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Ilya Akkuzin gr3yknigh1
just curious

AVsoft ( Moscow

Georgi Zhelyazkov gzhelyaz

Prague, Czech Republic

Yzaac Olivier Jonathan Bakker Izaba0
Student of tax law and philosophy at EUR


Esteban RD eruizpy
DevOps | Software Engineer SR | OHM | SS7 Sec Research | C/C++

@cyb3r-ops @nextcloud @proyectosbeta Asuncion, Paraguay

Zolf Reverend-Zolf
Software Exorcist
Ryan Dlugosz rdlugosz
Rails developer who spent time in the Java trenches

Back Cove Software Cincinnati, OH

Autodidacta con ganas de aprender, hoy día retomo. Aprendiz - Python - HTML - CSS -Ciberseguridad; Quiero aportar de alguna forma en el futuro.
Harrison Parkes hazzery

University of Canterbury

A. van Dijk ArendvanDijk

Netherlands, Rotterdam

Pukar Bhandari ar-puuk
I am a Transportation Analyst at Metro Analytics and I am interested in Geospatial Data Analytics, particularly in land use and transportation.

Metro Analytics Atlanta, GA

rukh rukh-debug
hello world!


PK wfkpk


FMSmedia Activeleds
Application and Technical Engineering

Faith Management Solutions Inc Chicago

Max Dettmann Cradac
I'm a Computer Science Graduate from Germany and a Cyberpunk and Synthwave enthusiast.

T-Systems Germany

Voncloft voncloft
A Linux from scratch enthusiast. I use KDE 5 in LFS


Dante Zulli DanteZulli
¡Hola! Me llamo Dante. Nací el 8 de abril del 2004. Actualmente, soy estudiante en la Universidad Nacional de Lanús, en la carrera de Sistemas.

Provincia Seguros S.A Temperley, Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

treecko treecko16
Budding professional with the capability to quickly understand and improve complex systems. Seeking an entry-level position in computer engineering.
Matt Provost BSFishy


Álan Cruz alanmugiwara
I'm new in programing and now I'm learning and want to share my experience!

SMIT - Prefeitura SP São Paulo, Brazil

Caleb caleb438
I'm an aspiring programmer with great interest in cybersecurity and python.
Rishi Josan rishijosan

Stony Brook University United States

Tom Ternquist tternquist
Senior Principal Consultant @marklogic.

@MarkLogic New York, NY