new reporting measure type was introduced that has access to input data and simulation results that can be used to create custom reports and to perform automated quality control checks. Another major new feature is simulation using cloud computing resources through Amazon EC2. Users first set up an account with Amazon and link it to OpenStudio. The ParametricAnalysisTool (PAT) can then be used to run simulations locally or on Amazon EC2. This feature is still under active development to improve process connection and performance, and users are strongly urged to carefully review all disclaimer text and provided EC2 monitor web links in the cloud configuration dialogs. This version of OpenStudio also adds support for EnergyPlus 8.0 along with a number of new HVAC components.

New Features

OpenStudio Platform 1.1.0

  • Added support for EnergyPlus 8.0.
  • Added a new calibration feature that compares monthly utility data to simulation results. Users should use an actual meteorological year (AMY) weather file for best results.
  • Added support for reporting measures that can process model inputs and simulation outputs as part of a workflow.
  • Added back-end support for parallel simulation using Vagrant and Amazon EC2 instances. This feature is still under active development to improve performance and stability of distributed computing resources. Simulations in PAT may still be run locally as well.

OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in 1.1.0

  • Improved general performance, stability, and usability.
  • Added shading controls for sub-surfaces.
  • Added experimental user script to convert SketchUp groups to OpenStudio spaces.

OpenStudio Application 1.1.0

  • Improved general performance, stability, and usability.
  • Added Utility Bills Sub-tab in support of new calibration feature.
  • New HVAC Components (Contributed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    • GroundHeatExchangerVertical - Enables support for ground source heat pumps EvaporativeFluidCoolerSingleSpeed.
    • AirTerminalSingleDuctVAVNoReheat
    • AirTerminalSingleDuctConstantVolumeReheat
  • New HVAC Components (Contributed by Group 14)
    • In-slab radiant heating/cooling, including water and electric resistance.
    • Chilled beams, both passive and active.
  • Simplified measures library to show OpenStudio, EnergyPlus, and new Reporting measures side by side.
  • Added calibration view to Results tab to view utility data side by side with simulation results.

OpenStudio ParametricAnalysisTool 1.1.0

  • Simplified measures library to show OpenStudio, EnergyPlus, and new Reporting measures side by side.
  • Added several additional Energy Conservation Measures to the Building Component Library, accessible through PAT and the OpenStudio application.
  • Added Cloud Settings, Cloud Monitor, and a diagnostic dialog in support of simulations using the Amazon EC2 cloud computing service. Once the user creates an Amazon account and links to it from OpenStudio, OpenStudio can provision and distribute simulations across a user-selected number of EC2 instances.
  • The Run tab was redesigned in support of simulations using cloud computing services. This includes a number of new interface elements and characteristics described below.
    • A cloud status button to display and alter the cloud state.
    • Design alternatives can now be selected and deselected for simulation. This can be accomplished by clicking on them individually, or by using the “Select All” and “Clear Selection” buttons. Previously there was no selection mechanism, and all design alternatives had to be run.
    • When a cloud instance is running, there is a new column to choose which design alternatives’ detailed simulation results should be downloaded upon completion. You can select these individually or select all, being mindful that simulation results can be quite large.
    • There is similar functionality to individually or globally clear simulation results.
  • A button to download the highlighted design alternatives’ detailed simulation results was added to the Results tab.

OpenStudio RunManager 1.1.0

  • No changes.

OpenStudio ResultsViewer 1.1.0

  • No changes.

OpenStudio Ruby Bindings 1.1.0

  • No changes.

OpenStudio C# Bindings 1.1.0

  • No changes.

OpenStudio Python Bindings 1.1.0

  • No changes.
  • Python bindings are not packaged with OpenStudio. To use them see our developer page for guidance on building OpenStudio.

OpenStudio JavaScript V8 Bindings 1.1.0

  • No changes.
  • JavaScript bindings are not packaged with OpenStudio. To use them see our developer page for guidance on building OpenStudio.

Known Issues

The following are issues known at the time of publication of these release notes. Please contact if you require further assistance.

Known Issues Common to All Platforms

OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in

  • If you use copy multiple on group-level OpenStudio objects, you will get one extra copy. The extra group is created by the first copy-and-paste operation and is not removed when the copy multiple occurs. To address this, after you perform a copy multiple procedure on groups or spaces, press delete. The objects you need to delete should already be selected. If you are copying loose surfaces such as windows, there are no problems, as SketchUp will merge equivalent surfaces. [issue #28]
  • Using SketchUp's undo operation on OpenStudio model elements may produce unexpected results. [issues #54 and #150]
  • SKP and OSM link is not maintained when files are relocated. You can manually re-establish that link. When opening a SketchUp file Launch SketchUp and then Open the SketchUp file. If that doesn't work you can also directly load the OSM file, bypassing the SKP file. [issue #409]
  • It is possible for the OpenStudio Plug-in to conflict with other SketchUp plug-ins. If you suspect this is a problem, try testing with other plug-ins disabled, or contact for assistance. [issue #26]
  • Importing Constructions and Import Schedules from the OpenStudio SketchUp Plug-in are broken, but you can load an OSM file as library in the OpenStudio application and then selectively drag specific objects into your model. [issue #201]
  • Using "Intersect" in the surface matching dialog can result in a crash or unexpected result. This is more common with models that were imported from other CAD formats at some point in the workflow. It is a good idea to save prior to using this to avoid any loss of data. This is related to an underlying SketchUp bug. [issue #168]
  • "Project Loose Geometry" can crash SketchUp. It is a good idea to save prior to using this to avoid any loss of data. [issue #484]
  • If your OpenStudio model crashes SketchUp or has unexpected behavior please forward it to with a description of the problem. Please also include the directory that has the same name as the OSM file. You can attach it as a zip file.

OpenStudio Application

  • When going to the Site / Utility Bills subtab after setting up the prerequisite objects you will see an object that can't be edited. That isn't a real object. To add your first object switch away from the "Electric Utility Bill" category at the left, and then click the green "+" to create a new object. [issue #577]
  • The Site / Utility Rates subtab the workflow are marked as "coming soon," and will be completed in an upcoming release of OpenStudio.
  • To enable set point schedule drop zones on the Therma...
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OpenStudio v1.0.7

08 Oct 22:14
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OpenStudio v1.0.7 Pre-release
Merge branch 'develop' of into dev…


OpenStudio v1.0.6

26 Sep 16:24
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OpenStudio v1.0.6 Pre-release
Fix scan depth. This bug was caused by the re-write of ToolFinder.cpp

@axelstudios this fixes both the installed and debug builds on my tests

@rpg777 While I was in there, I also now ignore ruby provided by DAYSIM, solving some support issues for you.